Sean answers your Marvel questions!

2:31 Alex

Which between these two movies would've been a better sendoff for the Fox-X-Men Franchise than Dark Phoenix? Logan or Days Of Future Past. Personally, I prefer it would be Days Of Future Past since it ends on a much more optimistic note than the hopeful but still bittersweet ending of Logan.

3:37 Alex

What's your thoughts on  the international trailer for Dark Phoenix. Do you  think its a vast improvement over the domestic trailer?

4:08 Alex

Do you expect  to see Professor Xavier in the first MCU X-Men film or do you think they'll avoid him? Similar to Magneto Xavier is a character who's also had a lot of focus on in the previous film. I think the first X-Men film can get away with not having that character if the X-Men are older and seasoned in their first film instead of mostly teenagers, and Xavier was killed off before the first film. 

6:10 Woo S! Kim

This question comes from a post I saw on Instagram a couple of months back the performers that play Chase from “Runaways” was in a photo with the performer that plays Tyrone from “Cloak & Dagger.”  Now I realize “Runaways” shoots in Los Angeles and “Cloak & Dagger” shoots in New Orleans, I really enjoy both series, but what would you think of either having a crossover season because the limited amount of episodes or having just a couple of crossover episodes if there is a next season of “Runaways” and or “Cloak & Dagger?”

7:57 Woo S! Kim

Since Sony Pictures wants to do a lot with Venom. Would you mind Carnage in the MCU, but no Venom, why or why not?

8:27 Woo S! Kim

Being such a big Hulk fan that you are what is your favourite incarnation of The Leader, regardless of the medium me personally I loved the performer who played him in the 1990’s animated series that guy had such a Douche Bag voice, very easy to dislike, what say you Sean?

9:16 Alex

I've asked you before about your thoughts on the movies changing potentially chnaging the races and ethnicities of characters from the comics so do you mind if I ask you  whether or not you'd be on board if the MCU changes the sexual orientation of  a classic/well known character like Johnny Storm or Storm  who seems to be straight/heterosexual in the comics into a gay or bisexual character? Do you think Marvel would've taken things too far if they were to do something like that?

10:17 bryan smith

Hey Sean hope all is well and your having a good week. I don’t know if this has already been asked. But if Norman Osborn never gets introduced in the mcu. What if Justin hammer took his place ? As far as taking over shield and creating the dark avengers.

11:45 David Rosen

Hey Sean, I’m loving the End Game series so far! Last year’s Road to Infinity War really helped with the anticipation for the movie, and now that we’re so close and almost past Captain Marvel, there isn’t much left to hold down my excitement. Anyway, I want to ask a couple follow-up questions from the recent Hulk episode.

1) What are the benefits for Universal at this point, if any, of holding on to the distribution rights to Hulk and Namor? With a fully fleshed out universe to play in, Marvel has already shown they don't need to give Hulk his own movie and as has been mentioned, Namor can also show up in someone else's movie too, so there isn’t a real need there to have him star in a movie on his own. So with Marvel showing that giving those two characters their own movie isn't necessary, why wouldn’t Universal just make Marvel an offer for the full rights back for those characters? It feels like Universal is holding onto a toy collectible that is never really going to appreciate in value, so why not try to sell it now and get some money for it.

14:43 David Rosen
With the vastly different and experimental tones of Iron Man and Hulk, how do you think the MCU might have turned out different if Incredible Hulk was released before Iron Man back in 2008? Do you think audiences still would have latched onto Iron Man, with the MCU going on to have the same great success? Would a less than desirable reception and Box Office for Incredible Hulk sunk the franchise before Iron Man had a chance to come out? Would Iron Man still have been as successful and well liked as it was if it had to follow in the wake of The Dark Knight? The obvious answer to all this is, “Who knows?” but it’s still fun to speculate. 

17:28 Woo S! Kim

Hey Sean, do you think the recent news of The Sherlock Holmes film being pushed back a year has anything to do with a potential Robert Downey Jr. Marvel Studios gig why or why not?

17:58 Derek Beebe

Hey Sean, what's your favorite part of Hickman's run on the Avengers?  Mine was "Time Runs Out", which was a thrilling story full of so many seminal moments.  My favorite single moment was the death of Namor, with Cap asking "Where is he, T'Challa?  Where's Namor?"  And Black Panther calmly says "He's not coming" while the others bow their heads in shame.

19:07 Derek Beebe

Did you see Alita yet?  I thought it was pretty good and visually very striking.  I expected it to bomb horribly but it's actually made 351 million so far against a 170 million budget.  Dare I hope it will actually earn a sequel?

20:35 Derek Beebe

In The Avengers  the Chitauri had to come through a Tesseract portal in order to invade Earth, yet in Infinity War Thanos' army had no problem showing up at Earth at will.  Can you think of an in-universe explanation for this?

22:32 Derek Beebe

While I'm being nitpicky, since Thanos' obsession was acquiring the Infinity Stones, why do you think he was so willing to lend them out to his minions all the time?  He gave them out to Loki and Ronan, both of whom failed or betrayed him.  Why didn't give them to the Black Order?  Why didn't he send his best and brightest to acquire the Stones in Avengers and GOTG, since that's his highest priority?  Why didn't he go himself?

27:21 Alex

In a recent interview with Collider, Feige expressed interest in making more period piece Marvel movies set in other time periods they've touched on before like 40's and 90's to explore the lost gaps in time we have never glimpsed like the 60's and 70's. While its not necessarily  confirmation that Marvel will do Fantastic Four as a 60's period piece I do take these comments to mean there's now a very strong possibility that MCU  FF will be a 60's period piece. We know Feige was there at Fox when Peyton Reed was developing his period piece FF film and I have to imagine Feige would still be interested in that idea so can you see  Fantastic Four film in the 60's if its done differently than Captain America and Captain Marvel?

30:00 Brett Heier

Do you think the Gifted will be renewed? I recommend that everyone does a Hulu free trial just to binge watch the gifted because it is an amazing show

30:57 Brett Heier

What do you think of the rumor that younger actors in the MCU feel sidelined by captain marvel, for example, Brie Larson gets a 7 picture deal while Elisabeth Olsen gets a Disney+ series.

31:28 Mookie Johnson

Do you think Black Panther 2 will do anything with the "white wolf" or is it more a Easter egg than it is foreshadowing?

32:01 Michael Louis Weaselboy

Hey Sean, as my last question before I see Captain Marvel on Thursday let me ask you an unrelated Captain Marvel question. When do you think we will see an announcement of any of the Fox related properties that Marvel is getting back?? Do you think Feige will jump right on them or will it be awhile??

34:33 Brian White

It's interesting that the MCU Eternals will soon be in production. In a recent Avengers arc called The Final Host, the Eternals all died, at least the Earth bound ones. But since an MCU movie typically means a relaunch, this suggests the Eternals will be restored. We know that Neil Gaiman gave them a means of restoration years ago. I've always been a big Eternals fan and was disappointed seeing them discarded like this. Any thoughts on how they may be resurrected?

36:10 Dylan Brodie

Hey Sean! I am curious if you’ve put much more thought into combining podcasts with DC and Star Wars. Thanks for all the great content.

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