Sean answers your Marvel questions!

0:34 Alex Ward

Hey Sean! Happy Fox acquisition day! I may be remembering wrong, but did Disney immediately announce more films when they purchased Lucasfilm? If so, do you think that may be why so many fans are expecting an announcement from Marvel about an X-Men or FF movie's sooner than it'll actually happen? Also, if they did immediately announce new Star Wars films, how was that situation different from this one? Just that Star Wars films were a given? Thanks Sean!

7:25 Robert Klauser

Maybe the Gunn “leave of absence” could be a silver lining considering James Gunn had interest in characters previously owned by Fox in the past. What are your thoughts that there could be some rewrites for the GotG Vol 3 script to include said characters?

10:03 Tom DeMichele

Hey Sean and Patrons! I've been re-listening to all the Empire Spoiler Podcasts with MCU directors and creators. In the Civil War episode, the Russo's said they explored many options for the turning point of the airport fight before deciding on Giant-Man. What do you think were their previous options for swinging the fight in Team Cap's favor?

12:12 Nick DiTota

Hey Sean, I’ve been a part of the Patreon for about 3 months now and I just want to say that I think it’s awesome! I love being able to listen every day while I’m at work. Over the past couple years I’ve gotten big into reading comics. I’ve never read any comics about the Eternals and with Marvel making an Eternals movie I’d like to read some to get to know the characters a little more. Do you have any recommendations as to a particular series to read? I figured to get to know them best go right to the source with Kirby’s original series but I wanted your opinion. Keep up the awesome work and thanks for everything you do!

14:00 Jeremy Watson

At the end of Iron Man, when Fury is telling Stark that he’s become part of a bigger world, we now know that he was referring to Captain Marvel. At that time (2008), do you think that Kevin Feige was referring to her or just the Marvel Universe in general? Thanks

15:41 Derek Beebe

Hey Sean, I know you've talked about them doing Hickman's Secret War as an Avengers movie, but what I really want to see is what leads up to that story, Time Runs Out.  Our heroes struggling in vain against an impossible, universe ending threat, driven to increasingly immoral desperation.  I think this would make a great trilogy of Avengers movies, but how dark do you think our heroes could get in a major blockbuster?  And if they did Secret War, how much time do you think they'll spend with Battleworld?  Personally I thought that was the least interesting aspect of the series by far.  And of course, this entire story requires Doom to be in the MCU.

19:37 Derek Beebe

Do you regret we didn't get a "Secret Avengers" movie between Civil War and Infinity War, showing what life was like for Cap's team living in exile in Wakanda?  I think that would have been a great story.  And if we did have that movie, do you think they should have avoided putting Tony and Steve together?

22:10 Derek Beebe

Do you think we need a Captain Marvel 2 taking place before Miss Marvel in order to properly establish Carol as a modern day hero for Kamala Kahn to look up to?

23:50 Derek Beebe

What do you think the line up for Avengers 5 will be?  I'm assuming that none of the original team will be around, though I hope that's not true.  Captain Marvel will be team leader of course.   I'm thinking Black Panther, Ant-Man, Wasp, Doctor Strange... maybe Shang Chi and Sersi?  And do you think a line up like that would be as popular as the original?

29:00 Chris F

Hey Sean! Happy merger day! 

Was really great to break the news on the discord about the trailer release. I actually had a moment where I was like I wonder if this is what Sean feels like when he’s breaking marvel news for us!

Also thanks for sharing your idea of a “meditation period” before marvel films. I finally had a chance to try it with captain marvel and it worked great. 

So my question for the week is since time travel seems to be a factor in endgame is their any particular scene from any past films you would like to see them go back to and change a bit?

I for one would love to see the scene of Thor and Loki on the rocks in Germany where Thor knows Loki is dead in the future and it’s a bit more emotional. 

Thanks again for creating this great community!

30:50 Alex

Happy Closing day Sean! May I ask do you forsee the MCU X-Men and Fantastic Four films having the 20th Centuary Fox logo are does that become null and void once Marvel is making the movies and not Fox?

