Sean answers your Marvel questions!

6:25 Alex

Sean, does the restrictions on any spoiler questions extend to any upcoming non-MCU  Marvel movies like Dark Phoenix and New Mutants?

7:56 David Rosen

Hey Sean and Fellow Patrons, With only less than a month to go, it's feels good to know that now WE are finally in our end game. Sean, what future do characters who star in their own Disney+ series have in the movies? When we used to talk about why it was unlikely Coulson would appear again the MCU (at least in the present day), one of the reasons was that it would be too hard or take too long  to explain in a movie everything that had happened to him in Agents of Shield. Assuming that the characters who get Disney+ series end up going through some kind of arc in their shows so that they end up as different people by the time it’s over, how would you explain that change or history to audiences who don’t end up watching the Disney+ shows? Do you think we’ll see much of the Disney+ characters in the future of the MCU, assuming they survive end game and/or their shows don’t take place in the past, or is Disney+ going to end up as a “retirement home” of sorts for characters that had major roles up till now, but won’t necessarily be integral to the future of the MCU, especially with all the new fox characters now in the mix? Do you see this being any similar to the Coulson issue, or is it not really an issue in your eyes?

11:33 David Rosen

I want to follow up about an idea that was sparked listening to your discussion with Paul about Bucky being in the End Game. IF Cap is going to die in End Game and pass on the shield to someone else, I think/feel it should be Bucky (for a number of reasons I won’t go into), but I also agree that it wouldn’t make sense, especially with Captain Marvel filling the “captain” role, to establish a new Captain America right away. However, if Cap hands his shield off to Bucky right before he dies and Bucky reluctantly accepts it at the insistence of Cap, I feel like one of the main themes of the Disney+ show could then be Bucky wrestling with the decision of whether or not to take up the mantle of Captain America. Do you think something like this could work for carrying on Bucky’s arc?

14:07 Alex

Would you be disappointed if there is no post-credit sequence  in Endgame?  I for one would be all for it since it would interesting subvert expectations by having this movie be the very first MCU movie ever to not feature a  post-credit sequence. Granted, you don't need to have omit a post-credit to send home that this is basically the series finale to one era of the MCU but I feel it would refreshing  to finally not have one post-credit sequence in these movies that hint at more installments to come. 

17:29 David Rosen

I believe it was in answering one of the Alex’s questions on the midweek Q&A that you talked about how Kevin Feige went to “superhero film school” in the way that his career ended up unfolding. Do you think there is something inherently different about making a good superhero film, as opposed to any old, regular action/adventure film and if so, what are some of those differences? Considering its length, complexity, and the amount of work it took to build to it, would you consider Avengers End Game Kevin Feige’s “doctoral thesis” of superhero film school? Would you consider mastering superhero television his next “academic goal”, so to speak?

24:54 Mookie Johnson

What MCU movie had you the most excited for it at the time it was announced? Which MCU movie have you enjoyed the journey to release day the most?

30:08 Mookie Johnson

Are there any particular snap-reaction moments you want to see in Avengers Endgame? I personally really want see how Wakanda, but especially Angela Bassett's character Ramonda, reacts to the news that they just lost both of Royal Children to the snap.

32:28 Michael Weaselboy

Hey Sean I was just wondering who else do you think could have played Thanos??

33:56 Woo S! Kim

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a big fan of Alex Ross’ artwork and one of my favourite Marvel Comics is “Marvels” which of course Alex Ross did the artwork for, Sean what are your thoughts on “Marvels?”  Related to “Marvels” I would love to see that done in live action but since Marvel Studios has expressed interest and are planning the “What If” animated series, I believe what is more likely to happen is a two part “Marvels”  animated episode featuring MCU performers providing the voices, of their respective characters what say you, Sean?

