APRIL 27, 2019

1:53 Robert Klauser

What’s up Sean? Happy to be on the other side now. Was it always the plan, from your perspective, to have Thor team up with the Guardians even before the well-received feedback from the viewers?

3:40 Kevin Fandry

How do they return the Soul Stone to its proper time/place and could they have used it, by itself, to bring back the now confirmed dead before putting it back? Time travel is crazy.

5:45 Alex Ward

Hi Sean! I can't believe we're here! I loved the movie but honestly still haven't had a chance to process all of it. I am counting on your help! First, it's clear that the MCU is taking a unique approach to time travel. Could you explain how it functions, and more specifically why "old" Cap wouldn't still be in his timeline? After Cap left to return the stones, does that now mean that both Caps had now been existing simultaneously, maybe one in hiding, all this time?

10:54 Alex Ward

I see that you also noticed the possible Namor easter egg. How likely do you think that is the case? And do you think they'll make him an Eternal in the MCU? It seems like that would suit his power level and help set him apart from Aquaman; plus, his mutanthood hasn't been that integral to his character until recent years.

14:58 Alex Ward

Okay, so going forward, the MCU takes place five years in the future, with half the population having not aged in that time? Just making sure. Also, how excited are you about this massive, totally unexpected change?

18:02 Alex Ward

Were you also at once touched and confused by Sam getting the Captain America mantle? Could the "Falcon and Winter Soldier" Disney Plus title be a fakeout in the vein Captain America: The Serpent Society fakeout, and it's actually called "Captain America and the Winter Soldier?" Okay, sorry for the barrage, I know you have a ton of questions to answer! This should be it for now!

21:40 Woo S! Kim

Do you think in the 5 years since the Snap that The Mutant Gene could have been discovered and this wasn’t as big a news story because of “The Decemation” or do you think with all the reworking of the timeline thanks to The Avengers and Thanos honestly, that could have created Mutants like some of us True Believers have been speculating for months now?

24:04 Woo S! Kim

After the events of “Avengers: Endgame” where would you put your money on, when the “Black Widow” film takes place, before the events of the 2012 Avengers film or the five years in between “The Decemation” and The Infinity Stone Heist?

25:33 Chad Leake

Hello Sean! First time q&a participant. When Cap and Stark fail the first time to retrieve the Tesseract, and Loki grabs it and uses it, do you think this is how they introduce him back into the Disney Plus series, or even better yet, back into the MCU Movies???? Love the podcast's, I'm glad I've found a place to listen to everything Marvel, and for that I thank you!

29:34 Woo S! Kim

What would be your best guess Sean, on where Thor and The Guardians go from here in terms of "guardians of The Galaxy Volume III" and the potential fourth Thor film?  Do you think in the least we will see the Son of Odin make a cameo in "Guardians of The Galaxy Volume III" do you think we will see any of The Guardians in the fourth Thor film, I need to add if there is a fourth Thor film and what do you think of the idea of Takia W. and James Gunn soto collaborating on both films together while still doing their own MCU films, I hear that happened with the Russo Brothers and Peyton Reed following "Captain America: Civil War."

32:10 Woo S! Kim

What was your biggest surprise/favorite cameo in "Avengers: Endgame?"  Mine without a doubt was James D'Arcy as Edwin Jarvis, funny sidebar I was one of about three people in my IMAX screening opening night who knew who he was.

36:38 Xavier Arqueros

Hi Sean, let's get to the point: What prevents the Avengers from going back on time and grab the stones and put them back anytime they need? // Why past Gamora knew that the orb was the power stone when in guardians 1 she does want to sell it until the collector explains what it is? The movie is amazing, and this does not bother me, I'm just curious. Cheers everyone!

42:16 Phillip Castro

Hi Sean! In your opinion, who would be the finalists for Endgame MVA (Most Valuable Avenger) and is this hero also your pick for MVA of this Infinity Saga? Thank you in advance as always!

45:05 Matt Stuart

Hey Sean!  As someone who is more well versed in the source material than me, can Bruce turn back into his human form or is he permanently Professor Hulk?  Look forward to hearing everyone’s questions!

46:10 Alex

If the five year time jump really remains even after all the snap victims come back then how is it that Ned didn't appear to age like five years haven't passed? Surely he should be in college. The only excuse I can think of is that Ned along with most of the rest of Peter's classmates like Flash, MJ, and Betty were snap victims, so like Peter they come back five years later without having aged five years and we'll find this out in Far From Home.

48:38 Alex

Another question: If I'm not mistaken according to the film's time travel rules -- A time traveler cannot actually alter/change course of events of his or her's native timeline by changing something from the past since there is no ripple effect except to create new divergent timelines that exist parallel to the timeline they came from. .....So how does the Steve Rogers from the main MCU timeline make it back to the present timeline we've all been following? if Steve Rogers were to retire in the past and grow old with Peggy then wouldn't Steve in theory end up in a separate timeline different from the one we've been following?

