Previous Episode: Daily Bugle - May 17, 2019

0:23 Woo S! Kim

One of the things I am really looking forward to about the Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes series is hopefully playing off of something in the comics, that being Sgt. Barnes’ road to redemption, even with the Snap and The Avengers saving the world, a lot of governments around the world aren’t going to forget all the people The Winter Soldier murdered in the last sixty years or so, do you believe this will be aspect of the show, Sean?

4:52 Woo S! Kim

In your Head Canon, who is NoobMaster69?

5:26 Woo S! Kim

I have seen “Avengers: Endgame” five times, I get the feeling that Okoye is lying to the other heroes during the Google Hangout at The Avengers Facility.  I think she knows that tremors from under the African plate are caused by Atlanteans and she wants to keep this information under wraps because the Wakandans want to handle this matter, their own, however, this may have nothing to do with Namor, but do you see my point?   

7:30 Alex Ward

Do you think by the time we see X-Men and the Fantastic Four in the MCU, the current state of things--half the population missing five years and the trauma involved--will have dissipated at least on the cinematic side of things? For example, do you think enough time will have passed that it won't get brought up by characters like Reed Richards and Professor X?

10:03 Giuseppe Vicaretti

Hey Sean, my question for you this week is how do you think Disney will distribute the episodes for the upcoming TV shows that will be coming to DisneyPlus? I personally don't have a specific preference to episodes being released on a weekly basis or all at once, but where do you stand? Do you prefer weekly releases over all at once? And what do you think will be the end result?

21:52 Cory Kostiuk

Hey Sean 👋. With Ironman gone from the MCU do think we will still see Pepper Potts as Rescue show up in the MCU?

23:50 Kerry Vanderberg

He Sean, I hope you are doing well. This might be my first time writing in since Endgame came out. I’m happy to say I loved it! 

The rules of the Soul stone - to the best of my memory - are “a soul for a soul.” In 2018 Thanos exchanges Gamora for the stone, and Natasha from 2023 sacrifices herself to give Barton the soul stone in 2014. So since Natasha sacrificed herself, and that stone was brought forward into 2023, does that mean that Gamora soul from 2018 would have been released? Are multiple souls allowed to inhabit the “world” of the Soul stone? And how would Cap be able to return the Soul stone? Since it seems like it’s a one-to-one exchange, what happens when the soul stone is given back to Vormir? Since that Soul Stone was returned in 2014, could that have released Natasha, but released her back into 2014 instead of her timeline? I know this is all space magic as Thor put it, but I’m wondering what your take is.

27:29 Kerry Vanderberg

Since you and Paul discussed the announcement of the line-wide relaunch of the X-Men books led by Jonathan Hickman, it got me potentially interested in picking up these new X-Men books. Since getting back into comics around 2008/2009, aside from a few trades or a few other random books here and there, I have not been able to bring myself to get back into Marvel Comics, namely the X-Men titles. Do you think that Hickman’s upcoming run will be a good way to bring in a lapsed X-Men reader like myself back into the titles?

30:22 Timothy Tyler

Hey Sean, so one thought that has been coming to me since seeing endgame involves the stones being reduced to Atoms in the present timeline.  Could you see a scenario where someone goes into the quantum realm and collects those atoms, sorta like Scott collects quantum energy.  Then we see them perhaps reassembling the stones in the present, or are they most likely gone for good with a focus on new things?

32:59 Rick Sampson

We have been hearing of the rumored beginnings of the next phase of the MCU, inclusive of Guardians 3, Dr. Strange 2, Black Panther 2, the beginnings of the Eternals and Shang Chi. The movie I have heard nothing of as far as start expectations or release is Captain Marvel. Besides Dr. Strange 2, this is the sequel I have am looking forward to. I am new to patreon and am loving seeing the Daily Bugle. Thanks.

35:53 Giuseppe Vicaretti

My last question for you Sean is, do you think we may see Galactus in a future MCU movie maybe in Eternals or Doctor Strange? Or is it possible we may never get Galactus again besides seeing him in Rise of the Silver Surfer which wasn't even a good interpretation.

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