Sean answers your Marvel questions!

0:52 Jim Scroggs

Since Peter has officially met Nick Fury in the FFH trailer, do you think that at some point we’ll see Peters Parents as SHIELD agents in a flashback or to make it even more comic book-y, they were never dead to begin with

3:19 Jessica Loutfi

Hi Sean. Hope all is well with yourself and the patrons. It has been fun to be a part of the discord community. I am wondering if you had ever given any thought to the origins of the Marvel comics in regards to their mythological equals. For example, Thor and the Norse Myths. I wonder if you have a take on the Greek mythological figure Thanatos, whom has many similarities to Thanos and how myths play into the stories we enjoy. Thanks for everything you do!

6:28 Brian White

Hi Sean. I'm about a week behind on podcasts so this might have been answered by the time I catch up but I'm curious and confused about all the fan theories assuming Secret Invasion is an obvious next step. As you've commented, that kind of story requires years of setup. It was much more intuitive to me to assume that the next Avengers movie or Captain Marvel 2 would be Kree/Skrull War. Surely, Carol is not going to wrap that whole thing up in the first Captain Marvel movie. She's going to need her new Avengers team mates to help her no matter how powerful she is. This event could accomplish again what Infinity War did, bringing the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain America together in the backdrop of a space adventure. What do you think? Thanks!

10:45 Woo S! Kim

If I am just a casual cinema goer and I just heard from friends the storylines of the comics: “House of M” “Avengers v. X-Men” and “X-Men: Dark Phoenix” don’t all those storylines sound about the same, myself being a geek, I know they are different.  Do you think it would be the correct move since cinema goers and hardcore geeks have seen one live action version of The Dark Phoenix that did not go over so well and one that hasn’t even debuted in cinemas that is all ready getting artistic mud thrown at it, wouldn’t it make sense when Feige has creative control over the X-Men to do a “House of M” film first since a lot of people have gotten to know Scarlet Witch and perhaps will have more emotional investment because of her Disney Plus series storyline and then in let’s say for argument sake five years just lump “The Dark Phoenix” and “Avengers v. X-Men” storylines together adapt both stories into an “Avengers v. X-Men” film, what say you, Sean?  

15:23 Woo S! Kim

You Sean are one of the few people I have heard give Nicole Pearlman credit for what she contributed to the first “Guardians of The Galaxy” film now this could be a non-issue especially if Marvel Studios and or whomever directs the third Guardians of The Galaxy film decides to use James Gunn script and makes miniscule changes to it.  For argument sake, let’s say Marvel Studios doesn’t like James Gunn’s script for whatever reason, would Nicole Pearlman in your point of view be a good person to bring into write a new draft of “Guardians of The Galaxy Volume 3” because of her work on the first film or would it be too much of a challenge because her initial interpretation of the Guardians is perhaps too far and away from what James Gunn has established?

17:35 Woo S! Kim

This is just speculation on my part, but I have seen on a lot of Marvel Comics social media, a lot of advertising with the Fantastic Four. My question is with the Disney/FOX deal potentially closing very soon,  is this just Marvel Comics slowly reintroducing Marvel’s first family and X-Men characters into the comics because they just want to be in the words of Lion King’s Scar to be prepared when Fantastic Four and X-Men come back into the fold or could there be something more there we fans aren’t seeing, to be fair and no pun intended with the not seeing when Daredevil’s rights came back to Marvel in 2012, Marvel slowly starting reintroducing him to the comics proper, same with Ghost Rider, what are your thoughts, Sean?

19:40 brentacPrime

Do you think any characters that were snapped will come back only to die again in Endgame? If so, any guesses?

22:07 Tom DeMichele

Do you think the next person to play Matt Murdock should be a blind actor? I think casting actors with disabilities is the next step in representation, and discussion on this topic is ongoing. Actors like Bryan Cranston and Tessa Thompson have been met with criticism for portraying characters with disabilities. Perhaps for logistical and safety reasons, a non-blind stunt person can do the more complicated action scenes, with a blind actor portraying Matt for everything else. Your thoughts, Sean?

24:17 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

Hey Sean! Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Have you seen every MCU film’s special features? And if so (or from the ones you have seen) which film’s special features are your personal favorite(s) and why?

