Previous Episode: Daily Bugle - June 4, 2019

0:22 Steven Haymam
Hey Sean ! Thank you for the Q & A episodes , they are very helpful! Do you think that Hawkeye has a chance of appearing in the Black Widow movie ?

2:13 Mookie Johnson
Why in your opinion do you think that the Avengers didn't just use Stormbreaker to get to thanos's retirement Garden

3:54 Mookie Johnson
Why do you suspect we've only heard the name Hawkeye one and a half times in the MCU?

8:09 Kris Krueger
Hey Sean, thanks for all you do! With all the speculation on Marvel Studios’ upcoming slate, and everyone claiming they have the latest leak/scoop/reveal, what are some tips on spotting fake/ non-credible sources?

15:01 Otto Rogers
With some of the rumors out there about Keanu Reeves being in the MCU as a villain,  what villain do you think that Keanu would be perfect for?  They mentioned him as a possible villain in the Eternals movie.

17:04 Oni Omoregie
Hello, Sean. So far, there have been no heroes that have turned out to be Skrulls. Do you think it is possible that that one of the Avengers could be a Skrull? Also, what do you think about the theory that the Black Widow who died in End Game was a Skrull and the real one is still alive? Thanks for all you do.

20:04 Robert Reineke
Hello Sean. Hypothetically, if you had one opportunity to get anything Marvel or DC greenlit, what would it be? A Hulk storyline? Burton/Keaton Batman reunion? Kingdom Come? Howard the Duck? Booster Gold? The skies the limit, but you only get one shot.

24:05 James Kaplan
I think the orchestral scores for the MCU movies have been quite strong, with the Captain America movies and Black Panther being personal favorites. Do you have a favorite score or few scores?

25:50 James Kaplan
Sorry if tis is ground you covered, but do you have a preferred approach for how to integrate the F4 into the MCU?  I'd been thinking that maybe they were time-displaced, and had been stuck in the Quantum Realm, where they also maybe picked up their powers.  I know they don't want to overdo the "time displaced people" trope, but one of the reasons I like this idea is that it's hard for me to separate the F4 from their very Atomic Age/New Frontier 1960's origins.  But I can also imagine them not wanting to overdo the "fish out of water" stuff since that has come up for Steve, Thor and Carol to varying degrees.

29:18 Alex Ward
In light of the Roger Wardell tweet bringing Venom back into the conversation, I have a question about the character. Since Venom 1 was so successful, do you think Sony will focus on making the sequel a more objectively good or even great movie? Maybe a bigger budget or more prolific talent? We haven't heard anything about it in a while and I can't tell if they're waiting for people to forget about it or if they are gearing up for something actually good. I could see them jumping at the chance to adapt elements of Donny Cates' current run.

32:09 Alex Ward
Even if Marvel did have full rights to a Namor film, would you still prefer him as a supporting/co-starring character, or would you prefer he have his own franchise?

33:32 Woo S! Kim
If you could bring two members of the “Agents of Shield” cast into the Marvel Cinematic Universe film universe who would they be and why mine would be of course Coulson and Daisy Johnson?

37:25 Woo S! Kim
This was not really addressed in “Avengers: Endgame” but was the reason Captain Rogers was wearing his S.H.I.E.L.D. stealth suit was because it was the only suit that he had that wasn’t beat up or torn in battles or was it because The Russo Brothers first Marvel Cinematic Universe was “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” and Captain Rogers wearing that suit was a little nod to that film?

39:42 Woo S! Kim

What if Disney never bought Marvel would the Marvel Cinematic Universe be as big and or popular as it is now if Paramount still distributed the Marvel Cinematic Universe films, something tells me that the sharing deal would not have taken place between Marvel Studios and Sony if Marvel was not owned by Disney, what are your thoughts?

45:41 Alex Ward
Monday’s Bugle got me thinking about all the possible characters who could show up in Eternals; two seemingly unlikely characters, Hercules and Thanos, are nearly expected at this point, so I'm wondering if the MCU Eternals will take even more liberties from the source material, and I hope they do. Which unexpected Marvel characters would you like to see appear for the first time in Eternals? I'm still hoping for Namor to be an Eternal in the MCU!

47:53 Giuseppe Vicaretti
Hey Sean and fellow Patrons, I'm very much enjoying these episodes and everything you're doing, and all the info you've been giving us, I've certainly appreciated it and will always come back for more, my question this week for is how has the MCU affected you in these last 10 years and 22 films leading up to Endgame. I feel like if these movies have never happened, I wouldn't be the same person I am today. I wonder if I'm the only one?

1:02:29 Giuseppe Vicaretti
To follow my last question, what items have you collected through the years because of Marvel? I've collected all the steelbooks for the movies, as well as some vintage comics. What have you got Sean, and are you still building your collections?

1:06:58 Paul Shearman
Hey Sean and patrons, hope everyone is doing well. I’ve just listened to the May ‘Soapbox’ which was a very well balanced conversation (as always) on fandom and the entitlement of some fans with certain properties and how their stories unfold.

I 100% subscribe to the view that “it’s not my story to tell” and as long as I get an enjoyable and entertaining tale (be it comics, movies or whatever) then the satisfaction I gain from endings or narrative directions etc should be part of the process of my own enjoyment, and not something to use as a stick to beat the creators with if I didn’t agree with how the story unfolded.

Your soapbox got me thinking about the 1988 Batman comics storyline Death in the Family, which some younger (on non-comic book fan) patrons may not know involved the Jason Todd Robin being killed by the Joker after an reader phone-in gave 2 options - he survives, he dies.

I was 16 when I read this and because I live in the UK I couldn’t vote. I wouldn’t have voted anyway, as I don’t like this form of interactive entertainment and I disagreed with the whole idea. Maybe the fact we haven’t seen it since tells its own story about its success...!

So my question for you, Sean, relates to what your take on this type of fan interaction is, and to what degree you like your engagement to be (as an example,  for me, social media interaction with creators is enough for me to feel involved without telling me them how to tell their stories).
Sorry for the long post, hope it makes sense and thanks as always for your time with this and other questions! Best wishes to all for the week ahead.

1:14:36 Benny Jackson

Hey Sean.
I’m not sure if someone already asked this but I’ll ask anyway... do you think the MCU has a villain problem? I’m not sure about the numbers but I’m pretty sure heroes greatly outnumber the villains.

I feel like the only movies that did a good job with this was Infinity War, Spider-Man Homecoming and Incredible Hulk (I know this isn’t technically the MCU).  All of the villains that actually mattered lived so we can look forward to seeing them again. Infinity War was even more special because the good guys lost and that is something very rare in film.

I just think this is an old way of storytelling, where the heroes must always win and eliminate the bad guys. That being said, I love ALL of the marvel movies. I just wish more villains lasted longer than one movie.  

Ok, keep up the awesome work and thanks for everything you do. 

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