Sean answers your Marvel questions!

3:05 Jim Scroggs
Do you know if AMC A List reservations are counted toward pre-sale ticket numbers?

3:56 Jim Scroggs

With Rhodes in the Air Force and considering his age, is it possible that he and Carol might have crossed paths?

4:48 Jim Scroggs
Do you see Marvel adding a character with Marines and/or Naval background to complete the service academy representation

5:26 Paul Shearman

Hey Sean and patrons, happy Captain Marvel weekend!! I’ve been MIA recently from these Q&A’s, but I’ve been listening in and enjoying the conversations (and Sean’s answers of course!) here and on the Discord. Whilst I’ve not been joining in much lately, this great community has kept me going over some difficult recent weeks, so a big thank you to you all!
So, Captain Marvel huh...?  Wow, I just love this film so much - I’ve seen it twice in 24 hours thanks to some careful scheduling and it’s just perfect. Brie Larson is just exceptional as Carol Danvers, I feel she embodies the character from the comics so well, whilst bringing her own qualities to the role.
From the Stan Lee tribute at the start (very emotional and wonderfully inventive) this movie never missed a beat throughout.
Whilst I know it’s still very early to be making lots of judgements on various aspects of the movie, I’m keen to know if there was any stand out scene for you Sean, that you either never saw coming or was just a particular highlight?
Thanks as always for your time, and hope everyone gets to go higher further faster with this awesome movie!

13:27 brentacPrime

Captain Marvel spoiler question. What was the biggest surprise for you?

15:18 Robert Klauser

What’s up Sean? Do you think that there’s a setup for Carol similar to Scarlett Witch? We see that Mar Vel was in possession of the tesseract and I believe she used that to make her FTL ship and that’s where Carol got her powers from when she shot that energy core. So the setup would be that Carol Danvers can somehow destroy the space stone because her powers might have the same signature as the space stone. Do you think that this is theory is something they could allude to in Endgame or is this more of a “been there don’t that” with Wanda and the Mind Stone?

18:31 Matt Oswald

We know that SHIELD was in possession of the Tesseract after Howard Stark recovered it, and Loki stole it from a Project Pegasus facility in the Avengers. It is obvious that Fury did not know the real Identity of Lawson even though he at least knew of the existence of Pegasus. Do you think any of the top brass at SHIELD knew her real identity?

19:46 Matt Oswald

One of the things that has bothered me a little about Captain Marvel is the apparent lack of security around the Tesseract at Project Pegasus. We know at the start of the Avengers that there are SHIELD agents like Hawkeye assigned to guard the Tesseract. Apparently during the 90's security was a little more lax around the project since Lawson was able to take the tesseract out of the facility, and to her Kree space ship/lab. It seems like somone should have noticed that the Tesseract was missing from the facility. One might be able to reason that after the crash, it was believed that the Tesseract was destroyed in the crash. But we don't see any evidence in the film that before the crash anyone even noticed it was gone. Am I reading too much into this?

22:51 Mookie Johnson

Do you feel the way that Captain Marvel ended reduces the chances the secret invasion is a pursued storyline?

25:13 Woo S! Kim

Who between these two characters Agent Peggy Carter and Agent Phil Coulson are you more surprised by their popularity and how they are really embedded in the MCU and why?  My vote is for Phil Coulson do you have any other characters like Coulson or Peggy Carter that when they originally appeared in the MCU you are surprised how narratively and how long they have managed to stay integral parts of the MCU and or fan favourites? 

28:42 Woo S! Kim

I am not stating this character is needed in the X-Men/Avengers going forward Sean,  but what do you think the chances because the heroes will be messing with time in “Avengers: End Game” of Aaron Taylor Johnson’s QuickSilver to return after the events of “Avengers: End Game?”  Should he brought back or would you rather keep that character dead?

29:56 Woo S! Kim

Sean, let’s say for argument sake that “Spider-Man: Far From Home” moved to February 2020 “Avengers: End Game” moved to Christmas 2019 and Star Wars: Episode IX took the late April 2019 spot would Box Office numbers change at all, if this were done why or why not?

31:05 Mookie Johnson

Do you think Captain Marvel 2 has room for Ms Marvel and Photon to join in?

32:48 Mookie Johnson

I love how Captain Marvel's movie was also is some way a Nick Fury/Modern  Day Shield/Avengers initiative story also. Could you share some of your thoughts on that idea?

35:53 Alex

Do you think the Fox deal that will grant Marvel access to so many more  characters could lessen Marvel's willingness to cooperate with Sony past Far From Home especially if Sony starts mandating that they start integrating SMCU characters like Venom and Morbius? 