50:09 Alex

Another Question: How come they couldn’t use the time stone to bring Tony back to life? In Infinity War when the Mad Titan arrived in Wakanda to take the mind stone that Vision had; even though Wanda was able to destroy Thanos managed to revive Vision by turning back time on his destroyed parts and reassemble him back to life after Wanda destroyed him. Couldn’t they theoretically do the same thing with Tony’s corpse and reverse time on it so they can reset Tony back to the state he was prior to using the Stark Gauntlet?

51:37 Alex

What character from the Fox-library of Marvel characters are you most bummed about never  interacting with Tony Stark when they make it over to the MCU now  that Mr. Stark is no longer with us?(though RDJ in real life is,  thank god!).

52:46 Alex

Do you think had Captain Marvel had used the Stark Gauntlet instead of Tony she would’ve survived the power of the Infinity Stones or do you think she’d likely meet the same fate as Mr. Stark? I actually suspect she’d be able to survive the stone’s power relatively unharmed like Thanos did but what're your thoughts?

54:26 Alex

Did you think after Strange was done seeing through the 14 million different possible outcomes of how their battle with Thanos could pan out he already knew Stark’s ultimate fate in Endgame?

55:29 David Rosen

Hi Sean, First and foremost I want to say thank you to you and the rest of this community for helping make what was one hell of a week and the movie experience of a lifetime. When I think back on this moment in the coming years, sharing the experience seeing this movie will go hand in hand with seeing the actual movie itself. So thank you Sean and everyone else for that. 

Speaking of runtime, what do you think were some of the things that were possibly cut from the movie? I think I remember at some point it was rumored that there was a 4-5 hour version of the movie and I also felt that some things were just a little rushed along, so I'm curious what extra story elements you think may have been left on the cutting room floor?

1:01:39 David Rosen

Were you a little surprised that we hardly got any mention of Vision aside from a quick reference to him from Wanda or do you think they're just saving it for the Disney+ show?

1:02:35 David Rosen

Would Tony have survived the snap if he was wearing his helmet or do you think he didn't put it on because he came to realize it was his destiny die?

1:04:00 Christian Fuentes

Hi Sean. Welcome to a post Endgame world! Did you have an emotional reaction to the movie that had nothing to do with the actual content? For me, I actually had tears by the final battle. Not because of what was going on, but because I started this journey years ago with someone, and they couldn’t make it to see the end.

1:06:29 Christian Fuentes

My second question is, how do you think films will manage the psychological damage going forward? The people who died as a consequence of the snap are still dead (I would guess that would be millions across the universe), and there’s the psychological trauma from both those who disappeared and those that were left behind.                                                                           Thanks for everything that you do!

1:09:37 Bill Van Norman

Hi Sean and fellow patrons in the post Endgame world. I  also had a question about the psychological trauma but Christian's question gets at that. My other question is about Vision - do you think we'll see him again? Wanda talked about him and Nat in the same way with the implication that he is dead like Nat. In addition, the Mind Stone is destroyed. Also, the hints about WandaVision sounds like it could be in the past. I hope we can see Vision going forward and not just in a prequel sort of way. What do you think Sean, will we see Vision as part of the MCU future?

1:14:18 Michael Weaselboy

Hey Sean, when I saw Endgame I laughed and cried and got goosebumps. Its nice to finally be able to talk about it. When all of the snapped heroes returned me and my theater were going crazy. That being said my questions are 1.) How did The Avengers create a Gauntlet that easily, I thought since Eitri made it it was supposed to be something super powerful, and since Iron Man made one real quick that also makes me think. Thoughts?? Also who do you think will be the next big bad of the MCU I am hoping for Norman Osborn or Doctor Doom. Who do you think??

1:19:56 Dennis Byron Gonzalez

Hi Sean and fellow patrons, Happy Avengers: Endgame weekend to you all! I know I haven’t participated in a Q&A in a long time (due to work and family concerns, as it seems quite a few of us have experienced), but what better time to dive back in then now?

Since we know Clint as Ronin had been attacking various criminal organizations such as the Yakuza and the Mexican cartels during the five years post-decimation, could his personal war on crime potentially be backstory we see in the proposed Hawkeye limited series for Disney Plus?

1:21:58 Dennis Byron Gonzalez

We know Captain Marvel spent most of Endgame monitoring other worlds in the universe, before returning for the final battle. Post-Endgame, is there potential for the establishment of a Carol-led organization in charge of interstellar defense such as SWORD or Alpha Flight (assuming Marvel Studios doesn’t go with the original Canadian super-team concept)?

1:24:53 Dennis Byron Gonzalez

What are your thoughts on the fate of Natasha Romanoff? Her sacrifice to gain the Soul Stone, although I understand why it had to happen, was perhaps the only thing in Endgame that I found upsetting. The death of Black Widow was a possibility I had been dreading since before Infinity War was released last year; I think I’ve even expressed it as such in a long ago Q&A. I know we will still have Scarlett Johansson returning for the Black Widow film in a couple of years, that is now definitely set in the past, and I find it unfortunate we will not see the journey of Natasha progress into the future. Hopefully, in future films or series we will have more recognition her sacrifice and her memory with the surviving characters.

