Sean answers your Marvel questions!

0:51 Adine

Any thoughts on similarities between the memory examining technology that the Skrulls used on Carol, to Tony’s BARF technology?

2:02 Alex

Sean,  this is the last Q &A before  the Fox deal closes! On to my question, do you think Lance Reddick would make for a good Silver Surfer?  He's a great actor who've adored in shows like the Wire and Lost and I feel he would be a good fit for the Herald Of Galactus.

3:02 Xavier Arqueros

Hello Sean and all the patrons, I was blown away by the last Avengers Endgame trailer. I can't believe we are so close to this movie. I have a theory on what's the first hour or hour and a half of the movie, but I have no clue about what comes next: I think the Avengers assemble with Tony, Nebula and Carol and they go together to find and defeat/kill Thanos, in the battle they succeed but some or almost all of the infinity stones are destroyed. That's when the time elapses comes and we flash forward a few weeks when Natasha finds Clint, when Scott gets out of the Quantum Real, and they get together and start working on a plan to use the Quantum Tunnel to travel Through time. That's all I've got. Clearly Thor and Carol are off Earth with their galaxy business. Do you think this a reasonable way of begin the movie or am I way off? And you have some idea about what enemies or circumstances they would face and what will be Thor and Carol doing off world? I just can't wait for this movie, I need to try and speculate...  Thanks and Cheers everyone!

7:34 Xavier Arqueros

Ah, an other question about the Dr. Doom movie, wouldn't it be could that Von Doom just take control over Sokovia and rename it Latveria? That would be a great connection with Wanda and the avengers, and that way you don't have to make up an other easter european country. Would be cool if he was a brilliant scientist that also went to Kamartaj and learned from the Ancient one, that way you can connect him to Dr. Strange too. But I want this movie, I hope Kevin Feige takes a good look on that Noah script and if it's good bring him on board on the MCU! Thanks again!

10:13 Alex Ward

Hey Sean! Hope you had a great week! I just have a couple for this weekend: 

1) Do you think Carol is immortal? What is your current theory for how she stayed young through Endgame? 

11:38 Alex Ward

2) Do you think Carol may have returned to Earth before Endgame, or has she really been in space all this time?

12:15 Alex Ward

3) Do you think Endgame will adapt any more elements of Infinity Gauntlet, or will it mostly be telling its own story at this point?

13:30 Alex

Sean,  do you mind if I  ask a DC question that relates to Marvel? Captain Marvel has  surpassed Wonder Woman's domestic opening weekend and overall worldwide  opening and it looks like it will be inevitable  that Vers first solo will outgross  Diana's first solo   movie overall so can I ask what's your theory as to why its the case?  Do you think BvS was one of the reasons WW wasn't more successful  and if BvS was a better movie  and well liked by audiences do you think Wonder Woman would've done better numbers?

17:26 Adine

On my way to the theater last Thursday for Captain Marvel opening night I was catching up on some day Daily Bugles and the most recent Black Widow news got me thinking... Especially after watching CM, I realize I haven’t been too excited for BW, because as a prequel, I didn’t imagine that it would advance the greater MCU storyline much. Obviously I was wrong, and I realize now I wasn’t expecting the ways in which CM advanced the story either, like with the Tesseract, and “launching” the Avengers Initiative. I’m wondering now, how do you think Black Widow might add to what we know about the MCU timeline? Do you think it’s likely to delve back into something like an Infinity Stone connection post Endgame? Or do you think it might plant a seed for next phase of the MCU?

19:18 Woo S! Kim

If you are betting man and I trust your judgement always have really, after "The Eternals" now that the Disney FOX deal is nearing an official close is an Fantastic Four and or X-Men film to follow "The Eternals" or  do you think Doctor Strange 2, "Shang Chi," and the sequel to "Black Panther come out well before Mutants and Marvel's First Family?

21:07 Michael Louis Weaselboy

Hey Sean thanks for all the episodes lately, I have so much to listen to now lol. Anyways my question is how angry do you think Thanos will be when the Avengers undo The Decimation?? Like say everyone comes back and all is well and there is a final battle, its just Thanos without the Gauntlet, I imagine he wont be happy, and its a chance to see Thanos truly angry. Thoughts??

22:10 Woo S! Kim

This is just a general question, Sean do you dislike the redesign of the Patreon website it looks so Meh now?