37:25 David Rosen

Hey Sean, I know you were really looking forward to seeing how they treated the Kree Supreme Intelligence. Even though we didn't get the giant floating head, are you satisfied with what we did get?

39:50 Tom DeMichele

Since all of SHIELD’s information was leaked in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, does the world know about Captain Marvel? Fury may not have divulged what happened in the film’s final act, but there were plenty of other witnesses early on.

By the way, this is an exciting time for the Discord, and I encourage all Patrons to join the fun conversation over there with us!

43:01 Robert Klauser

Not a serious question or anything like that. But, can’t we let Thor and the Asgardians off of the hook for the Phase 2 weapons? It seems Fury knew we were “hopelessly and hilariously outgunned” since 1995.

44:35 Xavier Arqueros

I liked the movie, not as much as I hoped (which was a lot), but it's good. I have a lot of questions, but the only one that concerns me is when will the sequel take place, because it's seems that Yon-Rogg and Ronan have an agenda against Carol but I'm not the biggest fan on an other MCU movie set in the past, I hope Captain Marvel 2 is set post-Endgame. What do you think Sean? I would watch it nevertheless, but you know, Let's move forward. Cheers!

48:40 Alex

Sean, I know that you had Bill Hader as one of your top castings for Reed Richards but I unfortunately I just don’t see it. He looks the part sure, but nothing I’ve seen of Bill Hader so far has left me with the impression he’d make a good Reed. He just strikes me as too comedic an actor to play a serious role like Reed Richards who isn’t normally intentionally funny so may I ask what movies or shows that you’ve seen Mr. Hader in that makes you think he’d be a fit for the role?

49:42 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

Hey Sean! I enjoyed CM! Thought it was great!

I have a couple of questions about Goose the cat. I know they probably aren’t big deals in the grand scheme of things in the MCU but they are questions I came up with nonetheless lol.

So we first see Goose at the Pegasus facility and it seems like she/he knows Carol cause it walks up to her first as if recognizing Carol. So do you think it used to be Carol’s pet and if so how did Carol come to have an alien as a pet? Or do you believe it was Mar-Vell’s pet since she was Kree so most likely Mar-Vell would’ve potentially brought an alien pet from space ?

So at the end of CM, Fury seems to keep Goose, so where has Goose been all this time in the present day MCU? Still with Fury?

52:06 Alex Ward

Hey Sean! First of all, thank you for doing these q and A's. They've answered so many lingering questions about the MCU for me and deepened my interest in Marvel to an insane degree. That being said, you might remember my question a while ago about what the Avengers are "avenging." You had an awesome answer, but thanks to that little discussion, the final scene in Captain Marvel impacted me on a much deeper level; it gave me goosebumps just as I'm sure it did a lot of fans. My question is, if Fury came up with the Avengers Initiative in 1995, did it really take him over ten years to find his first Avenger? Do you think there were any hiccups before Iron Man, perhaps that we'll see filled in in the Black Widow movie or something? Thanks Sean!

55:09 Alex Ward

How did you feel about the way the Skrulls were handled? I know the Skrulls and the Kree can be good and bad in the comics, but I love this new dynamic.

55:46 Alex Ward

One non Captain Marvel question--how would you age the new generation of the MCU? For example, should the FF skew younger like the Ultimate comics so they can stick around longer, or should they be older? Also, how old is too old for Reed? He's gotta hang on to those greying temples; it'd be blasphemy if he'd ever go full silver fox like how Mark Ruffalo seems to be heading.

58:07 Alex Ward

I know folks have been throwing around the idea of the FF being a period piece, but what do you think about the idea of the FF being from the modern era, but accidentally getting stuck in the 60s and getting famous there (maybe by introducing "advanced" modern technology), before traveling back to modern day?

59:40 Michael Louis Weaselboy

Hey Sean how was your week?? Anyways I saw Captain Marvel of course, opening night I loved it. You were right that really is the best crowd to watch an MCU film, I saw it in the big IMAX theater in Tempe, Arizona and that crowd was so ecstatic, I can't wait to watch Endgame there next month, the crowd went crazy during the Marvel Studios logo at the beginning and a loud clap when it said "Thank you Stan". Anyways my question is when do you think a sequel will be set?? Could it be with the 23 years she was off earth? or should it be set after in the post endgame MCU?? Who do you think could be the villain? Thoughts??

1:02:46 Mookie Johnson

Do you have a Captain Marvel costume preference between the red/blue towards the end of the movie and the post-credit outfit?

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