0:22 Jeremy Watson

Hey Sean and fellow Patrons! What do you think happened to 2014 Thanos’s timeline once he jumped to 2023? Without Thanos in that time, he can’t perform the snap in 2018. Also, do you think that Tony’s snap eliminated all Thanos’s from all timelines? Thanks!

3:30 Jeremy Watson
I know we are many months away, but do you think Endgame will get any attention come award season?

7:30 Eric Jensen
Hi Sean, just wondering if you have any thoughts on how Endgame and infinity war would have been different had Cap and Tony not been so divided after Civil War.  If they were all for the accords would the avengers have beat Thanos and prevented the snap?  At the beginning of Endgame Tony certainly blames Cap for the negative outcome.  Thoughts?

9:47 Jeremy Watson
Sean, I know Markus and McFeely recently came out and said that Steve could always wield Mjolnir but didn’t in AoU to Thor’s benefit. I personally liked thinking that he had to clear his conscience in CW before being deemed worthy. Which version do you prefer? Sorry if you already mentioned this before. Thanks.

15:19 Robert Klauser
What’s up Sean? As much as I’d like the underwater Easter egg to be Namor and Atlantis, do you think it could also be the Deviant City (I believe it’s Lemuria) from the Eternals?

17:24 Derek Beebe
Hey Sean, why do you think Cap chose Sam and not Bucky to replace him?  I understand the out of universe reason of course, but he was always much closer to Bucky.  Was it because Bucky had too much of a damaged past to ever be accepted as a public icon?  Fears of his mind conditioning coming back?

21:34 Derek Beebe

I still can't believe they killed off the real Thanos ten minutes in and replaced him with what I jokingly referred to as Fake Thanos to be the final villain.  My issue with this is that this is not the character we built an emotional connection to over the course of Infinity War.  This is not the character who sacrificed Gamora.  Didn't it bother you that the villain for the movie was not the one so masterfully developed in the previous movie, but an alt universe alt reality copy?

28:28 Derek Beebe
At the end of Endgame they say they're going to go looking for 2014 Gamora.  But she was right there for the Avengers Compound battle.  How could she have gotten away?  Did she steal a space ship?  Didn't all of Thanos' ships get dusted?

31:14 Derek Beebe

Did it bother you that Starlord just returned to his homeworld for the first time since childhood, and we didn't get to see his reaction to that at all?

33:59 Giuseppe Vicaretti
Hey Sean, my question for you this week is hopefully a good one. If you were given the opportunity to cast your own MCU movie on any Marvel Character (that we haven't seen yet in these first 22 movies), which character would you choose and pick 3 actors (whomever you would like) you would choose as the top build leads.

35:45 David Rosen
Hey Everyone, I continue to be amazed at how well paced this movie is. Even having after my fifth viewing, the movie still doesn’t feel like 3 hours. In hindsight, I find it amusing how big a deal was made of it being “too long.” I glad the movie didn’t have an intermission, but IF the movie were going to have one, where would you have put it? Personally, I think I would cut it right after they all zap into the quantum realm, and then pick up again just as they boom into quantum tunnel, going into Avengers 2012. This seemed like the most natural spot to pause with the swell of the music and where the story was, being the end of the ramp up and the beginning of the time heist. Is there anywhere you think the movie could be cut in two?

38:33 Orion Zangara

Hey Sean!! Just curious, do you think it’s possible Disney will use Disney plus as a testing ground for new characters in live action shows and then introduce the character in the movies? Possibly something more family friendly like Squirrel Girl or Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur (but not necessarily). I’d assume this would be less of a financial risk than making an entire movie on a more obscure property (although of course this has been done with Guardians and soon Eternals and Shang-Chi).

Thanks so much for creating such an awesome podcast! You guys are doing a fantastic job! I love listening to you guys talk about this stuff every week. Two thumbs up! 

41:49 Keith Merrill

Enjoying the podcasts Sean.  My question is having seen Endgame multiple times and in multiple movie theater formats,  Which one do you find the most enjoyable or prefer?  For me it was the Dolby Cinema experience.

