Sean answers your Marvel questions!

0:22 Alex

Sean, would you be fine with Liam Neeson cast in an MCU film  after the offensive admission he made  this past week? Can you see past this given that it was very long time ago and Neeson has likely changed. After all, Neeson stated in the interview he sought help  and never actually did act out his  thoughts.  Or do you think Neeson should never work on any MCU film or any other film again. To those not in the know allow me to provide context: Neeson recently revealed in an interview that after his lady friend was sexually violated by a black person  out of rage he used to go around looking for a random black person with a cosh or club. As a black person, I’m deeply disturbed at what  Neeson confessed,  and frankly  I can never look at the man or his work the same way. It’s heartbreaking to me as Neeson is one of favorite actors and I feel he’s outed himself as a bigot. That being said, I do believe in forgiveness and second chances but the revelation that Neeson attempted to kill black people is shocking. As a black man, if a white man raped my friend I know for a fact I wouldn’t try to seek to blame on an entire race  of people and start hunting random white people to kill. 

8:36 Alex

If you were to fancast Rami Malek in the MCU who would you cast as? For me, I think Malek would make for an interesting Silver Surfer.

9:35 Alex

What’s your personal theory as to why Mutants soon-to-be in the MCU like Professor X and  Wolverine have largely been uninvolved with the world-ending events such as the Chiaturi Invasion, Ultron, and of course the Mad Titan himself. In my mind, Professor X  and Wolverine doesn’t feel need to involve himself in such affairs and risk exposing  themselves  as a Mutants.  I think Logan by the time  of  Infinity  War is still working for the Canadian government and Xavier is probably traveling around the world looking looking for other Mutants to take under his tutelage.

13:38 Alex

Do you think Fox should’ve stopped doing the period piece thing after ‘Days Of Future Past’. I feel by the time Apocalypse came out I felt the decision to make the main X-Men movies period pieces amounted to really nothing outside some fun Easter eggs  to the era they were set in. Apparently Dark Phoenix takes place a decade after the events of Apocalypse which is just an absurd time jump since hardly a lot of the X-Men really don’t look like they’ve aged a day during that massive jump in time.  Also do you think MCU X-Men will be a modern day film?

15:25 Woo S! Kim

I have no real passionate preference for this, I was wondering if you do or do not.  Should the final battle with Thanos in “Avengers: End Game” take place in Space or somewhere on Earth, me personally, we have seen three Avengers battles end on Earth, I wouldn’t mind if “Avengers: End Game” ended in Space, but this isn’t a deal breaker for me, how about you Sean?

16:22 Woo S! Kim

There has been a lot of talk about recasting Wolverine if and when Mutants are brought into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, do you think that casting an unknown for Wolverine is the best bet? Related to this, Sean I know you have said in the past that a 6 foot and under in height Wolverine isn’t that much of a deal breaker to you as it was in the past but to me, I think Logan’s height is a significant character trait because it is always a feature he gets mocked and underestimated about and honestly it’s something I related to being Korean and 5’2, my point to all of this do you think it is a missed opportunity by Sarah Finn to not look at shorter in height performers for this role, why or why not?

19:19 Woo S! Kim

Sean what is your point of view on Shawarma, I have never had it, but if you ever ate Shawarma did you enjoy it?

19:34 Dylan Brodie

Hey Sean! When it comes to valkyrie, is that her name because she is the last one left or does she have an actual name?

20:21 Ben

Hey Sean! I find myself agreeing with you and Paul about Marvel villains being underrated. When the movie world starts doing their “top villains of the decade” lists I’m sure many will feature Vulture, Killmonger, Loki, Thanos, and Hydra. The Skulls and Mysterio might be contenders after next year. When do you think all of the “Marvel villain problem” talk will stop, and what are some of your favorite movie villains of the decade?

27:08 Kerry Vanderberg

Do you like cats, or do you just like saying the word “flerken”? (Or perhaps both?)

27:35 Kerry Vanderberg

Have you thought about any kind of Patreon meet-and-greet event? Obviously we are all spread out across the world, but if anyone is going to WonderCon or San Diego Comic-Con, would you be open to doing a Patreon meet-up for either of those events? I plan on being at Comic-Con again this summer, and am debating on going to WonderCon this year. It would be fun not only to interact with you, but also meet some of the other patrons who might be attending such events. Hope you are doing well Sean, and have a wonderful weekend!

30:07 David Rosen

Hey Sean and Friends, Hope everyone had a good week! As we are now one month out from the Captain Marvel premiere, I feel like I’ve noticed a slight change in how Marvel Studios is presenting the movie. While the first two trailers were paired with symphonic/dramatic soundtracks, ever since the special look we got back in January, and along with the super bowl spot and succeeding tv spots, they seem to have shifted away from that tone, and have moved towards using music with more of a rock and roll feel. Given some of the (perhaps unfounded) criticism around the perceived notion that Brie Larson and hence the movie, were looking too serious (which I personally don’t agree with, but we have to acknowledge that those feelings were/are out there), do you think this change in music and feel was an intentional shift to try and present the movie in a lighter tone? While it would be wrong to say that the initial marketing may have misjudged how people would accept the movie with a darker/more dramatic feel to it, the Disney/Marvel Studios marketing team are very smart, and I can’t help but feel like there was an intentional course correction in the marketing and how they are now presenting the movie. I personally believe in the power that music has to dictate a movie’s tone, and I can’t help but feel that with the change in music behind these promos and tv spots, the movie has taken on a lighter tone and is looking a lot more “fun” that how it was initially presented in those first two trailers Do you agree with any of this?

35:38 David Rosen
Assuming that Goose is more than just a cat and is in fact a Flerken, in a world where we get to make a Disney+ limited series about any pair of characters, how would you feel about a Goose and Cosmo limited series? And maybe just for fun we can throw in Howard the Duck cameo as well…

37:43 Mookie Johnson

What do think happens the next "Ant-man movie gets titled?
-maybe Ant-man and The Wasp 2? Then it could a word play on the fact that there are now 2 living Ant-men and 2 living Wasps.
-maybe Ant-man, Wasp and Stature? Just to continue "growing" the franchise and add Cassie to action.
- or maybe Ant-man 3 to show general audiences that its the end of that trilogy.
Those are my thoughts,  but I'd love to hear yours.

38:39 Jeremy Eden

I've got a HOT take for everyone, and I accept the flack that I may receive for what I'm about to say...I don't mind most of the changes that have been made to the original Star Wars trilogy over the years.  Apart from the "Han shot first" controversy, I'm not offended by any choices George Lucas made.  Replacing Clive Revill with Ian McDiarmid?  Makes sense to me.  Digital Yoda in Phantom Menace?  Cool, that puppet always looked shoddy anyway. I know I'm in the vast minority on this.

In fact, I'm sure I already know the answer to this question, but I'll ask anyway: If we were to receive a huge 4K box set of the first 10 years of the MCU, and if Kevin Feige authorized (and the respective directors of each movie signed off on) alterations to some of the previous movies, how would you feel?

I'll give you some specific examples to react to: Josh Brolin replacing the original Thanos from the post credits scene in The Avengers, altering the look of Thanos in Guardians of the Galaxy to more closely match his look in Infinity War, replacing the "8 Years Later" title card from Spider-man: Homecoming with "6 Years Later", general background changes, and finally, let's just go nuts and say they COMPLETELY RESHOOT The Incredible Hulk with Mark Ruffalo.  

Again, in this fictitious universe where people like terrible choices, Kevin Feige and the filmmakers have signed off and agreed that these changes should be made.

How would you feel?

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