Sean answers your Marvel questions!

4:37 Alex Ward

Hey Sean! I have a couple Fox X-Men questions before that iteration of the franchise is gone forever. 1) Is there any part of you that's excited to see Dark Phoenix just knowing it's the last time we'll see this version of the characters? While the marketing has been lackluster, they truly have the freedom to do anything with these characters, knowing this is the last time they'll be working with these characters. Does the "nothing left to lose" idea excite you about this movie at all? Also, do you think there will be anything in this film that will sort of indirectly nod toward a "goodbye" message or something, sort of how TLJ had a lot of meta-messages to the audiences? I.e. "Let the past die; kill it if you have to."

9:40 Alex Ward

Did you see the interview with Sophie Turner where she (bravely) admits that she won a recent role over a better actress simply due to the fact that she had more followers on social media? Do you think this was Dark Phoenix? What do you think about this concept of casting, and do you think star power is something studios like Fox, as opposed to Disney, are overly concerned with, and maybe that contributes to their wavering success?

13:43 Woo S! Kim

I have been doing some research Sean on some of the more cosmic beings in Marvel Comics do you think in “The Eternals,” “Fantastic Four,” “Guardians of The Galaxy,” or if Mr. McKay does get to his Silver Surfer film will there ever be references and will we ever see The Fulcrum or The One Above All in the MCU? My biggest issue with either of these is people that aren’t hardcore geeks will obviously think and or say “Where were these two when Thanos turned half the universe to ash?”

15:24 Woo S! Kim

Thinking back to 2012-2013 what did you think was more likely to happen as a result of the success of Marvel Studios, Spider-Man coming home first like most people did and in a way that’s how that went down or X-Men and Fantastic Four? Did you ever think back in the day what is happening now, was going to happen potentially this quickly?

17:40 Woo S! Kim

What I have seen from people on the internet and this is not a spoiler that Phil Coulson’s appearance in “Captain Marvel” was well received, how likely of a possibility do you believe that Coulson will be brought back into the MCU films and if he does, the character may not even hint at Agents of SHIELD, my feeling is Kevin Feige really likes the character of Phil Coulson and the performer Clark Gregg because there is no real story reason to bring Coulson into “Captain Marvel,” what are your thoughts?

21:13 Alex

Sean, what do you make of Kinberg's lastest comments about the Disney-Fox deal and its possible implications on the future of the franchise? Kinberg pointed out he's pals with Feige so I wonder if Feige would bring him on board the MCU X-Men as a producer or do you think there's no chance in hell Mr. Kinberg is touching the property  in anyway again  after Dark Phoenix? 

23:38 Alex

Kevin Feige has said that Captain Marvel is the strongest person in the MCU. But do you ever see that changing thanks to the Fox-deal and the numerous other powerful characters that Marvel will be getting back after it closes like Silver Surfer &  Galactus?

25:10 Alex

What aspect of the Fantastic Four and X-Men comics that you never loved  and hope the MCU either avoids or improves on?

26:39 Alex

Sean, would you say the marketing for Dark Phoenix has been the strangest and worst you’ve seen in superhero movies(or does that honor still go to Fan4stic) and do you think the Disney-Fox deal has played a factor in how Fox has chosen to market the film? It really feels to me that this movie is never going to come out. I mean can you think from the top of your head an example of a director confirming a death that people already suspected immediately after the trailer comes out. It’s really quite baffling.

30:59 David Rosen

Hi Sean, I’ve been thinking about the Oscars and Black Panther’s no win for Best Picture. As you talked about in the lead up to the Oscars, the fact that BP won a number of other awards which were voted on by people who also happened to be voting members of the Academy, like the SAG award for Best Ensemble for example, led you to believe that BP had a very good chance of winning Best Picture. Do you think it’s possible that either 1) those voters voted for BP for those awards because maybe they had a feeling that as good as it was, in other Academy voters’ minds, it’s still a comic book movie and therefore didn’t really stand a good chance to win, and so they wanted to make sure that it got recognized somehow and/or 2) in terms of awards, The Oscars are still considered a step above all other awards in prestige, so even though it may have been “acceptable” for a comic book movie to win other awards, the mere fact that it’s a comic book movie made it undeserving of Hollywood’s biggest honor? Just to be clear, I don’t subscribe to any of these ideas myself. A great movie should be recognized as such, regardless of its genre. I’m just trying to get inside some of these people’s heads.

39:23 Ben

Hey Sean! It seems like Marvel is truly embracing diversity for the new era. It’s extremely exciting to me how fast they may go from being a really straight white male centric franchise, to possibly the most diverse franchise in Hollywood. I do think that Marvel is going to pay a price for this though. I think many of people will drop off, either because they are racist/sexist/homophobic, or they are only interested in the traditional old school characters. But I also think that a new, more diverse, fanbase will rise to replace them. What are your thoughts on the coming changes at Marvel, and the possible changes in the Marvel fanbase?

43:53 Ben

Do you think the gay character in Eternals could be Hercules? He was known to have male lovers in Greek mythology.

45:00 Adine

On the Midweek Q&A, someone asked about the possibility of a Collector/GrandMaster limited series. I just wanted to share that there is an Infinity War tie-in novel that features the two with the sort of brotherly rivalry type story you were describing. The series is called AIW: Cosmic Quest. I’m about half way through the audio book, and the reader does a great job of imitating the characters’ on screen performances. I know this isn’t nearly as great as a limited series would be, but it might still scratch that itch for someone who just wants to spend more time with these two

45:46 Alex

Sean, what do you think is the secret to the Marvel’s success? Why are they more consistent than other studios  like Warners, Sony, and Fox  who also make superhero films?And do you think Warner Bros and Sony will be able to achieve Marvel’s good quality streak going forward?

50:22 Alex

Do you think Marvel could pull off either an X-Men and Fantastic Four trilogy without use of the archemeies of their respective franchises like Magneto and Doctor Doom. Would you personally be disappointed if Marvel refrains from using them in the trilogies. Opting instead to introduce those character in other movies outside FF and X-Men films.

53:07 Alex Ward

So I finally got my girlfriend to agree to see Captain Marvel and Endgame with me. We obviously can't get through all the MCU before then, and I know Captain Marvel will at least be pretty standalone, but what movies do you think are the most important to watch before each?

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