Sean answers your Marvel questions!

0:38 Alex Ward

Hey Sean! Hope all is well. I was just wondering about Goose. It is one of the sad realities of life that pets don't live as long as people. That being said, do you think it's possible Goose will be in cat heaven by the time Captain Marvel gets back to our normal timestream? Maybe that's when she'll get Chewie?

Also, what are some other famous Marvel pets you'd like to see in the MCU? I think we're long overdue for a good dog or two!

2:21 Alex Ward

Who would you cast Keanu Reeves as in the MCU? He's a pretty hit or miss actor, but when he's on, he's on--so maybe he'd be better in a smaller role? He is a dead ringer for Reed Richards visually, but I don't think he'd quite be able to pull that off.

3:22 Spencer Toycen

Hey there Sean! What were your thoughts on Punisher season 2? It wasn’t perfect, but the western angle was a smart move and I really enjoyed what we got between Frank and Amy, but I thought most of the Jigsaw felt stuff tacked on. Also I liked the parallels between John Pilgrim and Frank which I thought could’ve benefited from being the season’s focus.

6:53 Tom DeMichele

Hey Sean, how would you have plussed up the first Doctor Strange film? What improvements could have prevented the common criticism that it adheres too closely to the structure of previous origin films? Perhaps—like Black Panther, Spider-Man: Homecoming and even Thor 1 to an extent—it begins with a Stephen Strange who is already semi-developed as a hero. The film’s beginning could find Strange as a member of Kun Lun, where he’s been training in the mystic arts for several years, with maybe a few brief flashbacks filling us in on his backstory as an arrogant New York neurosurgeon. I love the film, but I agree that it could have been more inventive structurally.

11:37 Alex

Rest in peace Bat-fleck! Sean my question to you is what Marvel alumni be it Fox Marvel or Disney Marvel do you think would make for a good successor to Ben Affleck as the Caped Crusader.    For me its a tie between Lee Pace(Guardians Of The Galaxy) and Dan Stevens( Legion).

13:11 Alex

Do you expect Dark Phoenix to surpass Apocalypse's total box office earnings or do you think  it will come just under it?  Could the lack of Wolverine hurt the box office?

15:38 Woo S! Kim

I may be alone, but one of the interesting things about Thanos’ character in the MCU which his daughter points out on the ship to him in “Avengers: Infinity War” is how Cuckoo for Coco Puffs Thanos actually is, because in his mind Thanos thinks not only is he not the villain, not only does he really think he’s the true Avenger, but he actually thinks he is the chosen one to right the universe’s wrong, to put the universe in balance even if it means slaughtering trillions as I’m paraphrasing Doctor Strange, my point to all of this, we true believers shouldn’t forget or believe that Thanos will not be that easy to stop in “Avengers: End Game?”  What say you, Sean?

16:44 Alex Ward

This is kind of ridiculous, but I saw a theory on Reddit that Marvel Studios could barter with Sony to get live action Peter in exchange for not touching Miles, thus leaving Sony to reap all the benefits of that character's breakout popularity. Is this at all possible?

18:41 Woo S! Kim

Does Sony because they have a camera subsidiary company have better cameras than Disney does Sean, I have just noticed in Tom Holland's Spidey films they are just richer colors some scenes look like they were shot on 70mm even though I know they weren't, while the MCU distributed by Disney look more like they were shot on digital rather than film even though most likely they were all shot using digital cameras, do you understand what I mean here Sean or am I just seeing things?

20:54 Alex Ward

One more! Is it possible that Eternals won't be "cosmic" as we know it? It seems like it could be more concerned with secret societies, hollow Earth environments, and things like that, without necessarily getting into space stuff.

23:26 Michael Louis Weaselboy

Hey Sean I know this is a Marvel podcast but I was wondering what your thoughts are on Ben Affleck leaving the Batman role in the DCEU?? I will miss him I really liked his take on Batman but I am excited to see a new version of the character.

31:44 Bill Van Norman

Hey Sean - another question for the weekend Q&A - do you think there is any chance that Disney will want to bring Marvel Entertainment - especially the Television division under the oversite of Marvel Studios / Kevin Feige? The MCU has been more successful than Marvel TV properties. With the Marvel Studios putting content on Disney + maybe that is the first step in the direction. Also, this could be a way to give some others in Feige's team a more prominent role as was discussed in the last Q&A (I think). I realize that they just pealed off Marvel Studios from Marvel Entertainment 4 years ago but could we see another reorganization in the near future with the TV division or the Animation group? This might be important also with the Fox controlled characters coming home. What do you think Sean?

37:29 Maya

Given Shuri will be running the new Wakandan education center in Oakland, do you think she will be launching the West Coast Avengers during Black Panther 2 or potentially before? Given the whole Antman squad is in the Bay, this could be a cool team up, especially with an older Cassie Lang potentially taking on Stature.

43:14 Bill Van Norman

I've been thinking about the suggestion by a few people that maybe Nick Fury is a Skrull in Spider-Man Far From Home. I'm not sure about that but it occurred to me that possibly the architect(s) or people behind the scenes that developed the Sokovia Accords and registration act - Ross or Talbot maybe - were Skrulls. The strategy could be that they wanted to weaken the Avengers for their own aims or may have been working for Thanos. This is would be a classic divide and conquer approach. If This is true it could certainly impact what happens in Avengers Endgame and how the heroes work to fix things. It could lead to changing the timeline earlier than we have speculated - so pre-snap and could lead to the return of people we thought were dead and gone at this point e.g. Quicksilver. It could also set up a one movie treatment of the Skrull Secret Invasion storyline. This could be the crisis the all-female team or another team-up group deals with in the near future.

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