32:10 Alex

Do you think anything will in the world of Marvel superheroes world will be as historic as the X-Men and Fantastic Four coming back home back to Marvel Studios or is it as good as it gets? I have a hard time imagining even Marvel eventually gaining the full rights to Spider-Man will be as huge as this considering Marvel already has used Spidey in the MCU before now.

33:54 Alex

You’ve lamented before on the quality of Entertainment journalism in regards to reporting things that are Marvel related but do you worry it can be greatly exacerbated after the deal closes? I see a future of a lot of unsubstantiated rumors about Mutants and Fantastic Four emerging more than ever before.

35:03 Michael Weaselboy

Hey Sean its amazing to realize that now the MCU  can be fully complete. I was wondering do you think we will have Masters of Evil sometime in the MCU as the next Avengers villains?? Do you think Doctor Doom could be the leader?? What other members would you add??

37:18 Alex

Do you think Marvel gets the rights to Fantastic Four might soften your stance on Fan4stic once you re-watch the movie again at some point(assuming you ever do?)

39:14 Alex

Sean, have you seen Bumblebee yet?  What do you think about it? And if you have seen it and liked it then  do you now agree that Travis Knight would be a  suitable choice to helm FF? I know you have Dee Rees as your top choice to direct Fantastic Four but I think Knight would a fantastic job( dumb  pun intended) with the First Family. 

39:54 Brett Heier

Hey Sean, did you like the all female ghostbusters movie? I loved it and I am very sad there won’t be a sequel. Also, did you like Captain Phasma as a character? Do you think we will see her again in the Star Wars Universe? Sorry these questions weren’t very centered around the MCU.

41:13 Brett Heier

How many more years do you think Scarlet Witch will be in the MCU?

41:58 Alex

Sean, do you think  the Deadpool moves become retroactively canon in the MCU when Wade Wilson enters the MCU or do you think its unlikely? Would you rather  keep Deadpool in his own universe separate form the MCU or are you  of the mindset that he can be integrated into the MCU with little problems.

44:54 Alex

Do you have any   strong picks for Doctor   Doom?

45:37 Jeremy Watson

Sean, in the spirit of March Madness, who would your top 4 seeds be out of the major MCU players? Thanks!

47:59 Jessica Loutfi

Hey Sean. Given that the Russo brothers are famous for adding things into their trailers that aren’t in the movies...what do you think they added to the new trailer that may not be in Avengers Endgame? Thanks!

49:30 Woo S! Kim

I happen to think Inhumans and Daredevil are the most underrated creations of Stan Lee’s iconic career, do you concur, if you don’t what do you think is his most underrated creation or creations, Sean?

51:14 Woo S! Kim

Ironically enough Sean, there is going to be a lot of What If Questions involving the “What If” Disney Plus animated series so please forgive the puns.  Now let’s say for argument sake Disney wanted to do a “What If” episode or episodes that involve Tom Holland’s Spider-Man can Marvel Studios/Disney do this or is Tom Holland’s Spider-Man technically with Sony Pictures?  Related to Spider-Man do you feel that this “What If” Animated Series is Marvel Studios way of metaphorically dipping their toe into the pool of animation if they get the rights back to Spider-Man in the next two years or perhaps Marvel Studios wanting to release other Marvel characters in animated films released in cinemas that have nothing to so with Spider-Man, could this be the case why or why not?

54:29 Woo S! Kim

If you ever had the chance to interview Stan Lee did you have any questions you always wanted to ask him, me personally I would just spent the time thanking him for creating Daredevil.

55:36 Matt Miller

Do you think with the merger closing today thay Marvel studios will rearrange some of their plans and get the FF and X-men movies out before ones currently being planned/ones that are rumored?

59:26 David Rosen

With all the new properties coming over, and all the likely reboots that are going to happen, how do you foresee Marvel Studios adhering to their “no more origin stories” rule? While we will need some explanation, what do you think the amount of origin we’ll get for the characters coming over from Fox? With the Fantastic Four and their fairly well-known origin specifically in mind, do you think it’s possible to do something similar like they did with Spiderman, or will they need the classic origin story treatment to get them started? As the MCU continues to grow beyond End Game, and with all the new characters that will be introduced, what is the correct balance the MCU needs to strike in telling new characters’ origins so that audiences don’t start to get bored and look past the first films for all the upcoming characters?