Finally, I just want to say how much I enjoy the show and being part of this community. Listening to the Daily Bugle and the In The Endgame series always helped the workdays go by, and I look forward to the future of Marvel Cinematic Universe. Thank you again, Sean! Thank you as well for establishing the Discord channel! I just joined up, and been having a lot of fun being in conversation with my fellow patrons. Take care!

1:29:30 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

Hey Sean and fellow Patrons! Hope everyone had a great time watching AE. 

I have the following questions, so far lol:

1) In a post AE MCU who will be the ultimate leader of the Avengers now that Cap is basically retired and Tony has passed away? Will it be Carol while she is always in space helping other planets, T’Challa who is the kind of a nation, or someone else like Sam? 

1:32:19 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

2) Did it kinda bother you that we got no answer as to why Nick Fury waiting only till IW to call CM? So we are just left with the CM movies’ explanation of IW was the “only emergency”? 

1:33:37 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

3) For GOTG V.3 we know that even when James Gunn was fired, MS was still going to use his script. With how AE ended are we to assume that, that script includes Thor? And also we see Peter looking at a monitor searching for Gamora, is that 2014 Gamora or IW Gamora? 

1:36:47 Woo S! Kim

I am ready for a change in the MCU.  Don't get me wrong, I love and will miss Captain Rogers, Black Widow, and Iron Man, but in the immortal words of Robert Downey Jr.  I think it was the correct time for them to hang up their jersey's.  Do you find it rather refreshing that even though we know "The Eternals" is coming, "Shang-Chi" etc, not to mention X-Men and "Fantastic 4 in the coming years, we know those stories are coming but we don't know what those stories are about and or what the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is going to be, I was sad Opening Night, but now I am really excited, do you feel the same way I do, that it is  time for a change in the MCU?

1:39:41 Ronald Acosta

Hey Sean!! Got that minor hiccup on my account fixed by support so thanks for that. It’s been a while since I’ve chimed in with any questions. Anyway, ***spoiler tag*** I’m the type of person who takes a while for my emotions to hit me. Or maybe it’s because I was in shock although it was something that we all suspected for years now that this would be the end for Tony. But at which point did you start to cry as it relates to Tony’s death? For me it was Morgan’s cheeseburger callback. That instantaneously tore me to shreds and immediately took me back to 2008. Oh my goodness the feels!! This has been such an awesome journey and if anyone else would like to chime in with an answer to this q, by all means!!!

1:42:52 Maya

Hey Sean! Walking out of my third viewing as we speak. Thanks for being the first to tell us about the Namor tease in the discord. During this last rewatch I noticed there were significant disturbances to the water in the battle scene. Maybe I was just reading into it, but it seemed like there was a huge focus on it even though there was enough harm from Thanos’ army to be worrying about the water. Do you think that the heavy disturbance coming from Sanctuary and Dr. Strange’s magic is a reason Namor pays visit to land? If we do see him, it is crazy to think that him emerging would be for something other than half of his people dusting and coming back. Nevertheless I really hope he makes it in the MCU.

1:45:38 Maya

Someone I met at the theater who was also on his repeat viewing said he thinks the little boy who Scott Lang asked “What happened?” is the future Ghost Rider. That definitely caught me off guard and seems kind of far fetched. Have you heard this theory? What do you think? Do you think he could potentially be someone we see again in the MCU? 

Thank you for all that you do! The road to Endgame wouldn’t have been the same without you! 

1:47:30 Mookie Johnson

Why do you believe Cap is worthy to lift  Thor's Hammer in Endgame but not in Age of Ultron now that you've seen Endgame?

1:49:55 Mookie Johnson

Did Cap have to return Mjolnir to the timeline when he returned the Reality stone?

1:50:30 Mookie Johnson

Do you think we ever get to see Cap's reaction to Red Skull being the Soul stone protector?

1:51:43 Mookie Johnson

It was super exciting to get another "she's not alone" moment, but sad Black Widow couldn't be there... do you think that the Female avengers movie still happens without Natasha and did they establish enough in the story for Valkyrie to "lead the charge" for the female Avengers group in the MCU? I think it'd be fitting given Tessa Thompson "spearheading" the effort off-screen.

1:53:59 Mookie Johnson

Will Professor Hulk's arm ever heal or is he sidelined from battle going forward unless he uses the Hulkbuster Armor?

1:55:10 Mookie Johnson

I'm glad we finally got to hear Cap say "Avengers Assemble". Are you satisfied with when and how we got it both from Cap's perspective in the story and ours as fans watching it? Thank you for creating this wonderful community and sacrificing so much of your time for us. You are areal life Hero for us MCU fans!

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