Sean talks answers your Marvel questions!

0:35 Paul Shearman

Hey Sean and everyone, hope you’re all well and looking forward to the weekend. Great pictures from the Endgame event Sean, I’m not jealous. Not jealous at all...!

Now you’ve seen some footage from the movie, and you’ve already put a very good policy in place for this community on how we regulate spoilers, I’m keen to find out how you protect yourself personally from finding out too much about what might happen in Avengers Endgame before you see the whole movie. 

I’m about to go on almost total blackout across social media so I can avoid spoilers or anything that I may accidentally come across that potentially ruins my enjoyment going into this movie, but it has to be so much harder for you given your line of work. How do you moderate the balance of staying across what’s happening in the industry and not ruining your own personal enjoyment of going into the movie unspoiled?

Thanks for your time as always, and have a great weekend

8:25 Woo S! Kim

Something that I find kind of ironic in the second to last scene in “Avengers: Infinity War” right before Captain Rogers says “Oh God” the look everyone has on their face is almost the same look Iron Man had on his face in “Iron Man 3” during his panic attacks and in that fever dream in “Avengers: Age of Ultron” that Scarlett Witch gives him when he sees Thanos’ army heading towards Earth and all of The Avengers dead.  My point to all of this, this perhaps is the only time Iron Man did not want to be correct about something, because everything Iron Man did from “Iron Man 3” to “Avengers: Infinity War” was right on, sure Ultron did not turn out the way Iron Man intended Ultron to turn out and I realize I am not the first to say this, but for goodness sake everything Iron Man feared with few things differences, sure, but almost everything he feared came to pass.  Could this be a motivation and or a reason if Iron Man survives “Avengers: End Game” if he suggests to Doctor Strange to begin an Illuminati do you think concept will not be dismissed out right why or why not?

11:04 Woo S! Kim

You said that James Gunn originally wanted the Badoon in the first “Guardians of The Galaxy” correct?  If that is the case, why do you believe James Gunn would want to choose The Badoon? Other than the history with The Guardians of The Galaxy there is no reason to use The Badoon in the first Guardians of The Galaxy“ unless James Gunn wanted to set up something with The Badoon for a future Guardians film because in the comics The Badoon don’t strike me as “the for hire” type?

13:11 Woo S! Kim

You and I are both avid cinema goers and fans of Alamo Drafthouse’s polices.  Do you think you will add this subscription on top of AMC List, I myself am considering getting both well at least when I am move back to Los Angeles, what about you?

14:56 Moonie Hassan

Hey Sean, we're so close to Endgame and it's getting more exciting by the day, and I'm loving the discord, having fun talking with all you guys. After seeing those 2 scenes from Endgame how much more excited are you then you already were?

17:07 Robert Klauser

What’s up Sean? How cool was that to meet Joe Russo? I know that they’re going off to do their own thing after Endgame. But I think they’ll come back to the MCU to direct another big crossover event film not a solo project, seeing as how they’ve managed to become the gold standard for those types of films. What are your thoughts?

21:27 Alex Ward

If you could take a trip through the Quantum Realm to talk to 2008 Sean, what facts (both story-wise and in the grand scheme of things) about the current MCU would be the mostly likely to blow his mind?

26:09 Alex Ward

I love the Discord because a lot of my in-person friends are not into nerdy stuff at all, and while they also used to love the MCU, they're very down on it now. My two best friends told me they were excited for Endgame because they "can't wait for it to all be over." While this sounds very negative and pessimistic, I can kind of see how some folks might feel that way: the MCU has a lot of content, and while I love the backlog of story and all the continuity, I can see why a "fresh start" is appealing. Do you also see the post-Endgame MCU as a re-numbering, or a sort of "new #1", as comic fans would say? Is there any cause for concern for fans like me, who love the way all these stories have built on and complemented each other over the years?

35:34 Bill Van Norman

I've been thinking about the Inhumans lately with the return of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the summer etc. There was talk some time back about Marvel Television and Marvel Studios using the Inhumans as a substitute for Mutants since that was held by Fox. Then there was the trainwreck of the TV show and now the completion of the Fox merger. There is no "need" to use Inhumans as a substitute . . .  As we all know the MCU has fully introduced the Kree so fleshing out the origins of the Inhumans would be fairly easy at this point. My question then is: do you think the Inhumans have been irreparably damaged by the Inhumans TV show? and if the MCU might still use them in the future? I like the way Agents of  S.H.I.E.L.D. have used Inhumans and then there is also the case of Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel being Inhuman. I know there are so many characters that Marvel Studios can use but it seems to me like there is still a place for the Inhumans.

40:10 Alex Ward

What are the odds of Thanos getting defeated in the first act of Endgame, only for the rest of the film to be something completely unexpected? I can't help but think something huge is going to happen that'll catch us completely off guard.

42:34 Alex Ward

What are the odds that the Fallen appear for more than just final act/battle? Part of me wants to see them as much as possible, but I understand that it's probably better to focus on the original Avengers.

43:53 Alex Ward

One more quick one, do you think part of the supposed misleading in the Endgame marketing includes any of the Fallen that were officially designated as alive or dead based on the posters that came out? For example, Shuri is alive, etc.

44:32 Alex

What's your thoughts on the recent Joker trailer? And do you think Marvel would be open to making a Doctor Doom film set outside the MCU or any other elseworlds MCU movies or do you expect the Doctor Doom film(if Marvel ever greenlights it) will be set in the MCU  proper?

47:54 brentacPrime

Unless I'm mistaken the Russo's are the only MCU directors  to switch franchises, going from Captain America to the Avengers. Are there any other directors in the MCU you would like to see tackle a different MCU franchise?

50:45 Maya

Hey Sean! I really appreciated the question in the past Q&A about what project would you place Jordan Peele on the MCU. As a huge Christopher Nolan fan, I am patiently waiting for him to release the title of his new film which will release summer 2020. Elizabeth Debicki (Ayesha from Guardians Vol. 2) will be in this film which got me so excited. I know Christopher Nolan has spoken out against the heavy usage of green screens and some other film elements used in the MCU, but if you could place Christopher Nolan on an MCU project, which would it be? I would personally love to see him work on a project with a female lead because we have not seen that from him yet.

54:05 Kerry Vanderberg

I have to admit, that I recoiled pretty strongly when you said that the “90’s weren’t that cool.” I’ll fully admit my bias, as I graduated from high school in 2000, so I’m culturally a product of the 90’s. Pierce Brosnan made Bond cool again with Goldeneye, Schwarzenegger’s movies were beloved (loved seeing the True Lies standee in the Blockbuster!), The Matrix made a lasting impression, and Tom Cruise kicked off the Mission Impossible film franchise which is still going! And the X-Files! An obscure Friday night sci-fi show ended up becoming a hit TV show that last 9 seasons!

56:35 Kerry Vanderberg

What the heck happened with AMC for the Avengers Endgame tickets?!? Do you think that they just did not plan enough in advance to be ready for this? I saw John Campea’s tweet, that they had a full year to get themselves ready for this. Fortunately, the friends I will be seeing the movie with were able to score a 10:45 Thursday night showing at an AMC Dine-in theatre in Fullerton.

1:00:53 BrentacPrime

There has been some debate on the shot of the MCU trinity walking towards Thanos being a homage to BvS when the DC trinity prepare to face off with doomsday. To me it seems like just a standard shot of a really cool moment, the heroes getting ready for  what is potentially the final face-off with the villain. I've been informed that on my podcast That I'm going to record Sunday morning I will have to talk about this. I'm curious what your take is on it.

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