0:22 Kerry Vanderberg

I'm hoping that the Disney plus shows will kind of fill in the gap during the waiting times in between the films. While I liked having Agents of SHIELD and the Netflix shows, their lower budgets and distancing of themselves from the MCU made the wait in between films tougher. Even though they won't be in theatres, do you think the Disney Plus shows will feel like a "cinematic" experience themselves in terms of the storytelling and production value of the shows?

2:01 Jordan Bentley

Hey Sean, I understand that as the MCU grows, it will be more difficult to avoid plotholes. One that kind of bothered me from Endgame was when Loki got the Tesseract, he immediately used it to make a portal to get away, although we hadn't seen anyone (with the exception of Red Skull) open a portal with it. If he knew it could open portals the entire time, why wouldn't he have used it to save Asgard from Thanos at the beginning of Infinity War? Thanks as always!

3:39 Giuseppe Vicaretti

There's speculation going around (I saw this on slashfilm.com) that Rachel Weisz and Florence Pugh are both playing as Black Widow. What are thoughts on these rumors?

4:37 Anthony Lawrey

Would you rather see an orange The Thing (more Michael Chiklis) or more of a reddish The Thing (more Jamie Bell) in the MCU?

5:14 Linc

Assuming the 5x series we have in phase 4 are a success, but wouldn't be made into multiple series (but with What If...? being the obvious possible exception), what are the next 4 series would you like to see introduced in phase 5?

7:48 Mookie Johnson

I've watched Far From Home multiple times and I can't shake the feeling that Marvel Studios and/or Sony are trying to merge the Peter and Miles Spider-Men. Peter already has a guy in the chair from homecoming. When he was designing his suit before the London showdown, he designed a red/black suit with taser webs. They could have made any creative decision there and chose those suit colors and  to use taser webs. Plus both FFH and Into the Spider Verse have a similar basic premise that Spider-Man is given power that he doesn't feel worthy of and can't overcome his opponent until he embraces that he is a worthy hero...

I'm interested to hear your perspective on this and thoughts on if Miles will eventually still show up in the MCU still since he was teased in Homecoming.

12:11 Alex Ward

Do you think Jamie Alexander will return as Sif in Thor: Love and Thunder? Would you like her to, or would the cast be too crowded?

14:01 Michael Weaselboy

Hey Sean, about Blade who would you want to be the villain more in the first movie, Deacon Frost or Dracula??

14:49 Bill Van Norman

Wild speculation upcoming:     I have been thinking about Wanda and WandaVision and her story lines. In the MCU she has seems like she has been traumatized by her upbringing, the death of her brother, by the battle with Thanos with the death of Vision, and likely the snap as well. This would appear to be setting up her battle with mental illness or ptsd along the lines of her comics story lines. You have mentioned that you think it is a possibility that Vision appearing in the Disney+ event series may be her being lost in her own mind and/or using her powers to create the illusion of Vision. This all seems like a possibility to me. Do you think it is possible though that her trauma unleashes her powers in a way that enables her to breech dimensional barriers and go into the Multiverse? and the Vision we see is one from another reality? And moreover, if that is happening could the people around her just think she is acting "crazy" but the truth is she is, through her powers, experiencing another part of the multiverse? If this is the case it would also fit in with her role (and the title) in the upcoming Dr. Strange movie.

17:44 Kerry Vanderberg

Hydra seems to be more or less completely defeated in the MCU. With the real Mandarin making his official debut in Shang Chi, could the Ten Rings terrorist organization be the new recurring threat to the Earth-bound heroes that would need to be dealt with over the course of multiple films? Obviously we didn't see the Avengers taking on muliple raids against Hydra, they simply talked about how they were going after a bunch of Hydra bases before Age of Ultron. It might be cool to see how the Ten Rings have infiltrated various organizations or groups throughout the world. Could the Ten Rings and the real Mandarin emerging from the shadows be one of the reasons for a new roster of Avengers to come together?

20:08 Brett Heier

Will the MCU Spiderman Movies be on Disney+?

21:23 Alex Ward

Do you think that Marvel Studios will ever release original feature-length films on Disney plus in lieu of a theatre release? If so, which characters do you think would best suit such a format?

24:09 Steven_84

After a second and third viewing of Captain Marvel, I find myself enjoying it more and more. Recently a second viewing of Spider-Man Far From Home has vaulted my opinion of that movie as perhaps the best live action Spider-Man movie. Do you think the reason Marvel movies get better on second viewing is that the growing quality of the MCU is ramping up our expectations? Also, could it be that we are increasingly in the dark on what to expect because Marvel is changing things up more? I’m finding myself leaving the  theater on first viewings not sure where I stand on a movie yet.

30:27 Linc

Is Bucky attending Tony's funeral in poor taste?

32:54 Eric Bober

What does the MCU version of the Fantastic Four need to hit on with fans and general audiences, where the previous ones may have missed on? Full disclosure: I actually like and enjoy Fant4stic (2014 film) and the first Tim Story film but not the second one as much.

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