0:24 BrentacPrime

I know you don't watch the show but I'm curious if you have any thoughts on "Batwoman" not recasting Kate Kane after Ruby Rose left, and creating a brand new character. Personally I’m opposed as I think they are throwing out basically the entire first season.

3:08 Bryan

What is more common practice in something like a Marvel Studios or Star Wars project on how the cast/directors are paid? Do they have a flat fee or are they paid on how well a film performs?

4:40 Steven

Is it possible for a streaming service to recover from a bad launch? For instance, HBO Max definitely has room to improve, but will it be too hard to recover from a bad start? I wasn’t streaming when Netflix and Hulu first started, so I don’t remember if they had a bumpy start. By contrast, how did Disney + ensure they would have a successful launch (outside of standard connection and buffering on the first day)?

15:19 Steven

On the flip side of that: do you wonder if streaming is just moving towards recreating the cable TV experience as it becomes more likely that most streaming services will have ads or ad supported versions available?

23:32 Mookie Johnson

Do you consider Poison Ivy to be a villain?

25:54 Michael Weaselboy

Do you think Ewan Mcgrgor will be "aged up" to play Obiwan in the Obiwan series??

27:26 Steven

Pretend you have seen your last movie in a movie theater. You are preparing your home theater setup. What are the essentials, and what are some big “wishlist” items you would save up for to enhance that experience?

33:58 Bryan

Have you watched The Umbrella Academy? What did you think of it?

34:43 Anthony Lawrey

Can you divulge on the details of your Birds of Prey set visit? I remember you spoke of it being a scene that made it very clear of its R rating...just curious if you could give more details about it now.

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