1:08 Dan Sanders

Hi Sean, first time I’ve asked a question in ages because I’m usually too busy but I’m always listening to the podcasts, thank you for all the great content, keep up the great work. Do you think that when Captain America returned the infinity stones at the end of the film, they should have shown us footage of him seeing the red skull? I would love to have seen his reaction to seeing him there, I know the films length was already long enough and this probably is why they left it out, Also would the soul stones return not bring Natasha back to life?

6:18 Brandon McCollum

Hey Sean, one of my favorite things about Endgame were the unexpected friendships. My personal favorite has to be Tony and Nebula.  If you could team up two characters from different MCU franchises and make a movie who would you choose and why?

9:27 Giuseppe Vicaretti

Hey Sean and fellow Patrons. Do you think we could possibly see a separate Hulk story, whether it be a show or a movie, even possibly released straight to digital on Disney+, that gives us the explanation of how Hulk and Bruce came together as One during that 5 year gap? And if so how likely could it be that Mark Ruffalo comes back for it?

13:19 Woo S! Kim

I have a question: Do you think Charles Xavier is a little ashamed of being a Mutant? I just ask because if someone wasn't a little bit ashamed of who/what they are, why would you attempt so long and so hard to accepted by another group especially ones who either despise or fear for what you are?

15:02 Woo S! Kim

Currently, all seasons of “Agents of Shield” are on Netflix.  Within the time Disney+ launches or eight months afterward do you think all episodes “Agents of Shield” will be on Hulu or Disney+, the reason I ask is a week before the investor day I would have said “Agents of Shield” us for sure going to Hulu.” However, with the news that “Agent Carter” will be on Disney+ I am not quite sure, what say you, Sean?

17:18 Alex Klein

After Nebula doesn't come back with War Machine, she has her malfunction while Thanos is viewing the future and then runs out to the ship to try and warn Clint and Natasha. Why didn't she just use her device to go back? Thanos would never have gotten it and been able to come to the future, and clearly Clint was able to travel back by himself after Nat sacrificed herself? Obviously it was the writers choice but that seems like the Star Lord moment of this movie.

20:14 Carole

I know there was a lot to cover in the Endgame Spoilers Review...BUT...I would love your comments on the Rocket and Nebula reunion at the Avengers compound.  Thanks for keeping  up the excellent podcast content!

22:17 Alex

If Reed Richards was in the MCU earlier before Infinity War and Endgame and was among the heroes spared  from  being dusted to death by the snap do you think in theory MCU  Reed(if they made him as smart as traditionally is  in the comics) would've been just as able to figure out time-travel as much as Tony was?

22:53 Alex

Now that we know the time travel mechanics of the MCU do you think its either more or less likely the FF will be introduced in the MCU as time travelers from the 1960's? What potential problems do you think could arise in terms of  continuity   if Marvel were to head in  such a direction?

24:21 Jak Sherlock

Hey Sean, hope you had an amazing End Game experience. Just had two questions regarding director’s/producer’s comments before the release of End Game.

Firstly, wasn’t it confirmed that BARF would play a role in End Game or was that just speculation? If so I didn’t notice the use of BARF anywhere in the movie.

Secondly, If the Russo’s said that the Red Skull would be free once he oversaw the acquisition of the Soul Stone, how would Captain America have returned the stone? I know that the stones were to be taken back to the point they were originally taken, but if the sacrifice of Natasha’s life is undoable, then wouldn’t the Red Skull be free to leave?

Apologies for the ramble!

Thanks as always.

29:10 Alex

What do you think of the idea of Tony Stark inadvertently causing the  increase of individuals manifesting the X-gene by reversing the effects of the decimation through the snap that cost him his life? Would you be on board for the idea or do you think Stark indirectly causing the rise of the mutant population in the MCU just makes the universe feel smaller?

31:05 Jak Sherlock

When do you predict the next Avengers movie to be released? And what’s your best guess for the line-up?

34:26 Otto Rogers

Do you feel that Betty Ross should have made an appearance in Endgame considering how important she was to Banner?

36:30 Otto Rogers

How quickly (or do you think) we will see Cassie as Stature?

38:56 Otto Rogers

Who do you think the leading voice of the Phase Four Avengers?