27:01 Alex

Sean with “Glass” already have come out I thought I should ask you a question regarding the director dubbed the King of  The Twist(for better or worse)  and was once dubbed(prematurely) as “the next Spielberg” himself M. Night Shyamalan(forgive me if I misspelled his name) M. Night Shyamalan is one of the most polarizing directors working today but I still like most of Shymalan’s films(yes even The Village) and Unbreakable I think is masterpiece and kind of shows he has in him for a superhero flick.  So first of all, what do you think of him as a filmmaker and what Marvel property do you think he’d be the best fit for?

28:39 Alex

If ‘Into The Spiderverse’ was a live-action film do you think Tobey McGuire would be able  to pull off an older, jaded, scluby Peter mentoring Miles Morales or do you think they’d be better off going with someone else or just casting Jake Johnson(the voice actor who played Peter in the movie)? Personally I’d be curious to see Tobey McGuire play a Peter Parker who’s at a different stage of his life than the one he played Peter in the Riami  trilogy. It’d almost be like asking Micheal Keaton(Keaton’s is a much better actor than McGuire IMO)  to come back to play  the older version of Bruce Wayne mentoring Terry McGinnis.

29:57 Alex

I recently happened upon an interview with Dan Slott with SY FY Wire  in which he blatantly confirms what we all suspected - The Disney/Fox deal is the primary reason Marvel revived the FF comics. Granted we all knew  months before the Disney/Fox deal  that FF was cancelled because of the film rights situation because Jonathan Hickman basically confirmed  that the comics were canceled over the  film rights still being at Fox(they canceled the comic the same year Fan4stic was released), and not because of the Marvel PR story about the comic having “low sales” but it just irks me that Marvel can be so petty  but  how do you feel about it? Do you think Marvel was in the right to cancel the comic because they don’t own the film rights and they don’t want to support a potentially bad movie like Fan4stic(which actually did turn out bad by the way) by not giving  it any promotion whatsoever?  Why didn’t they cancel  the X-Men comic over the same thing since back then those rights were also at Fox?

36:37 Paul Shearman

Hey Sean and patrons, hope everyone has had a great week so far. Having now seen the international trailer for Spider-Man Far From Home, we know that Peter has his original Homecoming costume with him when he’s is Europe. And we have also now seen the red and black costume being worn in Europe- which from the early set photos last year made it look like he was just wearing it in New York (to me at least).
So I’m curious who he gets this suit from, as I expect Nick Fury will provide the stealth suit he gets - but the red and black costume looks absolutely like a Tony Stark design. We know Happy Hogan is in the movie and we also see Happy talking to Peter in what looks - possibly- like the cabin of a private jet (when he says to Peter ‘you’re alone’).
So, could Happy provide Peter with the red and black costume, and would that therefore indicate Tony created it, and was still alive after Endgame (although I guess he could just as easily have made it prior to any possible death in Endgame).
As always, would welcome your thoughts on this Sean, and hope you and all the patrons enjoy the rest of your weekend.

39:39 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

Ok, so the topic and question I’m about to bring up is in no way meant to be insensitive or to cause any sort of controversy, at all. It’s more to just get a different perspective on the matter as well as to share a little bit of my own opinion.

What is your opinion of the recent Hollywood trend to link directors to movies with the same race/sex as the leads in those films? Mostly it’s become/becoming a trend in the superhero genre. Examples: Black Panther, Wonder Woman, and others that haven’t been released or announced yet like Black Widow and Shang Chi.

Now, I am not saying it’s a bad trend, in fact I have enjoyed immensely the diversity in front of and behind the cameras for these films recently.

I guess I also feel, though, that just like for years movies in general, as well as superhero ones, have been helmed by Caucasian males; is it not seen as “right” in today’s society for films with a Caucasian lead to be directed by a director of different race/sex? For example can’t there be like a Captain America or Iron Man movie directed by say a Ryan Coogler? And just like for many years women led films have also been helmed by male directors. How about a woman directing a male led film? I loved the idea that was thrown around a while ago for Patty Jenkins to direct a Superman movie.

Those are just some superficial examples. I hope I made sense and didn’t cause a stir. I honestly would just like to talk about this topic in a respectful and sensitive way.  

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