2:16 James Kaplan

Do you think Endgame underutilized Captain Marvel? I think she had a few good scenes but was expecting her to be more central to the story given the end of Infinity War. I also thought that maybe her characterization suffered a bit from being filmed before her solo movie. Anyway, would love to know your thoughts. 

6:39 Ronald Acosta

Hey Sean! I’m on the side that’s against introducing mutants via a multiverse. I’ve always felt that it might steer on the edge of being too convoluted. However it looks more and more like that’s going to be the case with both this latest Spider-Man trailer and the reports that Diego Luna’s Ghost Rider on Hulu May introduce a different origin/setting being strong indicators.

I have nothing against a multiverse, but regarding a multiverse introduction for Mutants, I’m apprehensive as this would be a fairly new concept to tackle in a live-action cinematic format. I’m more than sure Marvel Studios can get us there and I know it all comes down to the execution, but I’m just curious as to what your thoughts or concerns may be. Especially with regards to how this might be the way we get the X-Men in the MCU. 

I know a lot of us have asked multiple versions of this question in previous q&a’s, but given this new context, do you have any strong ideas of how it should be handled if this is the case? Or will you take the wait and see approach?

11:24 Woo S! Kim

What did you think of the “Tonight Show” cover “We didn’t start the fire” featuring Marvel Studios’ stars?  The reveal of Stan “The Man” got me right in the feels?

11:51 Woo S! Kim

I was just thinking about this do you think this run that Marvel Studios is having from “Iron Man” to now is comparable to Pixar’s great run from “Toy Story” to “Cars 2” in terms of box office and critical response?

12:45 Robert Klauser

Hi Sean and Patrons. I know we discussed Thanos for a bit on the Office Hours channel, (which is awesome btw) but what do you think influences the stark (no pun intended) contrast between the benevolent of sorts Thanos in IW to the ruthless version we get in Endgame? Thanks.

24:33 Orion Zangara

Hey Sean, Thanks for being my favorite podcast! You guys absolutely rock! With the potential news that the marvel cinematic universe will become the marvel cinematic multiverse, do you think marvel studios will use this opportunity to create an “ultimate universe?” That way marvel studios doesn't have to reboot the entire cast and still have characters cross over between the primary universe. Thanks again!

29:01 Michael Weaselboy

Hey Sean I have a Spider-Man question. Since Far From home counts as a Sony movie, and assuming Marvel and Sony will renew the deal for Spidey. What Marvel movie will Spidey appear in next?? I know they will likely do a third movie but that counts as Sony's movie, and with no Avengers movies planned for the next few years, what movie will he appear in next?? Could he guest star in Doctor Strange 2 or some other movie??

36:41 Nick Adams

Hey Sean I have a question about time travel in Endgame. They say that they have enough Pym particles for a round trip each. 2014 Nebula gives Thanos her final particle, but still manages to come back to 2023 with everyone else. Is this just a flaw, or am I missing something?

Side note: just subscribed to the Patreon a week or so ago, and I’m loving every minute of it. Keep up the good work!

40:09 Derek Beebe

Hey Sean, do you think there is any chance of a MCU Star Wars crossover movie, and if so, what would you like to see?  I could only assume such a story would be out-of-continuity for both franchises.

41:07 Derek Beebe

Even more unlikely, could you ever see a MCU / DC movie come to pass?  And who would you like the villain to be?  A single one or a MCU and DC villain teaming up as well?

43:42 Derek Beebe

Do you think the next mega phase of the MCU will revolve around a single McGuffin like the Infinity Gauntlet?  If so, what would it be?  My theory would be the emergence of the mutants and the Phoenix Force culminating in Avengers vs. X-Men for the fate of the Phoenix.  Of course, I do wonder if they would be willing do any version of Dark Phoenix for a third time.

48:18 Giuseppe Vicaretti

Hey Sean and fellow Patrons, after seeing Endgame 5 times now, and my question is could we see Spiderman step up his mantle and be the new "Iron Man" of this new generation of Avengers? Or would we be intrigued with Tony's Daughter stepping into the fold when she comes of age? I don't like the latter only because we would have to wait a good amount of time before seeing that, whereas Spiderman is sort of already stepping into it, so to speak. What are thoughts on this? Is there someone else I may have overlooked?

51:26 Mookie Johnson

I find it interesting that MCU Spider-Man keeps introducing himself as "Peter Parker ". I recognize that it is amongst fellow heroes as far as we've seen through Endgame, but I thought that protecting his Identity has been a core trait. Is this something you find strange about his MCU characterization?

53:08 Mookie Johnson

In your head canon, who ran Wakanda during the 5 years of the royal children's absence, and do you think the transition of power back to T'Challa was universally accepted?

56:56 Brian White

When Rhodey returns with the Power Stone, it comes in the Orb that we see in Guardians Volume 1, but Steve only returns to the past with the Power Stone in the suitcase. Going to be hard to restore the stone to its containment on Morag for Peter to find without that, I think. Thoughts on how Steve might correct this in Captain America 4, the movie or Disney Plus series (I hope!)? Thanks!

