Previous Episode: Daily Bugle - May 10, 2019

0:27 Robert Klauser

Hope all’s well everyone. Sean, do you think the next slate of MCU films will more likely be announced at SDCC or D23? As always, thanks.

4:59 Mookie Johnson

Are Marvel movie premieres invite only? Would coming to LA for an opening night be a better experience than elsewhere in your opinion? I'm thinking about planning to watch some kind of Marvel opening out there and I'm just looking for some insight.

7:47 David Rosen

Hey Friends, Hope everyone had a good week and was able to add at least one more End Game viewing to their count. Sean, does it make sense to you that Peggy would have a picture of skinny Steve on her SHIELD desk in the 70’s when she’s supposedly been married between 15-20 years at that point? I’m not sure I really bought into the whole “Steve was really Peggy’s mystery husband the whole time” theory, but does this lend any credence to that idea? At the end of Agent Carter season 1 I believe it was, she throws the vial of Steve’s blood off the bridge as a way to signify that she has moved on, so why keep a picture of him on her desk? Was she really not over him after all 25 years later? Was Steve actually Peggy’s husband the whole time? Or was it just a visual cue to tell the audience that Steve has entered Peggy’s office (although in this case we still had her name on the door to tell us, so it makes me wonder still why the picture was there). What are your thoughts about Peggy keeping a picture of Skinny Steve on her desk?

12:21 Paul Shearman 

Hey Sean and everyone, hope you’re all having a good week so far. As of today I have now caught up with all the Q&A’s since Avengers Endgame released - Sean, I know it’s been said by other patrons recently, but I have to add my two cents (or pence!) worth and say that the content from you (and Paul) since Endgame dropped has been sensational, and I’ve enjoyed listening to all the questions and brilliant responses from you here, plus the main show and Bugles. Thanks for adding to my Avengers Endgame viewing experience (6 screenings in and going strong!).  I’d like to ask a question related to the level of public acceptance for The Hulk after the 5 year time jump in Endgame if I may.  We see what looks to be a hugely recognisable and very approachable jolly green giant in the restaurant scene - with no need for him to be in hiding or incognito etc.  Do you think this could be as a result of powerful people like Secretary Ross having been dusted, and the desire to enforce the Sokovia Accords being so much less of a priority for the world leaders that remained?  We don’t seem to have what we would consider an ‘active’ Avengers roster operating on Earth, so perhaps the Accords were just abandoned? Is there any part of you that wishes we had gotten a little bit of exposition about the state of things like the Accords? Ultimately I totally agree with all the story choices we saw in the movie (3 hours and not a second was wasted in my view) but I would have maybe liked a bit more on this angle.  As always, I welcome your thoughts, and look forward to your answer. Best wishes as always to you and all the patrons for the week ahead (love you all 3000!)  18:23 Mark Russell Hey Sean, maybe I missed something but Was there anyone at the controls to bring the Avengers back from the “time heist”? Hulk was there to do it all the other times but obviously wasn’t for this one as he went back to New York 2012.  20:57 Mookie Johnson In Age of Ultron, we see Scarlet Witch have some mind manipulating abilities and we know that she received her powers from the Mind stone.  Similarly, Captain Marvel's abilities are from the space stone. So do you think she has any related powers? In my head cannon it is part of how she can cover so much territory and also helps explain how she got back to earth so quickly from the start of the battle.  22:35 David Rosen Considering that we just lost Nat, Tony, (and to some extent Steve), when (and possibly who) do you think the next really big character death will be? Whoever it is, I just hope it's a while until we have to say goodbye to anyone else.   26:22 Justin What do you think the MCU will or could look like in about 20-30 years time? Meaning who do you think the main Avengers at that point will be and how big do you see the mcu being at that point?  

28:45 Giuseppe Vicaretti 

Hey Sean, loving the show and all the work, including the office hours segment, keep up your incredible work. My question for you this week is, what do you think the MCU will show first when it comes to the Fox characters that we just got from the merger? I really want to see them tackle the Fantastic Four, or even get some Xmen in the mix. I know it might not happen for a while but what team, or which characters do you think will be the first they premiere?   30:35 Woo S! Kim This may be the shortest and simplest question I have ever asked you Sean, is Brie Larson the internet’s new Kelly Marie Tran because for the past four or five months or so, I am seeing familiar troll toxicity.  36:47 Woo S! Kim In my head I think Iron Man left a video message for War Machine, Happy, Spider-Man, and Ms. Potts, just like he left for Morgan, do you concur, or do you think Tony much like Howard wouldn’t get too emotional and he figures the people he loves they know how much they meant to Iron Man?  Related to this do you think Happy not that he needed much encouragement was asked by Iron Man to look out for Spider-Man just in case Tony died?   38:32 Woo S! Kim Hey Sean, will you be getting the Nano Gauntlet?

39:34 Woo S! Kim 

After a year of build-up and enjoying the journey, I didn’t let “Avengers: Endgame” in and I didn’t get it in my opening screening in IMAX, or my second screening at AMC Dolby I never let the film in, it finally took my third and fourth showings that I felt the emotion and the gravitas of the characters and felt the emotion of what was on screen. Is it good or bad that the spectacle and the pageantry of “Avengers: Endgame” the build up, overshadows some of the raw emotions and character work in the film and some of these things go unnoticed or is it good, because audience members if they do repeat viewings like I have and many others get more out of the film everytime they see “Avengers: Endgame” which also helps the film’s Box Office?

42:44 Mookie Johnson 

I just finished the Oscar nomination Daily Bugle. I hope you end up correct about a well earned and long overdue nomination for Robert Downey Jr. Can you also potentially see Chris Evans, and Scarlett Johansson being nominated for best supporting actor, and best supporting actress respectively? 

45:42 Carmen Malusa

Do you believe Rocket Raccoon getting the spotlight in Infinity War/Endgame is a foreshadowing for whats to come for the character, whether its being the leader of a next/newer team of the Guardians or his own Rocket/Groot movie? I loved him being center pieces to both movies and think Bradley Cooper is amazing in this role.

47:36 Carmen Malusa

I know that the time travel concept doesn't need to be explained in depth in a movie like this, but is the only reason Scott Lang came up with time travel through the Quantum Realm because it was only 5 hours for him inside the realm instead of 5 years? Or am I missing something? The way I look at it, since he , in a way, went forward 5 years in 5 hours, he thought what if we reversed it?    

49:13 Carmen Malusa

With Ironman not being the lead man in the MCU, will you change the logo for the podcast?

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