44:54 Woo S! Kim

One of my favorite cameos of Stan Lee outside of the MCU and or Marvel Television is his cameo on “The Simpsons,” now that Disney owns “The Simpsons” I would really like to see Kevin Feige guest star on “The Simpsons. What Marvel Television and or Marvel Studios would you like to see on “The Simpsons” Sean, other than Feige I would love Tom Holland and or Clark Gregg, what about you?  

45:53 Woo S! Kim

Do you believe “Eternals” will be the first to show the ramifications beyond Earth of  Professor Hulk’’s snap? Related to this, I have to believe and perhaps this is just my own head canon, but I doubt it’s just me that The Decimation and Professor Hulk’s snap caused a ripple effect that woke something up or created something that wasn’t in the MCU previously such as Kang and or Galactus, do you concur Sean?

48:14 Woo S! Kim

Do you think the five year time gap in “Avengers: Endgame” and or the Time Hopping was done from a logistical standpoint to free up Marvel Studios and potentially future creative people that Marvel Studios will bring into future projects, so that said creative people don’t have to stick to a certain timeline and allows some people to do stories that they couldn’t do in the “Infinity Saga?” Along these lines Sean, do you believe that Marvel Studios is going to stick with one through line in terms of telling their stories for the next five to seven whether that be in films and or on Disney+ such as the one True Believers aw in the “Infinity Saga” or will there be a feeling of more stand alone stories even more so than the one we saw in “Black Panther?”

52:37 Carole and Helwalk

Please help me settle a discussion I am currently trapped in regarding Endgame:  I say 2014 Gamora was dusted when IronMan snapped his fingers to wipe out Thanos and his army since she had come with him to 2023.  My friend insists she just scurried away?!?!?!?!  Your thoughts?  As always, thank you!

55:00 Brandon McCollum

Hey Sean, what are your thoughts on the rumored Nova movie?  Do you think they will take the Ant-Man route and focus on the characters second incarnation with Sam Alexander, or do you think they will let Richard Rider take center stage? Personally, I would go with Rider, but I would be down for either.  Blue Blazes!!!

57:00 Giuseppe Vicaretti

Next question is more of a general question. Where did it all start for you Sean? Not just your podcast hosting, but your love for Marvel as a whole as well, where did it start for you and what steps did you take to get where you are now as far as covering all things Marvel? And if there's one thing you could change what would it be?

1:08:44 Mike Gonyea

Hi there Sean, hope all is well man. One of the many questions I have from Endgame is in regards to potential Doctor Strange sequel set ups. The was the ancient one talks about how the repercussions of taking the stones out of time can lead to disastrous results. Could this be something that is simply contained to the specific timeline/reality the stone was taken from, or could that have a overflow/bleeding effect into the timeline/reality the stones were taken to as well? The scene felt similar to the potential Black Panther 2 set up with the earthquake reference earlier in the film. Could there be something there? Thank you so much for all you do!

1:13:12 Oni Omoregie

Hi, Sean. Outside of BP and Doctor Strange 2, I am most excited about Shang Chi in the coming “phase.” However, as someone who grew up watching classic martial art films with wonderful choreography, I am slightly worried that Marvel won’t get the best to choreograph the movie. Winter Soldier and Civil War had great fight scenes, but I am expecting more out of Shang Chi. What are your thoughts on this issue?

1:15:41 Mike Gonyea

If Marvel Studios decides to use the snaps as the catalyst of the mutant X gene and bringing the XMen into the MCU. Would this be specific to what the Avengers call Earth? Or could that be all across the universe? And on the thread of XMen in the MCU, what would be some fantasy casting you would like to see for some XMen characters? Thanks for everything buddy, have a good day!

1:17:55 Mike Gonyea

Granted this idea would nullify the entirety of Endgame somewhat... but if the point Time Heist was to get all the stones, why not just go back to when they are about to get the gauntlet off of Thanos on Titan in Infinity War and chop off his arm and jump back to the present/prime timeline? Granted there would be a lot more risk going to take the stones directly from Thanos compared to collecting them from different points in time when it is 'safer'. More of a thought than a question I suppose, thank you for your time Sean! ✌

1:21:43 Jim Scroggs

What character do you think Bryan Cranston could play in the MCU? I wouldn’t mind seeing him as Ben Parker but I know the time might have passed to see Uncle Ben

1:22:49 Matt Miller

Hey Sean, with the recent report that Guardians 3 is going to start filming next year? Do you think it will be slated for a 2021 release? Also now that the fox deal is complete do you think Disney will rerelease or put up the animated Spider-Man or X-men series on Disney Plus? Thanks!

