Sean answers your Marvel questions!

0:24 Alex Ward
Hey Sean! Thanks so much for all the great Captain Marvel content this weekend! I really appreciate that you waited till Sunday so we could all get our questions in.

1) Just out of curiosity, and it's totally fine if you don't remember, but did you know about Carol's call sign being Avenger when I asked why they're called the Avengers in a Q and A a couple months ago? Like I said last week, you had a good answer, so I'm extra impressed if you were also tiptoeing around that spoiler!

1:28 Alex Ward
2) Did you hear any fake rumors about Captain Marvel that didn't pan out? If so, what were they? I heard one that said Carol was actually from the modern era, but after getting her powers from the Quantum Realm, she was accidentally sent back to 1995 with amnesia about her past.

3:06 Alex Ward

3) Have you seen and/or liked anything else from Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck? I just  found out they wrote and directed Mississippi Grind, which is one of my favorite movies. Also, do you think they'll get to direct Captain Marvel 2?

6:50 Alex Ward

4) Since Goose was sort of a given, I would argue that Talos was the surprise hit character in Captain Marvel. When do you think we'll see him again? Is there any part of you that laments Ben Mendelsohn not getting a "famous" character in the MCU, or are you cool with him being Talos since the MCU is so good at elevating characters who aren't as memorable in the comics? 

9:35 Hector Giovanni Navarrete
Hey Sean! Hope y’all are all having a good week so far!

So last Q&A show you mentioned that you feel it is more than a coincidence now in regards to female lead superhero films being set in the past/ being prequels in their respective universes. Why do you think that is? Any specific reason(s) you think? Do you think studios just saw how well WW did in a pre era type film and decided to kinda, for lack of a better term, “copy” that model?

14:41 Michael Louis Weaselboy
Hey Sean how is your week hope it is good. Anyways after seeing Captain Marvel three times now, I was thinking I would love to see the Skrulls again but this time as villains, do you think for Avengers 5 they could do Secret Invasion?? Say the X Men and Fantastic Four join in as well to stop the new threat of the Skrulls. Also do you think Talos's daughter could turn out to be Veranke?? Thoughts??

17:55 Chris F
Hey Sean! One question today. So in Iron Man all those years ago Coulson says he’s from the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, to which Pepper makes a joke that they should really shorten it. Thus later on it’s called shield.

However in Captain Marvel Fury is calling it shield through the movie to various people and they all seem to somewhat understand what it is.

Do you view this as a minor continuity error or is Coulson just trying to be formal. I find it odd he would say the whole thing instead of just calling it shield.

Thanks and have a great week!

21:33 Paul Shearman
Hey Sean and everyone, hope you’re all having a good week so far (and if you’re seeing Captain Marvel, then you’ll definitely be having a good week!)
Sean, a quick question about the Avengers Endgame Art of the Movie book. Do you have any info on a release date at all?  Here in the UK we have the ‘Road to Avengers Endgame’ Art of the Movie available to pre-order on Amazon, but not the Endgame specific book, so I wondered if there was anything happening with this in the US market that you were aware of?
Thanks for your time as always, and best wishes to you and all the patrons.

25:18 Woo S! Kim
There has been so much talk since the cancellation of the Marvel Netflix’s shows and now this is just my point of view and I realize that the tones of the shows are different but I think Hulu has been a much better network than Netflix was in terms of embracing the source material and not kidding themselves into believing “this isn’t a superhero show,” whereas Netflix like you have commented in the past Sean, that an explanation of  why “The Defenders” characters for the most part weren’t in costumes may have been because of Netflix, am I way off in my assessment?

27:14 Woo S! Kim
Sean, if I could choose any three Marvel Comics superpower and or weapon they would have to be Tony’s Mark Fifty Armor, Spider-Man’s Strength, and Daredevil’s Heightened Senses.  What about you and yes armors/suits count as weapons?

28:39 Woo S! Kim
There has been so many adaptations of famous Wolverine comic book stories thanks to FOX Studios is they are any that come to your mind that haven’t been done that you would like to see Marvel Studios do Sean, the one that comes to my mind is one featuring Alpha Flight now some may say “X-Men: Origins” had Alpha Flight, my counter argument would be I didn’t see a ten foot tall Orange Big Foot in that movie, what are your thoughts, would you like to see a live action Alpha Flight?