1:01:54 David Rosen

I know I thought this after the End Game super bowl spot, and I honestly cant remember if I, or some else asking about it then, but considering that the most recent trailer included flashbacks in black and white with the red highlights again, do you think there is more going on here than it just being a stylistic choice?

1:03:27 David Rosen

One of the reasons that I felt Captain Marvel was so different and refreshing from the rest of the MCU was the lack of an obvious love interest. Why is it that having a love interest has become such a staple of storytelling in the superhero genre? Was it a product of the times that these stories were being written in that the male hero had to have a woman to save and/or fall in love with? Do you think moving forward, Marvel should leave the obligatory, one-off love story behind in favor of other ways of developing characters or will it always be one of those story aspects that we’ll just need to deal with sometimes because love is just a part of life?

1:08:27 David Rosen

In the discussion about whether Captain Marvel is too powerful in the MCU, regardless of whether or not we actually get to see this tested in a movie, if you consider that Wanda is able to use her energy to destroy the Mind Stone, do you think Captain Marvel could be defeated by a Hydra weapon, as they both draw their power from the Tesseract?

1:10:38 Paul Shearman

Hey Sean and everyone, hope you’re all having a good week so far. Sean, pop quiz time! 

A quick question following your Captain Marvel conversations about the use of Nirvana when Carol went up against the Supreme intelligence (although I agree totally with you that it gets a pass because it’s a terrific song!). 

Because I’m a weird completist about these things (!) I’m interested to know what alternative song you’d use, that fits with the ‘pre-1989 Carol leaving Earth’ chronology and therefore not necessarily being aware of that song!

In the grand scheme of things, this of course didn’t ruin my enjoyment of the movie in any way, but I love to dot the i’s and cross the t’s..!

Thanks as always, and enjoy the rest of your week.

1:13:47 Jeremy Watson

Sean, with the Fox/Disney acquisition complete, do you foresee any changes to some of Fox’s tv content, such as The Simpsons, Family Guy, etc?

1:17:11 Robert Reineke

Hi Sean. There's some speculation that the latest Endgame trailer includes fake scenes and images that were deliberately altered from what will appear in the actual movie, ala Hulk in Wakanda. Now, I realize that no trailer is the actual movie, with trailers often featuring temp music, scenes and line readings that may end up on the editing floor, incomplete special effects, etc. Not to mention the fact that editing a 2 to 3 hour movie into a 2 minute spot is a deliberate act of distortion, all sizzle, all the time, albeit usually not on the level of trying to make The Shining look like a feel good family film or Christopher Robin look like a horror film. But, I feel that most trailers aren't trying to deliberately lie to me. Is a line being crossed here? I know Jean Luc Godard said that "Cinema is truth at 24 frames per second." and Brian DePalma retorted "Cinema is lies at 24 frames per second." and I'm much more in the DePalma camp, but I feel that I never like to be deliberately lied to. Yeah, I expect it won't ruin my enjoyment of the film any, but we have to hold the creators we like to the same  standards we hold those we don't like.  Did showing the Hulk in Wakanda ad one cent to the box office? I don't think so. Plus, I also feel that it's unnecessary in a film where you have 3 hours of footage and over 20 films to draw footage from, and a few seconds can't be that important. And I feel that this is a trend that ought to be nipped in the bud before it gets out of control, like digitally inserting Avengers into trailers for Eternals. Do you devalue the trailer by making them wholly unreliable?What do you think of the ethics of lying in trailers beyond "caveat emptor"?

1:23:49 Angel L Ashby

Hey there Sean! Do you think that Disney/MCU set the timeline for the Disney/Fox deal so that it would be finalized before Endgame came out and do you believe that there will be a teaser for FF or Xmen in Endgame? Or do you think that Endgame will.. end.. in such a way that it sets up for X-men to be a new introduction in to the universe? (I hope that made sense.)

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