Sean answers your Marvel questions!

00:36 Alex Ward

It has been occurring to me recently that this past year or so is one of those rare time in pop culture where we're in between a major cliffhanger (the snap) and its resolution (Endgame). The only comparable time I can think of is 1980-1983, when Luke found out Vader was his father but Return of the Jedi hadn't come out yet. Do you ever lament the fact that this time will soon be over, knowing that these periods of not-knowing are so few and far between in fandom? What do you think is the best way to savor this time?

6:06 Alex Ward

Do you think the recent additional accusations against Bryan Singer are even more reason to put Dark Phoenix to bed early and leave the Fox X-Men universe behind for good? Do you think these accusations might play into any decision Disney or Fox might end up making?

8:46 Spencer Toycen

Hey there, Sean I hope all is well! Recently, I picked Immortal Hulk and that series became my go to Marvel book right now. I’ve always loved the Hulk especially the Bixby/Ferrigno show, so with this new ongoing bringing back the traveling aspect is a welcomed return. With that being said, I feel that’s something missing from Banner in the MCU. Does Universal seem likely to move on the Hulk rights soon? I just don’t know how the Fox deal would effect that, if at all. Thanks, Sean!

13:43 Woo S! Kim

Now that it is set, that we are going to have a Los Angeles Rams versus New England Patriots Superbowl, I am assuming being a born and raised Los Angeles guy, you will have a Superbowl party, you have one almost every year correct?  On the more Marvel side of things, how likely and would you rather Marvel Studios have a “Captain Marvel” Superbowl ad over an “Avengers: End Game” Superbowl ad because correct me if I’m wrong aren’t Superbowl ads for movies a minimum thirty and a maximum sixty seconds and since “Captain Marvel” is coming out sooner wouldn’t it make more sense for Marvel Studios to put more money into Captain Marvel’s Superbowl ad, rather than “Avengers: End Game?”  The reason I say is because Kevin Feige did say on the Golden Globes Red Carpet that in the marketing Marvel Studios isn’t going to show past the first fifteen to twenty minutes of the film.  How can one show pretty much the same clips over and over without making it look like Marvel Studios is recycling footage, I guess changing the music in ads, helps.  Feige could be lying about the fifteen to twenty minutes, but do you see my point am I off base on this one, Sean?

20:43 Woo S! Kim

In my mind, something that would happen in the aftermath of “Avengers: Endgame”  is The Avengers taking control of “The Raft” and making it theirs and the prison under either T’Chalia’s control or Captain Danvers or The Avengers as a collective, what are your thoughts, Sean?

22:26 Woo S! Kim

This is something I have thought about after watching the roundtables for “Black Panther” and for “Avengers: Infinity War” which are both superb. If and or when Fantastic Four and X-Men get films made by Marvel Studios and for that matter whenever Marvel Studios produces and releases an A-Force film.  I would really like some of the creative forces behind X-Men Comics like Chris Claremont, Joss Whedon to sit down with the directors/writers of Marvel Studios X-Men film to discuss the characters similar to how Ryan Coogler and his production staff were able to talk some of Black Panther’s comic book writers.  In that same vein when an A-Force film is released I would really like Sana Amant and Kelly Sue Deconnick a chance to sit down with filmmakers and talk about their experiences re-launching Ms. and Captain Marvel to audiences young and old alike, what are your thoughts, Sean?

24:20 Michael Louis Weaselboy

Hey Sean how is your weekend going I hope its going well. Let me just say real quick that since becoming a patron I have been overloaded with stuff to listen to thanks to your show. Anyways I was wondering if Blade were to become a movie in the MCU how would you do it?? Would you have any other Characters cameo?? Who would you cast as Blade?? And finally who should be the villain? Also do you think they will make a "Marvel Knights" brand for R rated movies?? Thoughts??

28:45 Ben

Hey Sean! I remember you saying that Nate Moore would be a worthy successor to Kevin Feige, and I agree. But it doesn’t seem like Feige is going anywhere anytime soon and Moore should be a hot commodity to anyone with an upstart cinematic universe. For instance, if I was Toby Emmerich I would snatch him up to run a Milestone Media line of movies. Do you think Nate Moore will be poached by another studio in the near future?

33:20 Maya

My #1 favorite marvel scene of all time is the "She's not alone" scene when Okoye and Black Widow come to Wanda's rescue when she is fighting Proxima Midnight. I really respect and agree with your comment about how an all woman marvel team up shouldn't require a reason as to why the men are absent. I think an all woman team up would be DOPE and I'm hoping we can see it within the next 3 years. Which character do you think would make a great villain if it was also a woman?

38:20 Alex

Hey Sean, As I recall, I once asked you if whether the recent  Singer allegations would make you reconsider ever watching his films especially his comic book movies now I have to ask do you think that the allegations against Mr. Singer could potentially taint the legacy of the X-Men films for majority of people?  and what do you think  of Millennium Pictures keeping  Singer as the director of Red Sonja   despite  the new allegations  says about Hollywood?

43:01 Alex

Any comment on the Brazilian delay on approving the Disney/Fox merger past the expected  January 30th date? Why do you think its taking so long for Brazil to approve the merger and do you still have confidence the deal will close pretty early?

44:18 Alex

Now that Millennium  Pictures for whatever bizarre reason decided to keep Singer as the director of the Red Sonja film despite these new flood of allegations against him it got me thinking how would you feel if Marvel did the same and hired Singer or someone like him on a project and once credible sexual misconduct allegations start coming out about them  Kevin Feige and Alan Horn stood their ground and still keeps them as director on the project  then in that scenario could you in  good conscience ever  bring yourself to support the film?

45:42 Alex Ward

Is it at all possible that a deal has been reached between Marvel Studios and Sony and we just haven't heard about it yet? Say, for example, Sony sold the rights for Spider-Man back to Marvel Studios--we'd have to hear about that, right? Also, what would it take from Sony to let Marvel Studios make Norman Osborn a major crossover villain in the MCU?

54:23 David Rosen

Hey Sean and Friends! Hope everyone has had a good week! We got some exciting news today about Dr. Strange’s sequel and it got me thinking: we know that directors talk to each other when they go to make the team-up films, such as the Russos talking to Ryan Coogler, Taiki Waititi, and so on when they were making Infinity War to make sure they were continuing on what each director established in their solo film.. However, do you think it also works the other way around, in that some of the individual directors will talk to the writers and directors of the team up films where those versions of a character seem to work better than in their solo films? For example, while I’m personally a fan of him in both movies, I’d say there is more or less a general consensus that Dr. Strange was written better and more enjoyable in Infinity War than in his solo movie. Do you think when they go to write Dr. Strange 2, Scott Derrickson and C. Robert Cargill might talk with the Russo’s and Markus and McFeely about how they approached and wrote that character that made him one of the highlights of Infinity War?

As the MCU continues to grow, it seems like there is the potential for more and more characters to be handled by different directors, and I wonder if all the creatives at Marvel Studios might look at which movie or movies each character’s characterization was the most successful/enjoyed by audiences and try to continue applying those thought processes that for all future films that a character will appear in. 

59:37 Mookie Johnson

Potential Avengers: Endgame spoiler question

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