29:50 William Ford-Conway
Hey Sean! Been absent from the Q&A for some time but still been tuning in. Great to be back and thanks for keeping the Marvel talk alive and well! Happy to report that I loved Captain Marvel for many of the same reasons you pointed. I am glad you pointed out the tired criticsm of the "Marvel Formula" once again.  I, like you have always thought this was an overplayed (if not generally weak) argument against Marvel but seeing it labeled on Captain Marvel was the final straw for me simply not take the criticism even remotely seriously anymore. I have to be candid and say that blaming stuff on "formula" shows a very weak understanding of story. I feel that way too often do people conflate criticism and analysis with being able to identify tropes, and the more tropes you see the weaker the story. This doesn't hold water from me because it ignores ALL the other aspects that make a story. I never want to be the guy who says people don't "get it" but it's just getting tiring to see people boil down these stories to un-nuanced factors. Heck, I loved Spider-Verse, but you could have easily said THAT just followed the Superhero origin formula. Anyways that's my rant and would love to hear your extended thoughts on the matter and why so many pick and choose (and frankly target Marvel) with this criticism.

35:04 Alex
Sean,  when I saw  Stan Lee's cameo in Captain Marvel he was rehearsing his lines for Mallrats. If you recall Stan's famous  cameo in Mallrats  then you remember  that  scene  explicitly acknowledged him  as the creator of several Marvel characters including ones that  already exist in the MCU as real people like the Hulk and Spider-Man and not fictional characters that they are in our world.  So do you think the version  of Mallrats in the MCU  omits references to any Marvel  characters and Stan Lee is the co-creator of something else in the MCU? Maybe Stan Lee in the MCU actually went on to become a successful novelist who wrote the great American novel who managed to leave comics early  unlike  our world's Stan Lee.  I'm overthinking it because its fun.  

36:10 Alex
Should  Reed and Sue be already married  by the time we meet them  in the MCU or do you prefer they're not not an item just yet?  

36:36 Jeremy Watson

Can you please explain what Ronan’s role within the Kree empire is? I know he is an accuser but how is that different from the Star Force?

37:35 Jeremy Watson

In the MCU, has the light speed engine been developed? It appeared that the Krees method of transportation was similar to that in Guardians, with the jumps from sector to sector. But when Carol left with the Skrulls to find a new home it didn’t look like the hexagon portal opening (but I could be remembering wrong). 

38:52 Jeremy Watson

Should we assume that Howard Stark worked on Project Pegasus with Mar-Vell?

40:15 Jeremy Watson

Finally, with the final season of Game of Thrones and Avengers: Endgame set to take place in April, do you think April will be considered one of the greatest months in entertainment history?

Thanks for your great insight and keep up the great work!

41:52 Xavier Arqueros
Hello Sean and fellow Patrons, I'm finding myself in a strange situation with Captain Marvel. After the first viewing I felt a little disappointed, I expected a few more action beats during the movie, a lot of the action we have in it is with Shaky Cam which I’ve hated since the Bourne movies, and I didn't think there was enough of Hala and the Kree culture. However after seeing the movie five times already, I don't care about any of that any more, I just love the movie and it's characters. Have you ever had a feeling like this with any other MCU movie? That watching it a bunch of times you forget about what you dislike and just enjoy so much the movie that every new viewing makes you love it even more. Because I think this is my first time. I thought a second or third viewing would be enough, now I'm thinking when can I go again! Cheers everyone!

45:55 Alex
Hey Sean, when the deal closes next week does that mean Feige will get the rights immediately after that or do you think it will take awhile for Feige to get access to those properties even with the Fox deal closing? How will the rights to transfer over to Marvel Studios?

48:31 Derek Beebe

Hey Sean, What do you know about the falling out between Marvel and Jon Favreau?  Was it over the rushed schedule of Iron Man 2?  Wasn't he supposed to direct the Avengers?  Has he had any involvement since then?

55:04 Derek Beebe

What do you know about the falling out between Marvel and Joss Whedon?  Was it over the forced franchise inclusion of Age of Ultron?  Was he supposed to direct Avengers 3?  Has he had any involvement since then?

1:01:51 Derek Beebe

Given that Joss created Agents of SHIELD, wrote the pilot, and put his brother in charge of the show, do you think Joss' departure from Marvel was a contributing factor to SHIELD becoming so disconnected from the MCU?

