Sean answers your Marvel questions!

0:24 brentacPrime

Greetings. Now that you’ve seen Captain Marvel are you ready to give a box office projection?

2:25 brentacPrime

As I rewatch the MCU (just finished Ragnarok) I wonder, are there any previous MCU directors you’d like to see come back for future MCU movies?

6:25 Xavier Arqueros

Hello Sean and fellow Patrons! You have inspired me for many years to try and create my own podcast, but I was waiting for a co-host and some collaborators, and the time has finally come. In a few weeks (I hope) to begin podcasting and I'm very excited about it (and terrified). Don't worry it's going to be in Spanish so even in the extremely rare case that we succeed we won't be fighting for the same audience. So I'm going to do the cliché of asking for some advice. I'm not a big fan of doing this but your insight is more valuable to me than every guide on YouTube/internet. Just two main concerns: How much content and how often to make it do you think is the best way to start a podcast (it's going  to be about movie news and reviews mainly) and finally what hosting service do you recommend to use if our intention is to make the podcast and all its episodes available all over the globe? Thanks very much Sean and If I ever get to be half of what you are as a host I'm going to be very proud!!! Cheers.

13:07 David Rosen

Hey Sean, Hope you enjoyed the hell out of Captain Marvel! My anticipation for this movie is through the roof right now after seeing all the glowing reactions on Twitter. I know you can't (and won't) tell us anything specific, but would you say that the movie answered all of the questions you had going in? Are you satisfied with how the movie fits into what the MCU has already established?

14:20 Ben

Hey Sean! Most of the people who have seen Captain Marvel are praising the 90's soundtrack, but how was the Pinar Toprak score? What score, Marvel or otherwise, would you compare it to?

15:20 Ben

Speaking of scores, what is the MCU's most underrated score? I have to go with Doctor Strange.

18:52 Alex

Sean, without giving too many details,  would you say that Captain Marvel is one of the more emotional Marvel films? Did  you ever come close to choking up at the film?

19:59 Alex

What prior Marvel movie do you think Captain Marvel is most similar to in terms of tone?

20:25 Alex Ward

Do you think if Tony survives Endgame and presumably retires, that he will go into hiding with his family? It's hard to imagine he'd be very safe (both from villains and his heroic urges) if he remains in the public eye.

25:16 Maya

Hey Sean, one of my favorite YouTube channels that discuss marvel theories is E-man’s Movie Reviews. Eman recently dropped a video entitled “The Infinity Stones are controlling Thanos in Avengers Endgame” and he makes a lot of interesting points about how the stones have proven to be sentient. He had a theory about how Thanos could have been influenced by the stones, starting with the mind stone, which lead to his destructive ways, much like how Loki was influenced negatively by the mind stone in the first Avengers. What I find confusing about the MCU’s use of the infinity stones is there are no overarching or consistent cans/can’t dos. Like someone asked in the last midweek q&a question, if one was destroyed what would that mean for the universe? Does destroyed reality stone mean no reality since it is an “elemental crystal”? We saw that there were no visible changes to the universe when the mind stone was destroyed temporarily. Also, are they controlled by whoever has them in their possession or are they truly sentient. Even the fact that the soul stone banishes Red Skull for seeking the stones, but allows Thanos to control it them seems inconsistent. Maybe I’m just very detailed oriented, but I can think of so many ways the stones have had conflicting abilities and limitations. Even though I love concept of stones and the build up to bringing them all together, I feel like Marvel describes them as being able to do everything, but places random abilities and limitations that create a confusing and inconsistent understanding of the stones. In other words, I have a hard time figuring out what they can/can’t do. Do you feel the same way? Do you think we will see a more unified explanation of the stones in Endgame?

37:52 Woo S! Kim

For argument sake let’s say Sony does sell the rights to Spider-Man to Disney within the next two years, Jeph Loeb and Marvel Entertainment are the ones that worked with the creative team on “Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse,” what are the chances a Spider-Verse sequel goes directly to Hulu as a Hulu exclusive or do you think that sequel will go to the cinemas first?   Do you also think the rumblings on the internet of these spin off films such as Spider-Gwen may go to Hulu? If Sony sells Spidey back to Disney, Spider-Verse will not hurt the chances in your view of Miles Morales or Spider-Gwen potentially coming to the MCU, correct?

41:52 Woo S! Kim

I found something very interesting Sean, when you discussed in your “Iron Man is in the Endgame now” episode that you did with Paul.  You spoke of Iron Man’s regression in that episode throughout his time in the MCU, I am ninety percent sure the reason why Iron Man takes Spidey’s Stark Industries suit is in “Spider-Man Homecoming” is because when Peter Parker says to Tony Stark, “I just want to be like you” and Tony replies with and “I wanted you to be better.”  This goes along with what you were saying about regression, Spider-Man taking things into his own hands and putting people in danger on that ferry is what Iron Man did in Malibu when he told The Mandarin and his henchmen his home address and put Ms. Potts in danger. Related to Iron Man’s regression do you think that one of the reasons why Howard doesn’t get along with his son is because much how Spider-Man is a reflection to Iron Man and his past mistakes and arrogant attitude, Tony is Howard’s reflection and a reminder of Howard’s mistakes and flaws because it’s no accident that Dominic Cooper’s Howard acts very much like how Tony behaves in the MCU?  

