Previous Episode: Daily Bugle - May 2, 2019

0:58 brentacPrime

Greetings everybody. 

I've been thinking about Cap and the hammer. I have heard you explain your theory on why he wasn't worthy, or not quite worthy, to pick the hammer up in Age of Ultron.

I think however he was actually worthy because he clearly moved it. I think he chose not to lift the hammer to not put Thor in a situation where he would feel belittled. Or to expand that, he may have been thinking that for the good of the team dynamic it would be best if the others didn't see him differently.  

But perhaps my best piece of evidence that he was indeed worthy, is that as far as I know in the comics, and never in the MCU, has the hammer had a sense of partial worth. It's always been portrayed as binary. On or off. Worthy or not worthy. Every other time someone tried to lift the hammer it simply stayed still. 

Plus, in the final, amazing, battle during Endgame,  I don't think Cap would have even attempted to pick it up if he didn't already know he had been able to before. I'm curious what you think about this?

10:56 brentacPrime

Have you gone back and watched any MCU movies other than Endgame over the last couple weeks? If so which?

If not, do you know which one you'll go to first?

What was the last MCU movie you saw before Endgame?

12:49 brentacPrime

Is Endgame going to top Avatar?

15:20 Jim Scroggs

With the Russo’s taking a break from the MCU, are Markus and McFeely taking a break from writing MCU movies as well?

16:55 Mookie Johnson

We have a good idea what movies are coming out next, but what 3 movies would you want to see next based on the events of Endgame?

20:09 Brian Crewe

Is it me or is there a little beat between Rhodey and Carol during the Hologram scene in Endgame that hints at a relationship between them during the five year jump?

21:50 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

Hey Sean and fellow Patrons, hope everyone has a great weekend !

Favorite moment(s) in AE? Sorry if you've answered this question already.

25:50 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

How do you think the WandaVision show will bring back Vision?

28:26 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

Do you think Cassie, Morgan, Lila and Harley will appear as superheroes later in the MCU?

Thanks Sean!

30:23 Carmen Malusa

With Endgame behind us, what is your most realistic landscape of the next phase, assuming there’s no surprise new heroes introduced? Without thinking about dates or limit on movies per phase, what movies do you see Marvel announcing for the next years to come?  I see it as: Dr. Strange 2, Black Panther 2, Antman (& Wasp) 3, GotG Vol 3 ft. Thor, Eternals, Shang Chi, Black Widow (prequel more than likely), Captain Marvel 2, Spider-Man 3, a new avengers project. I don’t think they will stray too far away from the formula, though I would love to see Nova or Fantastic 4 squeezed in there.

33:47 William Ford-Conway

What did you ultimately think of Captain Marvel's small role in the movie. Personally I was happy with he being an accent to the movie, partially because I liked the focus on the core Avengers, but mostly because in the grand scheme it really makes the MCU feel like a Universe. Much in the same way that powerful entities like Silver Surfer would appear for big battles in the comics, Carol being absent but present for vital fights feels more authentically "real world" and just makes the world feel bigger. I will admit that a small part of my brain is a bit tired of swerve in the marketing because I was expecting her to have a bigger role, but I judge primarily the movie and at the end of the day I dug the amount she was in. Also do you think Captain Marvel will get a small bump after this movie?

40:12 Woo S! Kim

I am one of the people that wanted “Agent Carter” to returned, one of the interesting things in the aftermath of “Avengers: Endgame” and I mentioned this in the Discord Sean is how Chris Markus and Stephen McFeeley essentially made the events of “Agent Carter” null and void because of the new timeline that was created, now I am not discounting the work on that series, absolutely not I loved that series but you see what I mean, Sean?  Also, I find it rather fitting like Alex Ward stated on the Discord since Chris Markus and Stephen McFeely created “Agent Carter” they had the unique chance that not a lot of showrunners get to do in terms retroactively finishing their own television show in a film, do you concur?

42:36 Woo S! Kim

I am not saying they will direct this film, but in your point of view is your safe bet for directors of the MCU X-Men film, the same as mine: The Russo Brothers? Related to this are Chris Markus and Stephen McFeely safe bets as writers of an MCU X-Men film? Lastly, do you think one of the reasons that The Russo’s have been dropping hints of possibly doing a Marvel Studios “Secret Wars” and or Wolverine film is because Feige and The Russos are in talks of what next Marvel film The Russo’s want to do even if production doesn’t begin for hypothetically another six to eight years or so?