1:03:35 Derek Beebe

I was listening to an earlier episode where you lamented Maria Hill's characterization in The Avengers.  I recall in deleted scenes we saw an original version of the character who was much more suspicious and adversarial, like in the comics.  Do you know why this was changed?

1:04:26 bryan smith

Hey Sean hope your having a good week. Captain moving was a all around great movie in my opinion. I have two questions for you this week . 1) do you think Marie Rambou was dusted during infinity war?  2) was I the only one who notice captain marvel looked like she been through a battle on the post credits scene?

1:05:38 Hector Giovanni Navarrete
So I watched CM again and loved it more the second time round.

This might be minor tbh but I thought of it while watching the film. How does CM’s helmet actually work? Like is it for breathing? She uses it in the beginning on the mission on Torfa and then she uses it again when she blasts open the Skrulls’ ship. Then at the end of the film when she is flying in space and on earth she uses it again. It’s not until the end of the film when she is leaving to go on her mission to find a new home with the Skrulls that she doesn’t use the helmet in space. Why do you think that is? Continuity error, wanting to show the actors’ face at the end of the movie or since she is binary she doesn’t need the helmet to breathe in space?

1:08:35 Alex
Sean,  I wonder if you and Paul will ever do a X-Men on Film retrospective series that  discusses the history of the X-Men franchise and speculate on  the new era of the X-Men movies under Marvel Studios?

1:10:01 Alex
What's your anticipation level for the  Morbius film that Sony is doing?

1:10:23 Alex
Do you think there's something poetic about  Marvel getting the rights back to Fantastic Four and X-Men in the same year Endgame which will mark the end of the MCU as we know it?  Is it the best possible  time for X-Men and  Fantatsic Four to return home or do you think it should've happened a bit earlier?  

1:13:33 David Rosen
After CM, it seems like there is still some story to tell for Nick Fury between the end of CM and when we first met him in Iron Man. I don’t believe he’ll get his own movie at this point, but do you think we’ll get a chance to see some of those years, and how he went from a wise-cracking, suit and tie-wearing agent, to bad-ass, dressed in all black Director of SHIELD? Do you think Fury’s transition to wearing all black could just be to create a persona that goes along with him missing an eye? Do you think it’s even important for us to see any of those years or can they just be left to our imagination or filled in with some dialogue somewhere? What would you be interested to see during those years?

1:16:18 David Rosen
Do you think we'll get to see the scene in End Game when Carol learns that Fury’s team is called The Avengers and what do you think her reaction will be, assuming that she realizes the team was named after her.

1:18:01 Alex
Does it matter to you that Reed Richards have gray temples in the MCU or do you think it's such a superficial, inessential aspect of the character enough that the MCU can get away with not having them?

1:19:22 David Rosen
I have to admit that I was a little confused at first about how the Tesseract was being used in the movie for Mar-Vell’s plan, and without the context of the rest of the MCU, I don’t think the movie works as well. For example, I started thinking about it’s other appearances and uses in the MCU, and how it’s been used as both a power source and to open up portals in space. I’ve heard some people call it a plothole that Mar-Vel’s plan isn’t necessary since the movie shows how it’s possible to travel long distances via the space honeycomb; but Yondu, Rocket, and Groot showed us that that method has its limitations. As Thanos and Loki showed that the Tesseract can be used to open portals and travel vast distances instantaneously without any bodily harm, I think part of her plan was to use its energy to do something similar. Is that your understanding of how she was planning to use the Tesseract? And in regards as to why she decided to sneak it off earth, if she did work for SHIELD at some point, she might have read about how Hydra used the Tesseract to make weapons during WWII. If she read about that, and perhaps even found out about SHIELD’s intent to try and develop similar weapons (what we come to know as Phase 2), she might have taken it upon herself to sneak it off of Earth and use it to save lives rather than allow it to be used to destroy them.

I say all of that to ask you this, with all its previous history, did the Tesseract’s inclusion give you any more understanding or insight into its true nature or into any other history in the MCU? Since you didn’t really get a chance to talk a lot about the inclusion of the Tesseract in Captain Marvel in your discussion with Paul, can I simply ask you now to share some additional/extended thoughts about its inclusion in the movie, either connected to, or entirely independent of, some of my ideas above?

1:26:11 David Rosen
As I mentioned above how, at least for me, previous movies helped inform some things for Captain Marvel, do you think all future movies will continue to be enriched by what’s come before? When and how do you think it can eventually become too convoluted with too much history to keep track of?

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