Sean answers your Marvel questions!

0:27 brentacPrime

Greetings Sean. Now that we are closer to release, are you ready to make any box office predictions for Captain Marvel? I feel like $800 million is possible.

5:34 brentacPrime

I’ve been told that Captain Marvel lacks an “IT” factor? Black Panther had cultural implications. Infinity War has the big team up. Ragnarok has the team up of Thor and Hulk. Do you think Captain Marvel has an “IT” factor?

10:40 Spencer Toycen

With WB expanding their heroes into their own respective universes, do you see Marvel pulling that with Captain Marvel or any other hero in the MCU? 

15:07 Alex Ward

So I'm not sure how much you immerse yourself in spoilers and rumors, but has there ever been a time when you were disappointed that a spoiler or rumor didn't turn out to be true? I ask because there are some cool theories swirling around Endgame and Captain Marvel that I would love to see onscreen, and I'm hoping it won't impact my enjoyment of the film if they don't come true!

27:41 Alex Ward

Your conversation with Paul about Tony Stark was so fun to listen to, and I can't wait for the rest of the series! It also got me thinking about how Tony would be treated in the real world. People tend to really not like billionaires, no matter how charitable they are, from Trump to Bezos to Zuckerberg. Do you think Tony is just as controversial in the MCU, especially considering his weapons-industry past? Or does his heroism give him sort of a free pass? And I hate to bring this up, but his womanizing past behavior might have also been called out by now if he lived in the real world, and I also wonder if his heroism would overshadow that, too. I know these are just movies, but a lot of Tony Stark-esque figures have been facing especially harsh public scrutiny lately, so I thought I'd ask!

31:38 Alex Ward

What is the best case scenario for Marvel Studios' Hall H presentation this year? Do you think they'll announce the 2020 films, and would it be too ambitious to hope for some acknowledgement of even vague announcement about some FF or X-Men related properties?

38:35 Woo S! Kim

What are your thoughts on Hulu management being interested in reviving The Defenders when the Netflix agreements expire.  A buddy of mine said on his YouTube channel something very wise that a lot of these let’s just call them “Non competes” for the sake of argument expire in up two years from the time that they were cancelled that would theoretically give the writers and production staff time to come up with stories for future seasons.  But I see the fly in that otiment in two years time who knows, Jessica Henwick could be an Oscar and Golden Globe winning actress with a successful film career same with Krysten Ritter perhaps they don’t want to do Marvel projects any longer.  This is something you have stated more or less, generally speaking how much should True Believers take to heart in these comments by Hulu management of their interest of bringing Defender characters to Hulu?

44:24 Woo S! Kim

Do you believe at San Diego Comic Con or at D23 if the merger is finalized by then, or some time after, Disney will hold a press event on what’s in the pipeline post-merger? Related to this, if Marvel Studios was going to do a press event similar to the one they did in 2014 in Hollywood announcing their next slate of films how different and or better could this one be, compared to the in 2014 because you and I agree that event was good but in some ways that event came back to bite Marvel Studios not badly but bad enough where it left some marks.  I am just taking a shot in the dark possibly announce Marvel Studios “X-Men” but not give the film a suffix for argument sake or is even that too much?

49:38 Kerry Vanderberg

Hi Sean, I hope you are doing well, and hello fellow patrons! I'm in a weird spot with Captain Marvel. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not hyped for it. I will go see it opening weekend, and I'm assuming I'll enjoy it. But that's about it, I'm simply "whelmed". That aside, I think many of the negative criticisms expressed at the marketing and trailiers so far (such as why she isn't smiling very much) are pretty bogus and not really looking at what's actually in the trailers. Why do you think this trend is out there? Are we just too used to Marvel's marketing strategies? Is it because the main course that everyone is really anticipating is Avengers Endgame, so Captain Marvel is being looked at superficially? Another theory I have is that it's a lot of DCEU fans who have been burned by many of the criticisms levied against the DCEU films are now turning those same criticisms back at the MCU. As a DCEU fan for example, I never related to the critique of Cavill's Superman that "He never smiles" because I wanted something deeper than a character who had a grin on his face all the time. Where do you think this unreasonable negative critique against Captain Marvel is coming from?

57:16 Alex

Let’s say  in an alternate universe  Disney bought Time Warner instead of Fox what do you think Iger would do with  Warner’s comic book assets? Do you think Mr. Iger would have Feige oversee both DC and Marvel properties or do you think Iger would let Warners run autonomously as far their superhero properties are concerned?

1:01:23 Mookie Johnson

How do you presume Ghost is doing after the time lapse between Ant-man and the Wasp and Endgame? Scott was going in to the quantum realm  specifically to help treat her condition

1:03:31 Xavier Arqueros

Hello Sean, and to all the great Patrons you have here. I wanted to say that I'm loving this podcast and the fun conversations everyone's having on the discord. I don't ask many questions but I listen to all the episodes and enjoy everybodies input in the Q&A. My question this week: How is the podcast doing compared to MMM and the other ones you've been in before? And if there is anything else that we can do ensure it keeps going on as many years as possible! Cheers ;)

1:12:49 Michael Louis Weaselboy

Hey Sean how is your weekend going?? I hope it's good. Anyways I just wanted to ask how do you think infinity war and endgame (tho that's not out yet) would be different if Joss Whedon directed them??

1:16:25 Alex

How do you expect Marvel to introduce Kamala Khan into the MCU and would you be fine with Marvel Studios changing Kamala to a mutant instead of  her having Inhuman DNA like she had in the comics?

1:18:05 Adine Close

Hi Sean! I’ve been on the Patreon for a while now but this is my first time joining in with a question! I really enjoyed the, “Iron Man is in the Endgame,” discussion this week, and absolutely agree with your views about Tony’s fate post Endgame. I think he’s going to retire fully and won’t be seen again for some time. 

To that point, are you familiar with the, “Tony’s Left Arm” theories that have been floating around for a while now? To sum the theory up briefly, there has been quite a bit of lampshaded emphasis on the injuries Tony has sustained to his left arm, especially in CA:CW and SM:H, and it’s thought to be more than some random detail. It’s pointed out nicely here with gifs in point #2 ( ) and discussed a bit here at the beginning ( ).

The theory is often paired with another; the idea that Tony will wield the Infinity Gauntlet, (which would be cool 🤞,  but maybe isn’t the most likely scenario). So Gauntlet wielding argument aside, there is this idea that the gauntlet or something else might cause Tony to loose the use of his left arm. Since coming across this idea, I’ve thought that it would be a pretty compelling reason to force his retirement. Not to say that he wouldn’t want to stop, or that he couldn’t just decide to retire after all this, with Thanos gone, and with the promise of Pepper and a family to hold him to it now, but I just kind of imagine there might be a personal cost to all of this for him in the end. (And again, not to say that he hasn’t already or won’t also suffer in other ways along the way). ANYWAY, What are your thoughts on the theory Sean?

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