46:11 Woo S! Kim

My question is related to something you talked about on the commentary for “Captain America: Civil War” about how the kiss between Captain Rogers and Sharon Carter and the moment they shared after was a sign to them and the True Believers that yes, that is as far as this relationship will go, did you feel the same way when Thor and Valkyrie had the awkward friendship hug at the end of “Avengers: Endgame” because I sure did.

47:26 William Ford-Conway

How much do you anticipate Spider-Man Far From Home to address the events of Infinity War/Endgame (specifically in regards with who was dusted). While the fact that some of Peter's classmates have moved on to college is an interesting piece of world building, when it comes to the MCU I'm usually more interested in how the characters progress rather than the plot minutiae. For instance, Peter wanting to give Spidey a break and go on a vacation feels like a good place to go after going through the events of the Avengers movies. Honestly, I have a feeling we will just have to  assume Peter's main crew got dusted. What do you think?  

51:06 William Ford-Conway

With time travel so pivotal and explored in this film, do you think this hurts or opens up the potential for Kang the Conqueror. I think it would be interesting to maybe reinvent Kang as some sort of protector of time and maybe down the line he can show up upset that the Avengers have screwed with time. That said I can see Marvel not wanting to go back to the time travel well so soon.

55:04 David Rosen

So I haven’t really heard this come up at all, but I seem to remember in the diner scene when Bruce is explaining how he came to realize that the Hulk was something to embrace rather than try to suppress, I noticed that Natasha had a very subtle reaction that seemed to suggest she started thinking about something, and my mind went to their conversation from Age of Ultron about how they are both “monsters” with dark sides stemming from their pasts. I like to believe that in that moment, Nat started thinking about she could also try to come to terms with the two warring sides of her personality as the trained assassin who was taught to suppress emotion and personal connection, and the woman who yearned to wipe the blood from her ledger and maybe one day settle down with a family. With that idea planted in her mind, when the opportunity presented itself to make a sacrifice, do you think that any part of that decision came from seeing it was a way to ultimately come to terms with her past and who she’d become? 

1:01:01 brentacPrime

Off marvel topic do you have any thoughts on the new Sonic trailer and that the director announced they are going to re-design the character’s look?

1:08:04 David Rosen

Let’s say for argument sake that in the future of the MCU, a situation arises that ONLY Tony Stark will know how to solve, whatever that may be. Could you see the quantum realm being used in future movies to pluck someone really important, like a Tony Stark, from the past to solve a problem in the future? Furthermore, with knowledge of and access to the quantum realm, if people can be treated like infinity stones – where they can be pulled from the people and then returned -  is anyone really dead and gone going forward in the MCU?

1:13:24 Woo S! Kim

Now that Professor Hulk has been established in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is it out of the realm of possibility that I will not see my dream fight of Hulk v. Wolverine and or your Marvel Cinematic Universe dream fight of The Hulk v. The Thing, related to this do you believe something may have gone wrong with Doctor Banner’s experiments or will in the future and we True Believers may see The Grey Hulk and or classic savage Green Hulk or in your point of view, Professor Hulk is going to remain in the MCU for the foreseeable future?

1:16:22 Adam

Hey Sean not really and endgame question but I wanted your thoughts. What way should we watch the movies now. I have a friend who hasn’t seen the movies at all and was wondering what order I should show them to him in timeline order or in the way that they came out. Thanks for all you do.

1:18:28 Mark Brian

Do you think the destruction of Avengers Compound will lead to Avengers Mansion as the new headquarters?

1:19:34 Mark Brian

I found it interesting that Nakia was not only not a part of the final battle with Thanos, but she also wasn’t with T’Challa, Shuri and Ramonda at the end of the film as they viewed Wakanda from the balcony.  Whether she was among the vanished or not, you would think she’d want to be with T’Challa after five years.  Where do you imagine she was?  Do you think it’s possible that she survived the Snappening, and perhaps managed to move on from T’Challa during the five years?  Or perhaps she was overcome with grief like Clint, leading to a version of Malice.  If so, maybe this could open the door for Storm, or perhaps even Monica Lynne (I know you don’t like the character in the comics, but I’m sure Feige & co. would make adjustments for the MCU).

1:23:24 Michael Weaselboy

Hey Sean my question is simple, What small thing would you change about Endgame, either production wise or storywise?? One little thing I would change is when Sam not calling Steve right before the final battle, I know it is a callback to The Winter Soldier but I think seeing that portal open just out of nowhere would have been better, thats just what I think. Thoughts??

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