0:20 Woo S! Kim

What do you believe is the most significant benefit that Marvel Studios will gain by having Marvel's First Family and The Mutants back other than the most obvious gain, having most of their characters back under their roof.  I just find it ironic that feige was discussing and or hinting at the Marvel Cinematic Universe going for Cosmic elements than they did previously even before the Disney/FOX desl, now it is an even better situation than before.

3:56 Woo S! Kim

We haven't seen them in Marvel Studios' films and please correct me if I am wrong, but are there such things as naturally born heroic Kree?  I just ask this because of how "Captain Marvel" showed us a different side of The Skrulls.

5:55 Alexander Williams

Love the show! One of my biggest Marvel (Fox) pet peeves is “the reboot.” Retelling an origin story is unnecessary and a 20 min waste of movie time. The most egregious rebooter is the Fantastic Four, which had to condense its own movie to make space for yet another poorly constructed origin story.  Given the complexity of FF’s real origin story (and the fact that it couldn’t get worse) would’t the franchise be served introducing characters in onesies/foursies? I’d prefer to see a Dr. Doom solo movie or one where he’s a foil for Dr. Strange. This could then be followed by a FF movie. I know you guys are FF super fans. Have you heard anything about what’s going on with the franchise? Is there any hope for the FF? Any chance you guys could serve as comic consultants to spare us all from another steaming pile of FF? Thanks for a great show!

10:07 Alex Ward

Hi Sean! Hope you and the patrons are all doing well! So I'm sure you've seen the latest IMAX poster for Spider-Man: Far From Home, and the jokes that followed. I do think it's pretty funny, especially knowing there are other good FFH posters out there, but I have some questions: How much does a movie's poster quality affect its box office success? Are there any instances in which a bad poster hurt a good movie, or maybe a bad movie that had a good poster? Venom maybe?

17:44 Alex Ward

Forgive me if you've already discussed the Avengers video game that's coming out, but I am wondering what your general impressions are. I like that the approach they're taking but I'm not that excited about the playable characters. Don't get me wrong, I love these characters, but I don't necessarily think the film Avengers lineup are the most fun to play as. What Avengers are you excited to play as, and which additional characters would you like to play as in a video game? Are you planning on getting Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 for Switch? I don't have a Switch but I'm thinking of getting one just for that game.

22:46 Alex Ward

Given Far From Home's unique release date during a very busy week (you, me, and Tom Cruise's birthday, plus the Fourth of July), what are your plans to sneak in showings of this film, or multiple? Okay, thank you so much Sean and have an awesome week everyone!

25:33 Mike Garrison

Hey Sean and everyone, hope you're doing well. I did an X-Men re-watch before forcing myself to see Dark Pheonix and every time I re-watch these movies my love for Magneto is reinforced.  My question is: I really like Magneto's origins in the movies and comics - but if/when he is introduced to the MCU;  being a Holocaust survivor wouldn't make much sense anymore as it could be anywhere from 2025-2030 (?) in the MCU timeline. How do you think Marvel Studios, or how would you address this?  Could they have Magneto be a survivor of genocide of a fictional country, or maybe change Magneto's race and have him be a survivor of more recent events that happened in the real world? Thanks for doing this, look forward to your answer.

29:29 Michael Weaselboy

Hey Sean, about the fox X-Men movies, are you upset that Ian McKellen and Michael Fassbender never interacted onscreen??

30:16 Alex Ward

Do you have any morbid curiosity in seeing the supposed "Kinberg cut" of Dark Phoenix that includes Skrulls and a Civil War-esque ending?

30:26 Linc

what rumoured property do you put the least and most stock in? And why?

36:08 Giuseppe Vicaretti

Hey Sean and fellow Patrons, hope you're all having a good start to the weekend. My question for you Sean is not really related to Marvel, but it would have some effect on them I think. What is your take, if you have one on DC Universe currently and the official cancellation of Swamp Thing after only its first episode being aired? Does this give Marvel any kind of advantage on newer content they will make in the future?

45:04 David Rosen

Do you make anything of the fact that the new comic book version of Reed Richards in "War of the Realms" is being made to look like a bearded John Krasinski? It seems like the last time we got a comic book character who was modeled after a real life person, we got Samuel L Jackson in the MCU. Not to wear my tin foil hat too tight, but you think Kevin Feige already has his Reed Richards in mind with Krasinski and wants that to be reflected in the books too?

47:54 David Rosen

Like many of us I’m sure, one of my favorite parts of bringing home a new MCU movie are the special features and learning about what actually went into the creation of a particular movie. To be honest, though, I’ve started to get bored with getting the same kinds of bonus features. It’s made me start to think about what new kinds of features i would be interested in seeing, and one thing that came to mind would be a totally stripped down version of the movie made up entirely of dailies and first draft storyboards or animatics for all-CGI scenes where there is no set footage. No visual effects, no sound effects, no music, no nothing. Just the bare minimum. personally, I would love to see what these effects-heavy movies look like before any post work happens. I already appreciate what goes into making these kinds of movies, but I think I would appreciate them even more to see them in their raw form. Would something like this interest you and what other types of new special features would you be interested in seeing?

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