58:39 Alex Klein

Based off the new Spider-Man trailer and interview with Watts on Fandango, I’m wondering if Far From Home is going to play out more like Iron Man 3 than Ant Man/Antman&Wasp in terms of box office. Knowing this movie may heavily deal with Endgame fall out could push it to 1 billion.

1:00:06 Conor Kelly

Hi Sean, I’m a bit confused about the Fury/Parker dynamic from the “far from home” trailers and ending of endgame.

In the trailers Fury is waiting in Peters room and hits Ned with tranquilliser. How come Peters spider senses didn’t alert him that someone was there and why then did he say “you’re Nick Fury” like he’d never seen him before? Surely they met at Tony’s funeral as they were standing about 10feet apart during it!!

1:04:04 Robert Reineke

Hi Sean. Is it just me, or is it weird to be launching a Black Widow movie after we've just seen what's presumably her fate in Avengers: Endgame? I think many of us feel that Black Widow not having a solo movie was an oversight, and her not being with the mini-teamup of female heroes at the finale was something of a missed opportunity, but I don't think it's something that can be retroactively fixed.  The MCU has been good at moving forward, so it seems like a prequel is a little out of step with the rest of the movies. Your thoughts?

1:09:04 Jeremy Watson

Sean, did you think it odd that Endgame didn’t make a single reference to Vision? Wanda sort of hinted at him in her encounter with Thanos but nothing up to that point. Do you expect Wandavision to be the next time we see or hear of him? Thanks!

1:11:40 Adam

Hey Sean. I know this isn’t strictly a MCU question but it relates to the TV shows. I have always loved the tv shows that marvel puts out but now with Disney + I’m wondering which of the shows are technically cannon and which ones I should continue with. I love agents of Shield but know that it’s not Necessarily cannon anymore. Do you have any recommendations on which shows I should stick with and which shows to drop when it comes to the mcu as a whole. Thanks 

1:14:37 Rich Ward

In Endgame when Scott is sitting outside the Avengers compound eating, Nebula seems uncommonly mean here. As far as I know she's never met or interacted with Scott, but when she sees his lunch blow away and walks by she says: "Careful, Rhodey, there's an idiot in the landing zone." Small, silly thing, and led to one of favorite moments (Hulk handing Scott two of his tacos), but stands out to me during each watch. I get why Rhodes makes the comment he does, but why do you think Nebula acts that way?

1:16:16 Rich Ward

In several recent interviews, Joe and Anthony Russo have said that Cap going back in time to be with Peggy has created a new timeline.

From the New York Daily News: 

“Basically, in order for Cap to have that experience with Peggy, he would’ve begun another timeline," Anthony said. “Let’s say he went back and found Peggy at the moment after he went in the ice but before she married somebody else. He could’ve begun the life with her at that moment in an alternate timeline.”

But, in an Fandango interview, writer Markus and McFeely "reject" that theory:

Fandango: So people are asking... Does this mean an old Captain America was hanging out this whole time while another Captain America was saving the day?

Christopher Markus: That is our theory. We are not experts on time travel, but the Ancient One specifically states that when you take an Infinity Stone out of a timeline it creates a new timeline. So Steve going back and just being there would not create a new timeline. So I reject the "Steve is in an alternate reality" theory.

What are your thoughts on the disconnect? Do you think this is intentional, to create a bit of confusion and ambiguity, and to let Marvel reveal more about time travel, the multiverse, etc. in the years and stories ahead, or could it simply be that they disagree on the rules of time travel? It's hard to imagine these four making a movie like Endgame while disagreeing on such an important piece of the story. Or maybe it's not that important or hard to imagine and I'm thinking way too much about it!

1:24:34 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

In regards to the Multiverse opening up in the MCU due to the events in AE. Do you believe it could've happened due to the fact that Thanos destroyed all of the Infinity Stones? I have only seen the movie twice so I am not sure if I understood 100% accurately the explanation of the Ancient One about what happens when a Stone is taken out of a certain timeline. She mentioned how that could create an alternate timeline. So could something similar or the Multiverse opening up happen when the Stones themselves are destroyed and essentially taken out of the current MCU timeline? Just something I was thinking about, could be totally wrong.

1:26:48 Keith Barber

Hi Sean - If Tony's arc reactor in Endgame only powers the suit/nanotech and is no longer keeping Tony alive, why does the light go out when he dies? Sorry if this has already been addressed, I may have missed it.

1:29:08 Chris Cascio

Hey Sean just been thinking of our post endgame world the mcu is in. I was wondering outside of the Xmen or FF who are some of the heroes that you would like to see enter the MCU. Two for me are Captain Britain and Nova the Sam Alexander Nova.

1:29:53 Giuseppe Vicaretti

Another questuon I have for you Sean is, do you think the Black Widow and Hawkeye moment on Vormir was not handled the best way it could have been? My meaning is, do you think Hawkeyes death would have had a longer lasting impact on our characters? Also do you think they dragged out that scene longer than they should have?

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