Sean answers your Marvel questions! 

0:43 Kerry Vanderberg

Hi Sean, I hope you are doing well. What are some of your “must-haves” in the new era of X-Men films which you want to see once they are introduced into the MCU? A few for me are: a more drawn out fight between Wolverine and Sabretooth where they actually get to slash each other up (which they had the perfect opportunity to do in LOGAN, but missed out by not bringing back Leiv Schreiber); Rogue somehow getting her flight and super-strength powers; and for them to plant the seeds of the larger mythology with Cyclops and Jean, where their offspring (Cable) would become the one who can truly defeat Apocalypse in the future. This involves a lot of players including Mr. Sinister, Stryfe, Apocalypse, and should be a long-game plan. Personally, I would hope to see them build up to an adaptation of the X-Cutioner’s Song Saga, and play up the mystery that Stryfe is a clone of Cable. Although most important I supposed would to see the X-Men working together as a TEAM. What are your thoughts?

8:58 Kerry Vanderberg

What do you think are the missed opportunities for Spider-man from the Amazing Spider-Man films? Personally I didn’t like either film, and the only thing that I was excited for before ASM 2 came out was Shailene Woodley’s casting as Mary Jane. Personally I thought she was pitch-perfect casting, as I would see her in interviews (particularly one with Conan O’Brien), and I thought her natural personality in that interview matched MJ perfectly. So I was bummed when she was cut out, but I doubt her appearance would have made much of a difference for that film anyways. In any case, that is one where if there was a way to de-age Shailene Woodley to match Tom Holland’s age, I would prefer to see her cast as Mary Jane in current era of Spider-man, but I doubt that will happen either. What did you think about Shailene Woodley’s casting at the time, and what do you think were the missed opportunities with that version of Spider-man (other than ASM 2 simply not being a good movie)?

15:19 Kerry Vanderberg

What types of movies do you go to when you have finished an MCU/superhero movie marathon or re-watch? Do you have a “palette cleanser” of sorts? Some of my favorite non-superhero genres are crime dramas, spy thrillers, and sci-fi films. While obviously the MCU has done a great job in intermixing multiple genres in their films, sometimes it’s great to go to a stand-alone film like LA Confidential or Interstellar for a change of pace. Any recent ones you’ve discovered or revisited?

18:20 Mookie Johnson

Given your report on the Daily Bugle yesterday, I kept waiting for you to say that "the Oscars want the Avengers to come save the day" or something like that... maybe i'm the only one who hears these bad jokes in my head.

Anywho, Do you think there's any chance  that comes with any promotional reveals like a costume, trailer, behind-the-scenes, etc.?
Also do you think the actors would be themselves for the segments or would they be in character? For example,  would the title card say Robert Downey jr. And he is being himself, or might he come out in an Iron Man suit and be acting as Tony Stark/Iron Man?
If it is the latter, would they not have dusted characters present?

21:33 Woo S! Kim

Now that we are closer to the launch of Disney Plus and the FOX/Disney merger coming to a close, where do you think the place of Marvel TV within Disney will be especially since sites like The Wrap and The Hollywood Reporter which I know can be cold and hot on these stories sometimes especially when there is not a lot of information,  but they have reported over the last month or so that Marvel Studios is going to do quite a bit of live action content on Disney Plus, do you think that Marvel Animation that is under the Marvel TV umbrella will do a lot more exclusive animated films, for Disney Plus? Also, I have been thinking this for a couple of days now, and you have touched on this in the past, has your mode of thinking altered in that Marvel Studios series will stay primarily on Disney Plus which will be a big selling point to the casual non geek audiences to get Disney Plus subscriptions and Marvel TV will primarily produce shows for Freeform and FXX as well as “Agents of Shield” on ABC?

29:94 Alex

Hey Sean can I ask how you'd prefer MCU  Sue Storm be portrayed in comparison to the Fox-versions played previously by Kate Mara and Jessica Alba respectively? In my mind, Sue should be confident and assertive, while also being a complete badass.   And also I would like for the MCU to have Sue Storm be among the strongest and most  dangerous characters in the universe. Sue is already the most powerful member of the FF

30:05 Alex

Forgive me if you've been asked this question before  but for  the MCU do you think the best approach for realizing the Thing in live-action  is putting the actor in a Mo-Cap suit like we've seen done for Hulk and Fan4stic or would  would you prefer old-school practical thing like makeup/prosthetics  like we've seen done  before with the Tim Story movies and most recently with the Skrulls?

31:56 David Rosen

Hey Sean, I’ve been holding onto this question for a while now, mainly because it has more to do with Disney-Fox than the MCU, but with the launch of your new Star Wars podcast, I figured this is the right time to ask. Once the deal goes through, can you see, and/or would you prefer, Disney putting the Fox fanfare back in front of Star Wars movies and/or new tv shows? That fanfare is so iconic, that whenever I hear it, my mind automatically jumps to the opening Star Wars theme right after hearing it. Plus, like the MCU fanfare, I’ve become conditioned to get excited for whatever is about to come after it. When I saw Force Awakens and Last Jedi, I couldn’t help but feel like something was missing at the beginning of those movies and it just didn’t feel right hearing the opening Star Wars theme without the Fox fanfare in front of it.

