Previous Episode: Daily Bugle - May 27, 2020

0:24 Giuseppe Vicaretti

Is there anything you've been pondering on lately? May not be anything Marvel Studios related. Just curious about what has been on your mind lately, if you have anything you want to vent about or inform us on?

6:55 Anthony Lawrey

Do you collect Funko Pops! and if so, do you have a favorite and why?

13:04 Giuseppe Vicaretti

How much of a long shot is it for the Movie Going Experience, to be become what it once was (I'm referring to the "Golden Age" of Hollywood)? Looking forward, How cost effective would it be if Studios do in fact release some Titles straight to VOD, but also release the "Big Blockbusters" in Theaters?

28:18 Bryan

What/who are you hoping for in the next season of The Mandalorian? I personally hope Sabine is still hanging around with Ahsoka

31:12 Terry Mortensen

What are your thoughts on what we’ve seen so far from The Batman? Do you think we could one day find Pattinson’s Batman just existing within the DCEU without worries about continuity? This seems to be how the Justice League works in comics anyway, and the Fox mutant franchises have not suffered for a lack of clear continuity.

42:23 Anthony Lawrey

How much money do studios make on dvd sales? I know in your last open podcast you spoke how most studios get 50-65% of ticket sales from theaters and I was curious if it’s the same for hard copy home releases.

46:40 Steven

Is December 16th, 2022 still likely to be a Star Wars movie?

49:12 Bryan

Why do films choose to use blue screen vs green screen? Is there a difference in how they are inserted into a film?

51:16 Giuseppe Vicaretti

Do you have a favorite shoe brand?

52:20 Bryan

I understand Joker was good. But it wasn’t great to me. Am I wrong? Maybe it’s just how it made me feel. I’m also sometimes resistant (probably to a fault) when Hollywood  and The academy tell me I should feel a certain way

59:33 Mookie Johnson

Is Joker with Bane's Venom the most fearsome villain Batman could face? Most of his villains challenge him mentally or physically. But a suped up Joker (like in the Arkham asylum game)  would challenge him both ways.

1:04:05 Giuseppe Vicaretti

This month, Disney+ has "changed things up" so to speak in releasing Prop Culture and The Big Fib (coming soon, not yet released) in the Binge Model. How are you interpreting this? Could we see more shows released in the Binge Model? I personally want the weekly release over the Binge Release, but I can see at least What If?... getting this touch. How are you interpreting this move Sean? And how do you feel about it?

1:06:48 Michael Weaselboy

Do you think we will ever get a Star Wars episode X-XII???

1:09:19 Steven

I’ll put this question in with the assumption that you record after the HBO Max launch: What are your overall thoughts on the launch, including the app’s UI and the service’s launch? If you have watched anything yet, what did you watch?

1:20:10 Tom DeMichele

Do you think video games have changed what audiences expect from movies?

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