Sean answers your Marvel questions!

0:26 William Ford-Conway

Hey Sean! Hope all is well. Let the countdown to Endgame begin! Allow me to put on the tin foil cap of speculation BUT with the recent release of the "Survivors and Fallen" posters, I noticed that its "official" that all the Iron Man centric characters survived the snap and may have some role in Endgame. Im not one to try to guess who is going to die, but I couldn't help feel that maybe this is a hint that Tony won't make it out OR at the very least will be his last hurrah in some sense. I can just see the movie taking the time to include the Iron Man history the most if Marvel plans on scaling back the Iron Man lore going forward. Thoughts?

5:04 Phillip Castro

Hey Sean! Mind sharing your tips and tricks for making it comfortably though a 3+ hour movie in theaters?! Thank you! Hahaha

8:02 Woo S! Kim

I heard from several people that Flo’s Diner at Disneyland/California Adventure is a great restaurant, what is your favourite restaurant at Disneyland and would you be all for an MCU themed restaurant?

8:51 Woo S! Kim

What are some of your favourite songs that were non scored music used for the Guardians of The Galaxy in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, for me it has to be “Rubberband Man,” “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough,” “Go All The Way” “Mr. Blue Sky” and “Southern Nights.”  What about you, Sean?

10:24 William Ford-Conway

Didn't get a chance to mention this on a previous Q&A but words can't describe how happy I am that James Gunn is back for Vol 3 and since that news I have been thinking about the possibilities a lot recently. I know it was a very long time ago, but do you remember a piece of news that some info from the Vol 1 prison lineup might be retconned for Vol 3? Just for fun I've been taking that as a hint for where Vol 3 is going and one possibility I found is that in Rocket's profile it says his associate is Lylla. For those who don't know, Lylla is an Otter from Rocket's homeworld in the comics. Because I have a sneaking suspicion that Rocket will have an even bigger role in Vol 3 (as Gunn as related to him the most it seems) Im wondering if this will be retconned so that Rocket meets her and thus finally meeting someone like him for the first time (completing his story of not feeling alone). Again, some wild speculation but I could totally see it happening. Also for the voice of Lylla, give me Tiffany Haddish!

13:21 Paul Shearman

Hey Sean and everyone - happy One Month Until Avengers Endgame to you all!! 

Following on from Alex’s question on the weekend Q&A about Kevin Feige directing a Marvel movie, it got me thinking (again!) about how lucky we are to have had Kevin at the helm throughout this 11 year wonder that is the MCU. 

From listening to interviews with Kevin, we know that he is a huge comics fan, but he always talks about movies being his biggest passion, and that all he wanted to do when he was a kid was to make movies. 

We know that Kevin has the Midas touch for finding the best storytellers to tell these tales in the MCU, and he has utilised the source material of the comics fantastically well to bring these stories to life, but would you say that it’s his expertise in movie-making, above his love and knowledge of the history within Marvel comics, that is creating the golden formula here? And is this why Marvel movies are so much more successful that DC movies (in my opinion, and I would just reaffirm that I love both Marvel and D.C. and always have done). 

Hope this question makes sense, enjoy the rest of your week (oh, and the “In The Endgame Now” episodes have been fantastic so far, thank you!)

23:27 Jeremy Watson

Hey Sean and fellow patrons! Hope everybody is having a great week! I am as excited as anyone about Disney bringing back James Gunn for Vol. 3. I am wondering though, do you know why Disney changed course? Was this the plan all along or was there something else behind the scenes that lead to Disney changing their minds? Thanks!

28:58 Jessica Pritchett

Hi Sean. A couple of Captain Marvel-Skrull-related questions for you. The movie seemed to make a point of showing us Talos telling his wife to shield their daughter’s eyes, and then the daughter ducking around and seeing Talos shoot a couple of the Kree and get shot. I thought that moment seemed too pointed to be a throwaway even at my first viewing. Do you think this could play into a future MCU and/or Captain Marvel movie, and if so, how? Could the daughter be a future villain, for example? The same question for Monica’s comment about loving the Skrulls’ eyes — do you think that could be integrated into a later movie? Thanks for all that you do!

31:56 Jeb Wieland

What would you like to see from the Disney+ shows in terms of plot? Bucky and Sam buddy cop comedy? Vision and Wanda dramatic romance? Curious what you think we'll see and what you'd prefer to see.

34:54 Mookie Johnson

1)I know Disney/Marvel gave up their July 2020 release date. If a movie is progressing fast enough to be ready for 2020, can Disney/Marvel pick that date back up or can they use one of the dates Fox claimed prior to the merger?

37:12 Mookie Johnson

2) Can you give your best guess of the upcoming release order of Nova, Sheng-Chi, Black Panther 2, Dr. Strange 2, Captain Marvel 2, the next Ant-Man and Wasp project, Guardians 3, and Dr. Doom (assuming Fox's project is adjusted instead of scrapped)? Best guess, is that the lineup leading into Avengers 5?

41:59 Michael Weaselboy

Hey Sean how is your week going?? I just wanted to ask a hypothetical question, how would you react if instead of saying James Gunn was returning to make Guardians Vol. 3, what if the news was a new director for the film instead?? Just for example lets say Travis Knight was announced as the new director?? Thoughts??

43:44 Derek Beebe

Hey Sean, it definitely looks like Dark Phoenix will indeed be hitting theaters.  Are you confident New Mutants will as well?  Do you have any guess to what they'll gross?