23:24 Woo S! Kim

If you had 45 minutes to an hour to interview Kevin Feige post Disney/FOX merger what five questions would you ask him? (they don’t have to be about The Disney/FOX merger.)

26:12 Woo S! Kim

I try to be, one of those fans that isn’t screaming out to the top of my lungs for networks/studios to resurrect TV Shows Sean.  But I really think/want “Agent Carter” to be resurrected on Disney Plus mainly because the show ended on a cliffhanger also being that the show is a period piece one could pick up the show anywhere from where the show ended off in the second season up to the mid to late 1970’s unless one wants to show an older Peggy Carter, like we True Believers saw in the prologue of “Ant-Man” what is the likelihood in your mind in let’s say two to three years Marvel TV/Marvel Studios could bring back “Agent Carter” on Disney Plus or  on Hulu, thanks Sean.

28:25 Alex

Why do you think Marvel is the bigger international brand than DC? Marvel movies especially in China tend to out-gross DC films. Aquaman made a big splash there(pun not intended) but as a whole DC films don't overall don't do good as their Marvel counterparts. Do you think DC can be a strong brand like Marvel is internationally or is it too late?

32:23 Paul Shearman

Hey Sean and everyone, hope you’re all recovering from the MCU explosion of greatness we’ve had this week!  I’ve had a quick scroll through the questions here (some crackers, as always folks - good work!) and Captain Marvel and Endgame seem well covered, so a quick question about James Gunn being rehired for GOtG3 if I may. This is excellent news, it shows common sense and some new perspective from Disney, and I’m very happy with this. Kevin Feige has potentially played the long game here, keeping a dignified and professional approach when asked publicly about this, but perhaps working quietly behind the scenes within Disney to champion and secure James Gunn return?  What do you think his role in this return may have been? 

Thanks for your time in advance, looking forward to listening in to the Q&A and enjoy your weekend.

40:06 Alex

Sean, what are the chances of Feige tweeting  something to the effect of hashtag "Welcome Back Home First Family and Merry Mutants  to confirm he has the rights either on the date of closure or after that day?

41:39 Robert Klauser

What's up fellow patrons and Sean? It's been an awesome week for MCU fans. With Gunn being reinstated, do you think it was for the purpose of just finishing up the Guardians trilogy or will he be around to help with the cosmic aspects of the MCU like what was stated before?

43:50 Alex

Is James Gunn being rehired to do Guardians Vol. 3 the most shocking  Entertainment news of 2019? Do you think Feige was still vouching for him to direct and played a role in convincing Alan Horn to reverse his decision?

45:15 Alex

When James Gunn returns to direct Guardians Vol. 3 the Fox-Deal will have long since been  complete and Gunn will have access to all  Mutant and Fantastic Four related  characters so do you think  he’ll be open to tweaking   his initial script in order to include those characters whether it be Silver Surfer or Galactus if it fits his overall story or do you think Gunn will stick to his guns(bad pun intended) and adhere mostly to his original story that he would’ve done if the Fox-deal never happened?

47:13 Danyon Ramsay

Another of my favourite content creators, Mr Sunday Movies, mentioned in his video about the new trailer that he had heard a rumour (and he emphasises that it was only a rumour) that the Russos had only made 8 mins of footage of Avengers Endgame available for the trailer. Do you think that this is likely to be true, and, if so, is this sort of control over marketing common for directors to have?

49:24 Woo S! Kim

In your point of view, Sean do you believe because of James Gunn's future with Marvel Studios having ended at the time production wrapped on "Avengers: End Game," do you think there will be story issues concerning The Guardians of The Galaxy now that James Gunn has been rehired?  Or do you think Markus, Mcfeely, The Russos, and Feige had the story for "Infinity War" and "End Game" on lock before all this nonsense occurred with James Gunn so the story of "End Game" wouldn't have been effected at all no matter James Gunn status with Marvel Studios?

51:29 Alex

Sean, what's your thoughts about Fox executuives saying the Disney/Fox merger is hurting the Dark Phoenix film and what do you specifically think about this quote specifically from a frustrated marketing executive for Dark Phoenix: "Nobody has come around and said, 'This is what’s going on.' Why can’t they just tell us that there is no place for us? Why can’t they let anyone know?" "We are not leaving because we didn’t make money for the company or we did a bad job. We are leaving because of pure capitalism."

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