Sean answers your Marvel questions!

00:36 Brian White

Hi Sean. New Patron here. I am very curious in Avengers: Infinity War what became of half of the Asgardians. Thor pretty clearly states that Thanos and his Children murdered half of the Asgardians but they were all on that ship that Loki and Korg brought to Asgard from Sakaar. I've watched the movie several times and all I see is the ship being destroyed. Thanos did not have the Space Stone yet so do we assume that the Asgardians conceded to being transported somewhere on a ship that Thanos provides for them?

02:34 Tom DeMichele

Hey Sean and Patrons! First just wanna say I’m loving Discord and it’s been fun connecting with you all. Thanks for cultivating this awesome community Sean!

As was said on the Mid-week, we’re looking forward to a Tony-and-Cap reunion as well as encounters between many other characters. If/when the Snapped characters return, do you foresee a Tony-and-Bucky encounter? How might the next interaction between these two play out? I assume they’re both going to make it out of Endgame alive, so I do foresee their dynamic being resolved or at least revisited in some way.

05:45 Woo S! Kim

It’s hilarious to me, how many of my questions have come out of the “Avengers: Infinity War” Roundtable discussion.  Something that everyone of the directors has talked about is the willing of the general audience and the geek audience and it took a bit of time, for the non geek audience, but not much to realize for example Doctor Strange is very different from Spider-Man, which is very different from Guardians of The Galaxy, but they all of them took time place in a larger universe as we True Believers know.  I, myself when I was young child didn’t have a comic book shop near me, my point and my question to you Sean, is do you think that one of the keys to success of Marvel Studios for the last decade and going forward is that going to a Regal or a Cinemark watching all these films is the modern equivalent of going to your local comic book shop and getting sucked into what’s going on with Ant-Man and The Wasp or Daredevil this week and wondering with great anticipation of what’s going to happen with the next issue in three weeks?  Is this apt comparison?

09:32 Woo S! Kim

I recently heard on my buddy’s YouTube channel that when Adam McKay met with Kevin Fiege, I don’t know if it was McKay, but in my view, this had to be him because I don’t think Feige would bring up this I.P. knowing the issues Feige had with this I.P. with Ike Perlmutter, Adam McKay said that in his meeting with Feige; The Inhumans was brought up in conversation, I have a lot of respect for Adam McKay, I thought he was a great writer on “Saturday Night Live,” I am not saying tomorrow or even in twelve months and I know this would not be your first choice for Mr. McKay, but do you think “Inhumans” on Disney Plus and Adam McKay as an executive producer and or Show-runner would be a good back door intro to Marvel’s First Family or a good companion series when Fantastic Four makes their Marvel Cinematic Universe film debut why or why not?

12:10 Alex

Do you think the way to differentiate the  MCU Charles Xavier from the Fox versions is to make the character a little less sagacious and a little more  morally ambiguous? I like the Patrick Stewart version a lot but he kind of made Xavier a lot more likable and preachy than the controlling, strict, and demanding figure from the comics. You may disagree with my assessment of the comics character Sean, but I’ve read multiple X-Men comics and Xavier has always come across a bit of a jerk.  Which I kind of like since it makes him more flawed than the all-knowing, warm, self-righteous character that tends to give long-winded morality speeches  that both Stewart and McaVoy  have portrayed in the past.     

14:21 Alex

Do you think 2018 was the best year ever  for Spider-Man? Spider-Man was in  Infinity War which was a hit, Spider-Man had a ultra successful videogame as well as an extremely well-received movie which is now considered another game-changer for animation as well as the rest of the superhero genre.  I think 2002(the year the very first live-action Spider-Man movie was released in theaters) has been surpassed by a pretty large margin as the most important and best  year for the character.

16:04 Brandon Coleman

First off, Happy New Year Sean and all others members! What Marvel comics are you currently reading? I’ve recently got deep into the current Fantastic Four and Captain America runs by Dan Slott and Ta-Nehisi Coates. I also really like the 1st issue of Miles Morales: Spider-Man. I recently started buying the comic issues and using the digital codes to read them on my phone. I was wondering what you would recommend to add to my current reading? Thank you and I look forward to your answer.

17:54 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

Hi Sean and all my fellow Patrons!
Do you think we will ever get a Black Cat in a Spider-Man film? I remember for ASM2 it was rumored that Felicity Jones was apparently supposed to play her but idk. Would you like to see that and if so who would you like to see play her?

19:23 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

Do you think Thor will feel "emasculated" when Carol shows up to AE or will he be welcoming/glad since he says, "There's nothing wrong with women, of course, I like women. Sometimes a little too much. Not in a creepy way, just more like a respectful appreciation."? Would you like to see any fun banter between these 2?

20:58 Alex

The president recently said that he's willing to let the government shutdown go on for months, if not years.  If the shutdown  does indeed go on for that along then  can see you see this preventing the ability for the  Disney/Fox deal to close in anyway?

22:03 Alex Ward

Hey Sean! First of all, I'm loving the Discord so far. It's awesome to be able to engage with everyone about the shows and geek out about Marvel! I was just wondering if you thought it worth speculating that Marvel Games is working on a Fantastic Four game; they recently updated their logo to use a "4" for the "G" in "Games", but it doesn't look especially like a Fantastic Four logo.

24:31 Alex Ward

I also wanted to ask about being proud of your fandom. You mention wearing Marvel shirts and hats, showing your marvel room when you have company over, watching Iron Man 3 as a yearly tree decorating tradition, etc., but maybe it's my friends just having no "nerdy" interests, but I always feel ashamed (maybe that's not the right word) about showing my Marvel pride or even getting nerdy stuff for Christmas, and the idea of getting my girlfriend to watch a Marvel movie unless it's in theaters is almost impossible. Not to make this a Dear Abby question, but did you ever have similar struggles embracing your fandom, and if so, how'd you learn to embrace it? Was it making connections through podcasts and social media? It's been a little helpful me to think about the fact that my friends nerd out about sports and music all the time just like I do for Marvel, but for some reason that's more socially acceptable. Again, it could just be my friends, so maybe being in the Discord community will help me embrace all this!

33:43 Alex Ward

Oh, and one more thing: are we getting close to, or are we already at, the point where interests in superheroes isn't nerdy anymore, but instead, dare I say it, cool?

37:05 Michael bradley

Hello Sean. In a previous Q &  A You talked about your favorite seasons of superhero  TV. I was wondering what are some of the ones you consider  bad. Everyone can say Inhumans and Iron Fist season 1, but do you have any others?  The season 4 of Arrow almost made me stop watching the show. And Arrow is my favorite CW show.

38:38 Michael Louis Weaselboy

Hey Sean how is your weekend going?? My question is, how would you do a venom sequel with Tom Hollands Spiderman in the mix. I know you hate Venom but I heard Marvel might have to let Holland appear in the sequel for the Sony/Marvel deal to keep working. Thoughts?

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