40:43 David Rosen

Hey Sean, End Game had some amazing visuals in it, especially that incredible wide shot of Cap standing alone against Thanos’s army. Maybe an all time great shot. Now that there is a complete MCU to consider, what are some of your favorite similar “splash page” moments from the MCU?

43:48 Mookie Johnson

I was about to ask where do you think the next Avengers Compound will be, but the better question may be is it necessary? Most if not all of the remaining heros have reasons to be elsewhere and may not be lifeers like natasha and steve were bc they had nothing else. Do you think going forward the Avengers will need to Assemble for bigger threats?

48:59 Jeremy Watson

Good morning Sean and fellow Patrons! What an incredible ride that was...not just the movie, but the entire journey!  After my first viewing, I felt like I was in mourning the rest of the day. Mourning for some beloved characters that were lost, but also mourning the end of an era. This was incredible and the ending was so sweet. 

Do you think that because Thanos was dusted and not physically killed (ie Thor going for the head), that leaves the door open for a return, especially since the dusted characters from IW returned?

Also, I was slightest bit disappointed that Thanos was not physically killed. I appreciated the symmetry of him and his army getting dusted but, for me, it was much more satisfying watching him get beheaded by Thor than seeing him get dusted. I suppose it shows that he was really too strong (however, he was never really able to kill any of the Avengers, so maybe it goes both ways) 

54:12 Jeremy Watson

For Q1 to happen, we would probably need to see the infinity stones again, do you think that we will see them again in future MCU movies? If the stones are definitely gone, then do you see that causing a ripple down the road or possibly that is what leads to the evolution of the mutant X gene?

56:36 Jeremy Watson

Do you think the MCU will eventually explore other realms more thoroughly (Soul Realm, Quantum Realm, where the dusted people went)?

58:32 Jeremy Watson

How do you think future MCU movies will call back to the Infinity War? I am sure that Far From Home will make some references, since that is next in line and the epilogue for Phase 3, but heading into Phase 4, do you see there being references to this story? 

1:00:48 Mookie Johnson

I was asked how does time continue after Thanos destroyed the stones given The Ancient One's explanation? I'm curious about your thoughts on this this topic.

1:04:46 Chris Cascio

Howdy everyone I just want to ask if you where Clint Barton how would you explain your new appearance to your wife and kids? Mid-Snap Crisis.

1:05:47 Keith Merrill

Does Captain really age that fast?  Depending on where he stopped it’s probably 80 years?

1:10:58 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

Hey Sean, hope everyone is having a great week! 

So with the MCU’s timeline remaining with that 5 years later, the year post AE is 2023. Do you think that most of the next MCU films will just be “prequels” or some other time in the MCU’s history type films? For example the rumor for The Eternals and BW are that they take place in the past at least partly. And maybe doing this as to wait for the MCU’s timeline to line up with our real life time line in 2023? 

Thanks Sean!

1:14:16 David Rosen

If the Agent Carter tv series were to ever be revived, would you prefer it pick up where season 2 left off, or would you be more in favor now of seeing a season 3 in Cap’s alternate timeline where he’s now living with and married to Peggy? In your own head canon, what do you think their relationship was like? Did Peggy give up on her SSR/SHIELD life and they lived a quiet life together, or did she continue with her career, and occasionally maybe employ Steve for secret missions on the side? Now that I think about it, maybe Steve helped Peggy root out the Hydra contingent within SHIELD so it never became the problem that it did in Winter Soldier.  

On a larger note, do you think all the alternate timelines created in End Game can or will used as the basis for the upcoming “What If” series?

1:17:34 Alex

Joe  Russo confirmed that there was no time loops involved in bringing old  Steve back into the prime  timeline;  he just resided in an alternate timeline with his wife (who's never identified)  then  made the jump back to his original timeline to give Sam the shield so he can pass down the torch. So how do you think old Steve found a way back to his current timeline? Did he get help from the Tony Stark from the alternate timeline he lived in?

1:19:52 Michael Weaselboy

Hey Sean i have a simple one this week. Also you are going to drop this episode on my birthday, May 1. So my question is, do you think DC/Warner Bros can make a movie as good and epic as Endgame?? I would like to see them do another Justice League movie down the road but they of course would have to get to that point again. Thoughts??

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