34:34 David Rosen
On a separate note, between all you do for this podcast, writing for the MSN website, the new Fandalorians podcast, your twitter activity, reading for the Marvel unlimited bookclub, and keeping up with everyone on the Discord, I seriously have no idea how you have the time to do all of it. You’re not secretly in possession of a time stone that gives you more hours in a day, are you? If so, quit holding out on the rest of us. Not cool. Seriously though, I’m super impressed with and thankful for all you do for your fans and creating this little community of ours that we have going. I’m also really looking forward to the podcast’s leadup to Avengers End Game, so thanks as always and keep it up!

39:30 David Rosen

Another Marvel/Star Wars question: As they are both coming our this year, and will both be serving as conclusions of sorts to their respective franchises, which movie do you think has more riding on it, Avengers Endgame or Star Wars Ep. 9? Also, which movie do you think has more pressure to succeed?

46:20 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

Hey Sean hope you and all my fellow Patrons have a great weekend!

So I have heard great things of Jonathan Hickman’s FF comic series! What is your take on it? Why would you recommend this series for someone to read?

48:06 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

Favorite MCU costume? Don’t know if this has been asked before.

49:30 Hector Giovanni Navarrete
Your personal favorite funniest moment/joke in the MCU?

51:04 Michael Louis Weaselboy

Hey Sean hope your weekend is going good, my question is about the X-Men in the MCU, first off who do you think should be the villain in the first X-Men MCU film?? Who would you cast as that character?? What would be the lineup you would pick? And finally who would you cast as them?? Thanks for all that you do and I hope you have a nice weekend.

54:16 Alex

Out of all the Fox movies that was currently in development before the Disney deal was announced  that we know of like the Doctor Doom film, Kitty Pyrde film, or the  Gambit film which movie would you most want to be saved and be  re-purposed to fit in the MCU and which project would you most like to see Marvel abandon?

56:20 Alex

If Spider-Man was to leave the MCU after ‘Far From Home’ what do you think will be the biggest missed opportunity  that comes with Spider-Man’s MCU tenure coming to an end? For myself it would be Spider-Man not being in the MCU long enough to be able to meet/interact with Fox characters like Wolverine and Johnny Storm. I want Spider-Man to meet the Fantastic Four on screen before I die. I want that  so badly.

58:48 Alex

Jeremy Conrad and Christopher Marc(former Editor-In-Chief of a scoop site called Omega Underground) have been insistent that both Dark Phoenix & New Mutants will see a theatrical release even when Disney takes over and I have to wonder what you you think if both Dark Phoenix & New Mutants gets delayed again? Would you still be somewhat confident Disney would release those movies despite the mutiple delays based soley on that report by the Wall Street Journal that Disney will release those movies no matter what? I can’t shake this sneaking feeling that something is going to happen with these movies soon.

1:04:42 Liam Heslin

Hi Sean and fellow Patrons, hope everyone is having a nice start to their weekend. I saw a tweet on Friday from Daniel Richtman saying any Fox movie not already in production (like Dark Phoenix and New Mutants) will likely be scrapped when the Disney-Fox deal finally closes. My question is what do you think this means for a potential X-Force movie? I was under the impression that Fox has Josh Brolin and Zazi Beetz locked up for more movies and even if X-Force is delayed will those contracts get handed over to Disney after the deal? Thanks as always for answering our questions and creating such an awesome community for Marvel fans.

1:08:37 Alex Ward

Do you think Marvel Studios would consider doing reshoots of New Mutants to make it their own? I think the casting was perfect so I would hate to see it go to "waste". The only downside to that idea I can think of is that it would probably interfere with their overall X-plans. Also, what do you think of the casting and roster of New Mutants?

1:10:37 Alex Ward

Also, we've talked before about how the timing of the Fox deal will likely prevent certain characters from ever being able to interact. For example, if Cap dies in Endgame, he'll never meet Wolverine, and so on. What character interactions between current MCU characters and FF/X-Men characters are you most hoping to see? I just have one: Spidey and Human Torch, maybe with them both going to the same high school!

1:13:08 Alex Ward

]In-universe, are the MCU heroes having adventures between the movies, maybe even against other villains, or are we seeing all of their heroics onscreen? I know it's implied that characters like Loki and Thor were up to something before Ragnarok, but for other characters it's not so clear. For example, it's hard for me to infer whether Cap, Natasha, Falcon and the gang were doing any missions while in hiding.

1:14:49 Alex Ward

This sort of has to do with the previous question: how would you feel about an MCU "canon" similar to what Star Wars does, in which all the books, comics, video games, and other supplemental materials are now canonical? I know we have the tie-in comics, and that these characters *came* from comics, but I think they're such significant pop culture characters that they now transcend any specific media format. I know we have books like Thanos: Titan Consumed, but while it takes place within the MCU, it's been clearly described as non-canonical.

1:20:42 Woo S! Kim

What do you think of the possibilities that the post credit scene in "Avengers: Infinity War" where Hill and Fury are driving take place after the events of "Spider-Man: Far From Home?" also I wou be shocked if I am the only one that's thought of that.

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