0:20 Brett Heier

Do you think we will ever see a proper version of the inhuman royal family? And if quicksilver is brought back as well, could we see him interact with crystal?

1:29 Anthony Lawrey

It’s been reported that Loki will “alter historical events”. Can you see this tying into a way that Magnetos Holocaust origin story would make sense? In one of your previous Q&A’s you spoke about the fact Magneto would be in his 80’s if he were in the current day MCU but you also run risk by altering history, especially in the aspect of genocide. 

2:52 Anthony Lawrey

Is Kevin Feige this generations Stan Lee? I know Lee created a majority of the characters we’ve grown to love, but the MCU doesn’t exist without Feige. My son is 17 months old and I can’t help but feel like I’ll be telling him the stories of how the MCU all started with Iron Man before I’m able to get him interested in the actual origination of the  characters.

8:06 Anthony Lawrey

Why don’t we ever see interviews from Bradley Cooper? Yeah I know he’s just the voice of Rocket and you could ask the same of Vin Diesel/Groot but Cooper is a pivotal part when it comes to capturing the tone and emotion of Rocket.

11:24 Alex Ward

What do you think the Avengers said to Captain Marvel to convince her to go save Tony at the beginning of Endgame? The whole Galaxy was likely breaking out in chaos and she had to have been very selective in her rescue missions.

14:35 Anthony Lawrey 

Are you at all disappointed in the design of the Steelbook art/disc art?

18:51 JP Faiella

I never would have thought of this if I didn’t see the ancient one battle from a rooftop during the battle of ny... but all things being connected and equal do you think other marvel characters like Daredevil and others we know would have been in NY during the battle were joining in the fight? Could this also be a way to retcon other characters and stay in cannon in the future?

22:24 Linc

Can you briefly run down Doctor Strange's comic history as it relates to the multiverse? Do you think this/these will play out in his next film?

24:59 Kessel Runner

In their interview on The Star Wars Show Anthony Russo talked about finding the “minimal connection point” for Marvel content and not allowing any projects to cramp another one. Do you think this is why Marvel Studios drifted away from the “everything is connected” phase of early Marvel television? Do you think this mindset is why Marvel Studios has been so successful?

32:55 Michael Weaselboy

Hey Sean quick question how do you think Tony controls his nanotech armor?? It just looks like he can form weapons and other things without even saying anything like in the other movies. I know he was cut off from Friday in space, so how exactly does he do it?? Especially so fast.

33:52 Paul Shearman

Hey Sean and patrons, hope you all enjoyed the watch party this weekend (we’re still a few days away from digital release here in the UK, so catch you all on the next one!). Sean, now you’ve had many more chances to rewatch Avengers Endgame, how do you evaluate the way Professor Hulk was handled?  Other than the smack down with Thanos at the start of Infinity War we haven’t had too much of Hulk ‘smashing’ in the last two Avengers movies - as a Hulk fan, are you happy with what we saw from him in these 2 movies?  Thanks as always for your time, enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a great week

37;59 Steven 84

So far we’ve got some really exciting Disney Plus shows announced that are going to introduce new characters, but are anchored by existing MCU characters. What do you think could be our first Disney Plus original, meaning a character who has never appeared in the movies, but gets their own show? What character do you think is best suited to get their origin told in that format?

41:07 Steven 84

My next question is about the Young Avengers and the Champions. These are two distinct teams in the comics, and if we look at what’s being teased, it’s more Young Avengers than Champions. Do you think Marvel wants to combine the two teams, or will they want to go traditional Young Avengers now, and save Kamala, Sam, Amadeus, Miles, Riri, and Viv for later? If a Young Avengers/Champions mashup is coming in the next five years, and you can only put 6 members on the team, who do you take?

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