34:48 Woo S! Kim

This is a non-issue for me because I intend to purchase all of the Marvel Studios films on physical disc once they are released Sean but I was just pondering something since the deal to give Marvel Studios access to Spider-Man says Marvel Studios handles almost if not all of the creative aspects of Tom Holland’s Spider-Man films and Sony Pictures is in charge of the distribution does this mean we True Believers will not see any of Tom Holland’s solo Spider-Man films on Disney Plus, why or why not?  Related to this, let’s say for argument sake Apple did purchase Sony Pictures within the next two years and Disney were able to retain the rights to Spider-Man, does this mean every Sony Pictures produced Spider-Man project from 2002 to now will be owned by Disney or does Sony still retain the rights to those films since Sony produced those?

39:27 Woo S! Kim

What do you think of the idea Sean, of Disney/Marvel Studios doing a type of “Saving Mr. Banks” involving the creation and rise of the “Marvel Age of Comics” would that be something you’d be interested in, why or why not?

40:04 David Rosen

Could a long runtime of 3+ hours affect End Game’s box office due to theaters not being able to have as many shows in a day, or do you think theaters will adjust their schedules to have as many screenings as possible due to the insane amount of hype and desire to see this movie? Also do you happen to know  if a movie’s runtime includes the closing credits, as those can be anywhere from 5-10 minutes long, depending on the movie?

43:16 Alex

What do you expect Feige to say on the Endgame press tour when asked by journalists about the Disney-Fox deal now that the deal has closed?

44:17 brentacPrime

Talking about characters who have appeared in at least three MCU movies (counting Endgame)... if I set the line at 3 people will die, would you take the over or the under?

46:14 Alex

Since Dark Phoenix takes place approximately a decade after Apocalypse do Mutants like Jean Grey don't look like they aged a day since  1983? Maybe all  Mutants(besides Wolverine of course) just age slower in the soon-to-be-defunct Fox X-verse?  I'm trying to make the best sense of this as I can here.  Why do you think the filmmakers would have such a huge time-skip happen between the end of Apocalypse and the start of  Dark Phoenix without bothering to try to put on some makeup or prosthetic  to make the actors look older?

47:32 Alex

Did you always feel that the MCU felt incomplete without the Fantastic Four? Do you think Feige understands the importance of the property therefore he will see to it its serviced properly on screen?

50:26 Robert Klauser

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. There’s the OP scenario that a lot of people have problems with in superhero films where the protagonist can be difficult for an audience to relate to because there’s no huge risk or real sense of danger for characters that are basically invincible.  (Or they just say that because they’re Carol Danvers haters) Seeing as how the Eternals are immortal, do you think the MCU versions of these characters will have their powers scaled back a bit or maybe in this new era of the MCU the Eternals are introduced with all of the same abilities as in the comics and used sparingly throughout other films?

54:36 Alex Ward

Sorry if you've answered this one, but what do you think Agent Sitwell meant when he warned Steve about Stephen Strange? I know Feige said it was just because Strange was a competent surgeon who could potentially be a threat one day, but I don't really buy it. Hydra is scared of... a surgeon? Anyway, do you think this is just a harmless Easter egg that doesn't warrant too much analysis?

59:03 Alex Ward

Do you think the success of sub-franchises like Doctor Strange and Ant-Man have worked out to Marvel Studios' expectations? For example, it just doesn't feel like people are chomping at the bit for a Doctor Strange sequels. It makes me wonder how characters like the Eternals and Shang-Chi will fare in terms of developing audience anticipation for follow-up films. While I know Doctor Strange does appear to be getting a sequel, do you think that in this increasingly crowded universe, with a slate of only maybe 2-4 films per year, that some sub-franchises just won't get sequels, and that's okay?

1:08:21 Alex Ward

MCU Cosmic reported a rumor that Hercules could be the male protagonist of the Eternals. That being said, I have a couple questions:

1) How do you feel about the Greek mythology pantheon entering the fray? What are some ways the Marvel Greek gods/goddesses differ from the lore established in Aquaman and Wonder Woman for DC?

2) Do you think Eternals and/or this potential Greek aspect would set up Marvel's Atlantis? 

3) I know you like Angelina Jolie for Athena, but do you have any favorites for the casting of Hercules? I have heard the name Luke Evans, and I think he'd be perfect.

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