Intro (DON'T SKIP THIS): Important information about potential changes to this Patreon. Here is a link to the poll discussed in this intro:

3:09 Steven Haymam

Did you like how Captain America looked in the Avengers Video game?

4:39 Oni Omoregie

Hi, Sean. My question today is about the Fantastic Four. With many rumors going on about the team’s introduction into the MCU, there are several fan castings already out. I like Emily Blunt, but not for Sue and I am the not the greatest fan of Krasinski. With those two taken out of the running, who else would you like to see for the first family of comics and the Thing and Johnny? Apologies if you have already answered this question in depth.

6:32 Zach D Alston

Do you think they'll treat the X-men like they did the Avengers and give us solo films first before a team up X-men movie?   I think that would be pretty sweet, the only issue I see is how connected they are to each other from the beginning.  Might not be much story to tell before they meet without retconning their history some.  

7:22 Mike Gonyea

Hi Sean, hope you're well. Quick question about Deadpool. I know his movies have had many close references that could tie Deadpool to the MCU proper, while still leaving these references vague enough. My question in particular is the time travel device Cable has is remarkably similar to the devices Tony created in Endgame. Mainly I ask since Deadpool 2 was out before Endgame. That had to be intentional... right? Not saying that it is a direct MCU connection for Deadpool, but the writers seemed to know enough that in hindsight this was a fairly obvious Endgame "spoiler" in a way? Or just coincidence?

10:05 Paul Shearman

Hey Sean and patrons, hope you’re all having a good week so far. 

My question this week relates to how the storylines and characters getting limited series on Disney + are possibly being selected. We’ve heard previously from people like Kevin Feige - and also you’ve had several conversations with us patrons on the subject - about Marvel Studios having a solid practice of meeting with directors and storytellers to get a flavour of what type of characters and storylines they’re potentially interested in bringing to the big screen. It would seem that many of the movies we’ve had so far are borne out of this process, which makes sense as it’s very organic and something that directors get emotionally invested in, but do think the Disney + series are coming from the same type of process, or could they be more ‘predetermined’ (for want of a better word) in that they maybe need to fit better into the wider narrative that the next phase of movies will tell, and so the options on the table over choices for featured characters and storylines could be a little bit narrower for directors? 

Thanks as always, and enjoy the rest of your week.

20:02 Mookie Johnson

Hypothetical post Endgame question: If Black Widow was still alive and Fury died within the next couple years, do you think Maria Hill or Black Widow would  be most likely to  next run the organization formerly known as shield?

21:07 Mike Gonyea

Spiderman Far From Home question/thought. If the multi-verse is real, could we see Spiderman exploring other areas of the multi-verse in this movie? Could the movie have a cliff hanger ending with Spiderman becoming stuck in an alternate universe at the end of the movie? Would really make the movie title ring true... Pure thought experiments. Take care!

23:51 Michael Weaselboy

Hey Sean hope you are having a good week. My question is, do you think they will use Mr. Sinister as the first villain of the MCU X-Men?? I think he is a good choice and they have hinted at him in a few of the Fox movies so far. Thoughts??

26:42 Seth Goslin

I'm still amazed by the brilliance with which Endgame treated the character arcs of the original 6 Avengers. With that in mind, what would you like to see next for Professor Hulk? Also, would you like to see a flashback with Natasha's parents in the Black Widow film? And would you ever want more backstory on who Steve's parents were?

30:28 Seth Goslin

What do you think about the effects of the vanished on prisons and even The Raft? We've got folks like Vulture, Zemo, Justin Hammer and even Abomination that could have made an escape if enough of the prison staff vanished. The 5 years would potentially be a good time for some villains to go into hiding and regroup. What do you think of this sort of consequence of the snap?

33:55 Brett Heier

If Wanda develops reality-altering powers, will they have to kill or depower her somehow? Or could she just learn to control it? Thanks for all the work you do! 

36:27 Giuseppe Vicaretti

Hey, Sean. My question for you this week is, after the Major Disappointment that was Dark Phoenix, if we had a chance of a slight do-over of an ending to the franchise, what route would you have wanted to see Fox take to give a proper ending to the franchise?

39:07 Giuseppe Vicaretti

Another one I have is, with the launch of Disney+ do you see a possibility of not only having the library of the Xmen animated series being added on the docket but do you see this as a possibility of them making a newer Xmen animated series? Is that something you would be interested in?

41:10 Alex Ward

Do you have any ideas for alternate titles to X-Men? Maybe actually using Hickman's "Powers of X" or "House of X" as titles? I just personally think something like X-Force or X-Factor would be taking away from those two distinct teams, each of which could easily sustain their own franchise!

43:40 Alex Ward

Do you think there's any significance to Mysterio supposedly being from Captain Britain's universe? Or do you think Marvel Studios just wanted to use a "safe" number (as opposed to something like 1610, which is the Ultimate universe designation)? I can't tell how much thought went into this labeling, especially if Mysterio is just going to pull a Mandarin on us all!

45:06 Woo S! Kim

Let’s say for instance Marvel Studios wants to do a partnership with Dolby in doing like a Marvel Cinematic Universe marathon, do you believe it would be any easier or more difficult than the one IMAX did last year, why or why not?

47:13 Woo S! Kim

I don't know what it is, but after Iron Man, I just feel the next significant character death in the MCU is Nick Fury.  Samuel L. Jackson has been playing Nick Fury as long as Robert Downey Junior has played Iron Man and sure Nick Fury has never lead a franchise of his own films, I just really question how much longer Samuel L Jackson wants to be Nick Fury. Thoughts?

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