45:28 Woo S! Kim

Marvel Studios is known for their comedy, but there are some lines that I know just looking at the screenplay were not meant to be as funny as they were what are some of these lines for you, Sean?  Me personally Black Panther yelling Erik Stevens Wankadian name and him just replying “What’s up?” Also, Eitri telling Thor in “Avengers: Infinity War” the heat from the star will kim and Thor saying “Only if I die.”  Eitri’s reply of “Yes, that’s what killing you means...” and the look of confusion on his face as he says that line just cracks me up. Do you have some favourite lines like these, Sean?

47:09 Alex Ward

Believe it or not, I have scraped the bottom of the barrell and I actually have another Reed Richards question! This time it's about his powers. There's no question his intellect has outweighed his elasticity powers in the comics. Do you think Marvel Studios will come up with some cool ideas on how to make his power set more prominent in the films? Do you think they'll take any cues from the way Elastigirl was handled in the Incredibles films? Or do you think they might adapt the Ultimates route, which tied in Reed's elasticity to his brain, giving his mind the ability to expand far beyond a typical human?

48:37 Alex Ward

As a huge MCU fan, what's the press screening process like? Is it just like seeing a movie with fans? Do you people still react the same, like cheering or laughing at big moments? And are there snacks? I've just always wondered!

52:01 Moonie Hassan

Hey Sean, I loved your reaction to Captain Marvel and I can't wait to see Carol kick ass on the big screen, one thing I've been thinking about is do you feel like Marvel are going to pull a "Superman in Justice League" moment? Where she comes in and saves the day in Endgame, and if she does how would you feel about it? I personally wouldn't want to see that as we've been watching the OG Avengers for pretty much 10 years now and I feel like it would be cheap to have Carol just come in and fix everything but I still want her to have a pivotal movement/roll, how do you think they'll go about her roll without being too much of a deus ex machina/mary sue like Vision in Age Of Ultron which I wasn't a big fan of. Thank you :)

53:40 Michael Louis Weaselboy

Hey Sean I was just wondering what are your thoughts on Avengers 5?? Do you think it will be called New Avengers and a new franchise or just keep calling the Avengers?? What do you think the roster will be?? What kind of villains should they face?? And do you think sometime down the line we will get a big Avengers/Fantastic Four/X-Men crossover???

56:07 Alex Ward

I know you've said in the past that Disney can't start planning for Fox properties until the deal is done, but can't they have come up with stuff on a contingency-type basis, maybe even before the deal even became possible? Or are any ideas likely to remain strictly in Kevin Feige's head? It's hard for me to imagine that he doesn't have any vague outlines typed out, but I also understand that the legality of this stuff can be very serious.

58:26 David Rosen

Someone on the mid-week Q and A asked that great question about whether each infinity stone actually controls its respective element in the universe, and I apologize to that person for forgetting who it was, but it got me thinking. Of all the possible fundamental elements of the universe, matter seems like a pretty big one. How come we don't have a "Matter Stone" (aside from the fact that the writes didn’t make one)? Is there another stone, or combination or stones, that you think could be used to control matter? Whatever happens to the stones in Avengers Endgame, what do you think about one day getting a story about an elusive, undiscovered seventh stone that is somewhere out there in the universe. As the number seven holds special meaning in a lot of different cultures and creation myths, wouldn’t having a seventh stone out there somehow make sense on a grand, universal scale? Do you think doing another story about an infinity stone would have too much of a “been there, done that” aspect? Thoughts?

1:01:27 David Rosen

If/When the MCU actually decides to do a complete and total reboot YEARS, or perhaps even a decade or two down the line, what do you think some of the struggles might be with coming up with new story ideas? It seems like a lot of the major, most popular stories from the comics have been mined in one way or another for story content, and it would seem foolish and boring to try and redo any of that. Additionally, I feel like an attempt at retelling any of the origin stories would result in some of the same criticism that Amazing Spiderman got for doing that. It seems like one option might be to just begin a new MCU right in the middle of its history, but then we’re looking at what the DCEU tried to do. Between all these potential issues, what do you think a rebooted MCU could do that would be original and wouldn’t retread on anything that the current version is doing. Is a rebooted universe even possible, or when this current version’s time has run out, should Marvel wait a little bit and instead do some one-off standalone movies before deciding to build back up a new universe. What are your thoughts?

1:08:07 Alex

Sean, I would like to apologize  for annoying the hell out of you with with constant paranoia about China/Brazil so allow me to indulge in more of it one last time with this question: It seems you were right once again  and it seems like Disney will indeed be divesting the Fox sports assets that have been a cause of concern for both of the Brazilian and Mexican regulators in order to win approval. Prior to this news, it was announced that the Brazilian regulators will finally reach a decision  on the Disney/Fox deal so it seems like it’s on its way to conditional approval from Mexico and Brazil. Do you think after those hurdles are cleared the deal is pretty much closed or are there more hurdles on the way?

1:09:23 David Rosen

Do you think that the Inhumans failure ruined the chances for any future TV series from Marvel TV or Studios to premiere in IMAX theaters before jumping to the small screen? It seems like this idea would have been perfect for the upcoming Disney+ limited series as audiences are already familiar with those characters and used to seeing them on the big screen. It also sells audiences on Disney+ (if they aren’t already sold) if they showed a great first episode in theaters and then the only way to watch the rest would be to get the service. Do you think it’s possible we could see that experiment tried again with a series that has a better chance of being successful?

1:12:07 Vincent Gomez

Hey Sean! This is a little off topic of Marvel but I was curious. Your podcast sounds extremely professional. Can you tell us what equipment and software you use? How long does it take you to produce the show? Finally, how do you podcast phone calls on your show? I’m a podcaster myself and was wondering what your process is.

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