0:20 Woo S! Kim

I was watching “Guardians of The Galaxy Volume 2” for Father’s Day and found something so sad and so tragic, do you believe as I do that the only reason Star Lord carried the Celestial Gene is because Meredith Quill is the only being other than himself that Ego truly loved and love was the key to passing on those genes to an heir?

1:37 Jim Scroggs

What do you think would be a reasonable price for the bundle of Hulu, Disney+, ESPN+ and do you think Hulu Live would be a part of that?

7:33 Woo S! Kim

I have not been to Disneyland in years and I have never been to Disney World, in your view other than money spent what is the one thing at the parks that needs to be improved upon?

7:59 bryan smith

Hey Sean hope everything is good . I wanted to get your thoughts, on the x-men vs fantastic four civil war movie we almost got . Sounds like it would have been a good move and also did you get a chance to read ,the beast solo movie screenplay that was released last week?

7:59 Andy Barton

I read recently that Sebastian Stan has somewhere between three and five movies left for Marvel Studios in his contract, and Anthony Mackie's joked about having "like 50". Do you have any insight as to whether or not the Disney+ series is a part of that count? It sounds like Mackie probably has a long road ahead of him as the new Cap, so for Stan at least, what kind of combination of appearances would you speculate he might make to finish off his contract, assuming he doesn't re-sign?

13:06 Matt Gilbert

You have mentioned your wish to see a Hulk v. Thing battle in the MCU, and I am with you on that. Just as Marvel referenced The Infinity Gauntlet for material, and since Stan Lee established the Hulk's superior strength early on in a reply to a fan letter in the comics, is there any particular Hulk v. Thing story you would enjoy seeing similarly referenced? Would you like to see the Hulk go rogue from The Avengers, leading to a FF/Avengers crossover similar to FF#25-26? Or perhaps have The Thing unexpectedly win by switching brains with Hulk a la 1975's Giant-Size Super Stars? Or perhaps they are set up to battle in the desert by their foes a la Marvel Feature #11? Or maybe even have Hulk pound Thing mercilessly into the ground as in World War Hulk? 

Personally, I like the story from FF #112, where Reed gave Ben the ability to switch back and forth between Ben Grimm and The Thing at will, with the unfortunate side effect of making him evil. After four issues of The Thing terrorizing the rest of the FF, Reed calls upon Bruce Banner to help find a cure, and The Hulk shows up to administer it - almost tragically - in one of the great Hulk versus Thing battles in the comics. What are your thoughts?

23:49 Paul Shearman

Hey Sean and patrons, hope everyone is well. Sean, you’ve always talked about enjoying the journey to a new Marvel movie - which is very good advice and definitely adds to the experience - but is ‘enjoyment’ a word you would use to describe the journey we’re currently on to learn anything (official) about what Marvel Studios have coming next? 

I’m liking the opportunity for speculation, and I would say that I am enjoying this period of trying to work out what’s next on the slate (we have some informed guesses such as Black Panther 2 and Doctor Strange 2, Eternals etc), but I’m curious on how you would ‘grade’ the current enjoyment level until we reach comic con or D23 for some tangibles. 

Thanks as always, enjoy the rest of your week and the same of course applies to all the cool patrons!

29:48 Alex Ward

In the MCU, masked characters like Spider-Man and Iron Man still get tons of facetime, partially due to their suits' interfaces. How do you think they'll handle this "issue" with characters like the Thing, Silver Surfer, and Doctor Doom? Do you think the fact that their faces will be mostly concealed will detract big name actors from seeking these roles?

32:08 Alex Ward

McFeely told the New York Times that the Netflix characters didn't show up in Endgame because audiences couldn't be expected to recognize them, but what do you think makes Disney Plus a different story? Is Marvel Studios expecting a bigger audience for their streaming shows than they had on Netflix?

40:10 Linc

what rumoured property do you put the least and most stock in? And why?

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