1:27:23 Jim Scroggs

Also, I can’t remember if you answered this but could Marvel come back around the Keanu Reeves since he was rumored to have been close to joining Captain Marvel

1:28:22 Seth Goslin

Maybe I've missed something but it seems like the door to time travel is still open at the end of Endgame. Professor Hulk has the machinery and Hank Pym is back and could make more Pym particles. The temptation to tinker with time and the threat of what enemies could do with this seems potentially problematic. Do you think that something should be done to take time travel off the playing field (going forward in the MCU)?

1:30:53 David Rosen

With Thanos now gone (both in 2014 and 2023), it would seem that there is a cosmic power vacuum waiting to be filled. Assuming that we don’t go back to see what happens in 2014, do you think we’ll see what happens to the cosmic power structure in the current 2023 MCU timeline? Also, since he was merely killed instead of snapped out of existence in 2023, unless Tony’s snap also got rid of his 2023 army, what do you think happens to Thanos’s now leaderless army, and might we see that come into play in future movies if we get to see how the cosmic power structure realigns itself following Thanos’s demise? Also, though we haven’t seen many cosmic villains beyond Thanos yet, who would be your pick to fill that void?

1:35:31 David Rosen

In some of your previous discussions regarding Thanos’s characterization in the comics, you talked about how his ego and arrogance would sometimes be the things that lead to his downfall. Did you see any of that inflated ego or arrogance in End Game, and if so, do you think it contributed to his loss at the end? I attribute part of 2014 Thanos’s loss to him not actually collecting the Infinity Stones for himself, but rather relying on the knowledge that his future self was able to do it, and also allowed the Avengers to collect them for him. I believe one of the reasons Thanos won in Infinity War was because he used each subsequent stone he collected to help him get the next one till he basically was an unstoppable force. Knowing that he had already done it in the future though, made him think he could just take it by brute force, instead of using the powers that the stones afford him. Do you this as a type of arrogance, and do you see it tracking with his comic book counterpart?

1:44:11 Seth Goslin

I'm happy about the passing of the shield to Sam. I'm having trouble visualizing how he will operate as the new Cap. Do you have a sense of how he will fight? Do you think he will continue using wings? Any chance of a new serum for him? What's he like in the comics?

1:46:06 Seth Goslin

I liked the "quantum rat". We've seen the MCU enrich its own past many times now. Is there any scenario that you would think would be a fun reveal that the rat was a shape-changed hero that we haven't seen previously or do you think it should just be left as a rat?

1:47:21 Alex Ward

Hey Sean! Just wondering what you think of the concern that the creators behind Avengers: Endgame, such as the Russos, Markus and McFeely, are "pulling a JK Rowling" by supposedly "over-explaining" aspects of the film? I do agree that this is an issue to some extent, such as their response "I wish we were that smart" in response to the question about the possible Namor easter egg, because it takes some of the fun out of these little moments being open to interpretation. However, this is probably moreso the fault of the interviewers (if "fault" is even the right word), as Markus & McFeely, etc., are not openly volunteering these random factoids like Rowling is prone to do.

1:57:03 Alex Ward

Would you like to see the Russos move over to the Star Wars universe? How likely do you think that'd be?

1:58:00 Alex Ward

I think you've mentioned being a Game of Thrones fan before, so I was wondering what you think of the season so far? With the common criticism of Benioff and Weiss being that they are better at adapting than coming up with their own material, how do you think they'd fare in the MCU?

2:00:45 Michael Weaselboy

Hey Sean I was just wondering how do you think Marvel will try to make Namor different from Aquaman if/when he gets his own movie in the MCU?? Also do you think he will stay unlikeable?? I know the Universal rights issue holds that up but still. Thoughts??

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