Previous Episode: Daily Bugle - May 21, 2019

0:22 Steven Haymam

Hey Sean, big fan! Just wanted to know what happened with Katherine Langford and what was her role gonna be in Avengers: Endgame.

4:55 Tom DeMichele

Sean, we’re seeing the Russo’s and Markus & McFeely being asked a lot of the same questions lately. If given the opportunity, what burning questions would you have for these four, whether it’s about spoilers or process?

13:33 Alex Ward

In honor of Game of Thrones ending and Richard Madden's rumored casting in the Eternals, which other Game of Thrones actors would you like to see join the MCU, and as which characters?

15:29 Alex Ward

Similarly, are there any actors in the formerly-owned-by-Fox Marvel films that you'd like to see in the MCU, and who would you like to see them play? I'd like to see Logan's Dafne Keen involved somehow, even if it's not as X-23.

17:31 Alex Ward

What would your lineup be if they made a Thunderbolts movie?

21:29 Giuseppe Vicaretti

Hey Sean and fellow Patrons. There is definitely not enough on the shows yet to give an opinion on them, but just for what we have now, if you could rate the upcoming shows from best to worst what do you think will be the result? I personally think WandaVision and Falcon&Winter Soldier will surpass the Loki Series and the Hawkeye series. But I also think they will be way too close to call in popularity to give a best out of the rest. But again, if you could rate them based on what we have right now, how would you rate them?

23:09 Mookie Johnson

Why do you think we did not get to see Bucky use his left arm in Infinity war and Endgame? Was this a budget concession? Unless I missed it, we only saw him using the machine gun in battle. Also, do you think his new arm has increased strength levels and any new tricks?

25:32 Woo S! Kim

With all this talk/hype of a Bucky/Sam Wilson series I want to see either a Nebula Rocket series or a Gamora Nebula series I am leaning towards the latter just because of how expensive doing the motion capture for Rocket may be, I just want to see Nebula in a Disney+ or Hulu series, Sean. What say you, Sean? 

26:41 Woo S! Kim

What type of 4K Blu-ray player do you own, do you currently have a 4K Blu-ray Player that supports Dolby Vision, what is your dream 4K TV of choice?  Also, you seem to have a good intuition about these types of things, being in a wheelchair only the Regal Cinemas in Las Vegas that have wheelchair IMAX seats in the middle of the cinema. My question is if my only option is seating at the very back of the cinema or one row behind the front of the cinema for AMC IMAX, which do I choose and why?

4K media player with Dolby Vision:

4K TV with Dolby Vision:

29:31 Orion Zangara

Hey Sean!! My apologies if you’ve answered this before, but at some point in the future if a Secret Wars event were to happen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (or in this case, multiverse), do you think this would diminish the impact of future large-scale events? In the comics after Secret Wars by Jonathan Hickman, I noticed Marvel Comics had a little bit of a slump and tended to focus more on small-scaled personal stories, not really as many large events. And when they introduced something more on the cosmic level, it felt less consequential than Secret Wars or Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers run. So in the movies, it may be a little difficult to build up to something that huge again.  Also, as a side note, it would be amazing to see different Battleworld movies leading up to a Secret Wars event. 

What do you think? Do you have any concerns about this hypothetical situation? 

Your podcast is so much fun to listen to and I really appreciate all what you and Paul do! I kind of feel like both of your are Marvel scholars. Thanks so much! :)

33:39 Giuseppe Vicaretti

How dramatic do you think the upcoming Disney+ shows will be? Will Falcon&WinterSoldier be a crime thriller, will WandaVision be a romantic comedy, etc.? Preferably that would be how I assume they will make them but could I be mistaken or do you agree?

35:25 Giuseppe Vicaretti

My final question for you is how many episodes do you think they will sign off on, and how many seasons do you think these shows could get? Obviously, it would be based on the popularity but I can see them giving us as many as 5 seasons each with 20 episodes at a 30-40min length. Am I way off on that estimation or do you think they could get there?

39:19 James Kaplan

Hi Sean, really enjoying the podcasts and glad to be a supporter.  The last time I asked a question, it was about Captain Marvel, and I have another captain Marvel question I’d like to ask.    So, there’s an approximately 23-year gap between  The end of Captain Marvel and when ‘Carroll first appears in Endgame, and then another five-year gap until she reappears.   What I think is great about that is the amount of flexibility and it leaves marvel studios, and then they could set the story at almost any time., Or tell a story that takes place over the course of many years. My question is, is there any particular sort of story you would be interested in seeing?   I would love to see a story about Carol teaming up with a grown-up Monica who is now photon, I think that would be a lot of fun. Because there’s nothing to say that Carol’s appearance at the beginning of endgame is the first time she has been back to earth.

43:14 Jak Sherlock

Hey Sean!

Do you think the rules of time travel in the MCU that were established in End Game have any impact on our chances of seeing Kang the Conqueror? And if we do see him, given Kang’s comic book origin, do you think the MCU’s time travel rules will have an impact on the Kang we may see in the MCU?

Hope you’re well man!

45:36 Eric Jensen

Hey Sean, my 7 year old son wants me to ask you what past Thor will use as a weapon since future Thor took Mjolnir into the future with him.

46:17 Mike Gonyea

Hey Sean! Wanted to hear your thoughts about the Kevin Feige AMA he held on Twitter/Reddit. Someone asked him if the Mandarin and the 10 rings could make a return to the MCU, he simply replied 'yes'.  Do you think that would be something we could see in a Disney+ series or would there be a movie that would make sense to have them in? Thank you for your time!

48:15 Mike Gonyea

Quick question for you Sean. It seemed to me that the rules of the Gauntlet changed slightly from Infinity War to Endgame. This is in regards to how the stones effect the user. Thanos was able to wear the Gauntlet without being harmed and when he did the first snap, this is when his arm was burned from the stones. When Hulk put Tony's Gauntlet on his arm immediately starts to burn up from the stones, before he does his snap. Can we chalk this up to visual storytelling? Or would this be a physiological difference between Thanos compared to other beings that try to use the Gauntlet/Stones? Have a good day man!

50:53 Jeremy Watson

Hey Sean. Do you think that the special features on the Endgame home release will contain the multiple hours of deleted/alternate scenes? If not, do you think Disney will/could release a special dvd that includes all the additional content from Endgame, Infinity War, etc.? Thanks

52:23 Brett Heier

Hi Sean, in infinity war, scarlet witch can only destroy the mind stone because her powers had the same energy signature as the stone. Does this mean that captain marvel could destroy the space stone? Also, if there were, say, 2 power stones in the same room, could one destroy the other? And, in endgame, Wanda says that both nat and vision know that they won, but would Vision really know? He’s last moment alive was spent being choked while thanos ripped the final stone from his head. I also saw a article that claimed that Wanda was really talking about 2018 gamora (I don’t think this is true). Even if she was talking about gamora, would that be true either? Her last moments were spent being thrown off a cliff, knowing that her father was collecting yet another stone. Finally, do you think we will ever see the fifth member of the black order, aka supergiant? Anyway, thanks for all the that work you do!

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