Sean answers your Marvel questions!

0:30 Cory Kostiuk

Hey Sean. How do you think Ryan Reynolds would react if Huge Jackman did make a wolverine cameo that not in a Deadpool movie?

0:59 brentacPrime

Forgetting everything about what you think will happen, do you WANT Dark Phonix to come out in theaters?

2:52 brentacPrime

Again forgetting everything you think will happen, do you WANT Endgame to have any teases to any of the former Fox Properties?

7:00 David Rosen

Hey Sean and Friends, It’s crazy to think that in just a couple days, we’ll be exactly a month out from Avengers End Game. I’ve been thinking about the latest trailer, and it occurred to me that if one of the themes of Infinity War was “we don’t trade lives” (except for maybe Wanda and Vision), then is it possible, and maybe even a little worrisome, that End Game’s “Whatever It Takes” mantra could result in one of the Avengers being put in a position where he or she will be forced to take the life of another hero in order to win the day and accomplish their goal? What if one of our beloved Avengers end up dying, not at the hands of Thanos, but rather at the hands of a friend who is forced to make an impossible choice? This worked for Thanos a number of times in Infinity War where he forced someone to make a life-or-death choice and they couldn’t, so I don’t see why he wouldn’t try to do that again in End Game.

11:59 Alex

Is this fan-made Marvel rights visual  accurate?:

14:18 David Rosen

It didn’t seem, at least to me, that there was any one moment in Captain Marvel where Carol’s memories come back to her, so what exactly is the state of Carol’s memory by the end of the movie? Can you determine whether Carol actually regained her memories of her past at some point or will it be a process for her? She was clearly upset and shaken after listening to the cockpit voice recording of her crash, but I can’t tell if it was because she actually remembered what happened or because she was finally able to hear the entire scene of the accident play out and learned about Yon Rogg’s betrayal. Also, what exactly made her lose her memory in the first place? Was it the crash itself, the explosion and resulting energy blast, or did the Kree do something to her mind to block out her past? I’ve only seen the movie twice so far, but I’m hoping that maybe you have a better understanding of all his since you’ve seen it a few more times than me. Thanks, Sean.

18:16 Woo S! Kim

This may possibly be a tough question to answer, are you more hyped now that most of Marvel’s catalog is coming home now than you were when the Sony/Marvel Studios deal was struck in 2015, for me it’s surreal that Marvel has once again control over most of their catalog?

20:25 Woo S! Kim

Sean, please refresh my memory last year, did Marvel Studios wait this long before people could pre-ordered “Avengers: Infinity War” tickets, I just really want to pre order “Avengers: End Game” tickets.

21:53 Woo S! Kim

Let’s say for argument sake, you had the deciding vote on what Marvel Studios film the studio was going to do to take the place of “Guardians of The Galaxy Volume 3”  before Marvel decided they were releasing two films in 2020, taking returning characters from the merger off the table would “Doctor Strange 2” or “Black Panther 2” take that spot if not, what film would you choose and why?  On this topic, what do you think Disney will fill “Guardians of The Galaxy Volume 3” release date spot with or will another studio take that 2020 spot?

23:50 Alex

Sean, you've said before that you think James Franco stinks as actor so I have to wonder you've largely been on board with Marvel's casting(with the exception of their casting Maria Hill) but I do wonder( in an alternate universe where James Franco had no scandal)  if Feige and Sarah Finn were to choose James Franco as the next Reed Richards would you be worried?

25:35 Alex

Before either the Sony deal or the Fox deal,  was there  any point in time did you  think the X-Men and Fantastic Four  were never going to come home?  Or did you always expect Marvel to get access to all those characters at some point in time? 

26:38 Alex

When the dust is settled and Marvel gets full access to Spider-Man in addition to getting access to FF and X-Men do you think  there will ever be a point in which the live action shows can  take place in a separate universe from the MCU shows so we can have A-list characters from the comics have their own shows or at least appear in them?

28:26 Robert Klauser

Do you and Paul ever get together to watch any of these MCU flicks?

30:19 Alex Ward

Do you think Kevin Feige would be a good director for the MCU? I know it'll probably never happen, but it's fun to think about.

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