0:20 Eric Bober

Do you see the Flerken or Goose the Cat making any more appearances in the MCU? If so, what type of role could they play?

1:52 KesselRunner

Through all Marvel content (MCU, Fox, TV, etc.) which actor/actress do you feel has been perfect for their role as either a major hero or villain or just regular character in general? 

3:35 Giuseppe Vicaretti

Based on your favorite Marvel Comics, what parts of the Eternals do you want to see represented in the movies from the comics? Given what we got from Ragnarok and how some of Kirby's work translated into that film, do you want to see a more descriptive representation in Eternals, or do you want to see more of a combination of Gaiman and Kirby's work?

7:48 Yanni Dendrinos

Do you see the Red Guardian popping up in the future of the MCU or is it just a one movie stint? I couldn't see Marvel casting David Harbour as someone who won't show up in future films. if you do think we'll see the Red Guardian after Black Widow, what other projects could you see him in?

9:00 Brett Heier

If you could build an avengers team comprised of only tv marvel characters, who would you choose?

10:20 We Are Groot

As we all know, the Disney+ series will have major ramifications on the movies. Do you think there will be an issue with casual audiences not watching the Disney+ event series and then being confused in the movies because they missed crucial events that happened in a series (example: watching doctor strange 2 without seeing wandavision)

13:02 We Are Groot

I think of you as an expert on this stuff, Sean. How do you think the next few movies will perform in the box office (especially Eternals)? I know from talking to casual fans they thought it was over with Endgame and FFH. And they were kind of annoyed to find out there’s a whole new slate of movies and shows

16:27 JP Faiella

I entered the MCU and the greater world of Marvel via Iron Man. I know we’ll likely never see RDJ again, but do you see any connection to the ongoing story line via rescue, war machine, or someone else picking up the mantle?  Can’t get enough of the suits.

17:47 Steven 84

I believe Kevin Feige has said in the past that they would like to introduce one new property a year, so they don’t end up releasing three sequels in a year. They have held to this so far, but with Black Panther 2, Guardians 3, and Captain Marvel 2 the next likely movies for Phase 5, which one do you think will have to wait until 2023 to allow for a new property in 2022? What new property do you think is most likely to be ready in 2022, Blade or Fantastic 4?

20:44 Brett Heier

Who do you think awkwafina will play in Shang-chi?

21:55 Kerry Vanderberg

Do you think that Peter Parker will have any other mentor figures in the future? He probably doesn't need one to the degree that he looked up to Tony. But I can't help but wonder if there will be a instance where Peter seeks out the advice of someone like Dr. Strange or Hulk, or someone like that. Which other superhero would you like Peter to have some kind of interaction in which he receives advice or support, particularly in light of his identity being outed?

25:57 Jeremy Eden

Sorry if this was asked or answered before, but in Avengers: Endgame, if Tony was retired and had no plans to return to active duty as an Avenger, why was he bothering to make Pepper her own armor?

27:16 Gio

Do you think there is any significance to what Elizabeth Olsen said at Hall H about how Wanda would be "The Scarlet Witch" in WandaVision? If so, why is it significant? I think KF reiterated that as well. I know in the MCU she has yet to be called that.

30:08 Michael Weaselboy

When do you think we will see Banner again?

33:55 David Rosen

I’m 110% percent in agreement with you about wanting to see a feature length documentary about The Infinity Saga. Where do you think the beginning of the MCU story actually starts? When you think about what it took to bring the MCU to life, there are so many places it could potentially begin - getting the initial loan to make Iron Man and hulk, the Marvel movies from the late 90s and early 2000s, selling off the rights to avoid bankruptcy, STAN LEE. If you were making this documentary, where do you begin the story of the MCU and the Infinity Saga?

42:46 Anthony Lawrey

Do you think the storylines in the MCU are (sometimes) intentionally relevant to bigger real world issues (IE Winter Soldiers political issues, Black Panthers cultural issues) or accidental? Or a bit of both?

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