46:03 Derek Beebe

I realize "Civil War" was titled as a Captain America film for contractual reasons, but do you think it would have made more money if they called it "Avengers: Civil War"?

48:37 Derek Beebe

Let's say Marvel will only make three FF movies.  What three stories do you pick?

49:57 Derek Beebe

I just remembered Black Dwarf has Captain Marvel's uniform tied to his belt in Infinity War, which we got zero reference to in Carol's movie.  Do you think Carol's second movie, still set in the past, will show her going up against the Children of Thanos?

51:53 Alex

DC question: What’s your thoughts about Zack Snyder’s recent comments defending the creative decision to have Batman kill? I have nothing against Mr. Snyder but I can’t help feeling he’s fanning the flames with his comments which I can’t help but feel are incendiary in nature. Can you see what  Snyder is saying?

1:00:26 Alex

Another DC question: Snyder recently talked about his original plans for Justice League in a Q&A for a fan screening for BvS and it got me wondering do you think if Warners had not interfered with Snyder and released original better cut of BvS and left Snyder alone on Justice League do you think the movie would’ve fared better at the box office or do you think the movie still would’ve bombed just the same?

1:01:57 Alex

Another Question: Also what do you think of Snyder’s original plans for Justice League? Do YOU think it would’ve been better than the movie we ultimately ended up getting or do you think Warners made the right decision to meddle as much as they did, and Snyder’s vision just wasn’t going to cut it after the lousy reception of BvS? What do you think Kevin Feige would do if he was in the same situation?

1:14:29 Alex

Do you prefer MCU Doom to have a severely scarred face behind the mask like in the John Bryne version or would you prefer they go with the original Stan and Jack version where there’s only a mild scar to an otherwise perfect face. I’m leaning towards the former rather than the later.

1:15:16 David Rosen

Hey Sean and Friends, Before we get completely dominated by End Game questions and discussion, I still have a few Captain Marvel thoughts I want to ask about. The movie’s box office is just about at $915 million as of today (Tuesday). There are a number of reasons one could come up with to explain the amazing success the movie has had so far, including it being Marvel’s first major release featuring a female superhero, it’s connection to the events of the MCU, the whole troll review bombing (which I think actually helped bring more attention to it for the mainstream audiences), the Marvel brand, it’s the final movie leading up the End Game, and the fact that it’s just a really fun and entertaining movie. Of all these, what do you think is the main contributing factor to this movie’s success or can it be attributed to a perfect storm of scenarios that helped propel this movie to where it will eventually end up? I don’t want to take anything away from this movie, but I think there are better movies in the MCU, but not all have been this financially successful. What’s different about Captain Marvel?

1:21:06 Brett Heier

Hey Sean, do you think that because heimdall was not in a poster even though he died but gamora and Loki died and they had a poster mean that they will come back? Also, do you think that giving shuri a black and white poster is just to mislead us?

1:23:37 Michael Chavez

Hey Sean! I feel like it's been forever since I've asked a question, but I hope you're well and all the listeners are enjoying the moment (as you have put it recently) as we gear up for Endgame. Is there a particular reason why Marvel has delayed preordering tickets for endgame? I am assuming it's because theaters were waiting for official runtime to plan for showings and whatnot, but it just seems later than normal. Also a quick side note, I have used some of your points in how to view marvel movies (IMAX and/or Dolby) with family and friends and they're hooked on Dolby. Good advice (in the voice of Whiplash).

1:29:15 Rodrigo Valverde III
Hey, Sean, new listener to the podcast and love everything about it!
If you could pick one DC character to appear in the MCU who would you pick, and which DC character do you think would fit the best in today’s MCU?

1:30:41 Alex
Sean, in terms of comic book movies it seems to me that the  only comic book movies that do  exceptionally well are the Marvel & DC ones so I have to wonder if non-Marvel and non-DC comic book movies will ever reach mainstream popularity. Hellboy I think will flop. It’s early tracking so far is is really lukewarm.  

1:35:40 Robert Reineke
Hi Sean. I know you have a lot of admiration for Short Term 12 and must have thoughts on the signing of Destin Daniel Cretton to direct a Shang-Chi movie. I'm happy for him as I have a lot of admiration for Short Term 12, but I wonder if perhaps Marvel would have been better off with an experienced action director for what should supposedly be a martial arts film. In particular, I think this really needs to have outstanding action direction to connect with the Chinese audience. Regardless, I hope they resist a needle drop of Kung Fu Fighting. What are your thoughts?

1:39:59 Brian White

Hi Sean, I have an interesting theory I've shared on Quora. I think it's originally mine at least. Ego claimed to be a Celestial and he created a planet to contain and protect his Light. Peter Quill as his scion was able to use that energy. We know of the traditional Celestials and they seem to be part of the MCU evidenced by Knowhere being the head of a Celestial and the Collector's presentation of Power Stone users. Maybe a Celestial's armor is merely an advanced and more efficient form of the planet body they start with? What if Odin is a scion of an Ego-like Celestial, Buri or Bor, who created Asgard like Ego created his Moon sized planet? Neither Ego's Moon or Asgard resemble typical planets; the laws of physics seem to bend to their rulers' wills. What if Hela and Thor and all Asgardians in fact are supplemented by the energies of Asgard's Light? Maybe Earth too contains a  Celestial's Light and Thor was born from Asgard's and Earth's Celestial scions. This could explain how Hela would lose her primary source of power when Surtur destroys Asgard, but Thor would seem to be unaffected by its destruction. It ironically makes Peter's jealousy of Thor more hilarious in that they are cousins of a sort.

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