Sean answers your Marvel questions!

0:31 bryan smith

Hey Sean hope your having a good start to the new year . My question is , do you think it’s possible ultron built a fail safe in vision like in the comics ? It would be could if somewhere down the line vision is taking over by ultron when the avengers lest expect it.

2:53 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

Hey Sean! The Discord is awesome btw, I’m enjoying it.

I asked a while ago what your favorite moment for each Avenger member was; what is some of your favorite villain moments in the MCU? Top 5 maybe?

14:44 Chris F

Hey Sean. Thanks for setting up the discord. Absolutely loving it on there. 2 questions today: 1) With theatres now offering passes to view unlimited movies for a monthly fee how does that effect the box office totals? For example I have an Alamo Drafthouse season pass that I pay $20 a month for and I could technically see captain marvel every day if i wanted to and still only pay my $20.

20:25 Chris F

Question two: I know you spend allot of time creating podcasts and content, but what podcasts if any do you listen to for enjoyment in your free time? And what to you makes a great podcast? Thanks again for everything and have a great week!

26:22 Michael Louis Weaselboy

Hey Sean hope your week is going good, I really enjoy listening to these podcasts you do it makes my workday go by faster. Anyways my question is who do you think will be the villain for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3?? I know Adam Warlock was going to play some kind of role but he is more of a hero, so who do you think it will be?? Assuming of course the movie is made.

28:16 Paul Shearman

Hey Sean and patrons, hope you’re all well. I’ve been reading and enjoying all the discord chats going on, I haven’t posted yet but I’m enjoying the conversations.
So, the Captain Marvel Special Look was excellent, and I’m so excited for this movie. Once again, Marvel Studios are doing a great job of keeping the focus on this movie and away from Endgame, which is absolutely as it should be.
I’ve noticed a slight gear change in the tone of the teasers as they’ve dropped in turn, and we’ve started seeing the fun and charming side of Carol Danvers starting to emerge.
Do you think this was the intention from Marvel Studios - to build up the trailers this way - and that is hasn’t just been as a reaction to criticisms about the lack of humour and emotion from Brie Larson in the initial teaser. I’m sure Marvel Studios wouldn’t feel the need to ‘pander’ to criticism , and would be resolute in their beliefs for the best way to promote what I think will be a fantastic movie, but I’m keen to hear what you think Sean.
Thanks for your time as always, enjoy the rest of your week and catch you all at discord!

33:58 Michael bradley

Hello Sean,  hope your week is going well.  Just caught the new Captain Marvel trailer and thought is was great.  Do you think the people who say it doesn't show anything would criticize it if it showed too much?

34:57 Alex

Which Fox Marvel character do you think will most likely make  an appearance first in the MCU? And if you had your druthers which Fox Marvel character would you have make an  appearance first?  For me, I think the Fox character that will most likely appear in the MCU first will be  Norrin Radd (a.k.a The Silver Surfer) in a post-credit scene for the Eternals and the Fox character I most want to appear in the MCU first is either Doctor  Doom or Wolverine.

37:25 Alex

Which Fox-Marvel character are you least excited about Marvel getting the rights back to? For me its the Merc-With-the-Mouth himself.  Not a big fan.  Unlike serious characters  like Fantastic Four & the X-Men I really don't see  a mostly comedic character like Wade Wilson adding much to Feige's universe besides a potential  F-bomb here and there.  I gotta be honest Sean, I'd rather Marvel not touch Deadpool at all.  What's your thoughts?

39:51 Woo S! Kim

I have been attempting to keep this quiet just because I did not have the time nor did I want the internet to jump all over me with this question, I would be lying to say I was not disappointed that “Black Panther” not did win a Best Picture Golden Globe on January the 6th, but I have to say and this is not a knock on the cast and or the crew of “Bohemian Rhapsody” but I would not feel as disappointed if “A Star is Born” won.  My point is, Sean do you agree that “Bohemian Rhapsody” was not the Best Picture Drama of The Year, why or why not?

44:00 Woo S! Kim

I thought as did you, on the January 7th “Daily Bugle,” it was a classy response what Kevin Feige told MTV News, about James Gunn and his potential future with the DCEU, I have a new level of respect for Feige because I have not spoken about this in awhile, no matter where one stands on the termination of James Gunn in 2018, that whole situation was so moronic and so unnecessary on a lot of different levels and I do a pretty good job of reading people as do you, Sean, I believe Feige truly wishes James Gunn the best and wishes circumstances could be different.  I also  find it ironic that Feige’s words almost echoed yours when it came to all of the Marvel characters that Marvel Studios gets to play with in their metaphorical sandbox, who knows maybe they have a couple real ones in the offices, but from what I can tell from Feige’s face is that the reason he is sticking around is that I think he realizes he has a dream job and I like you, wouldn’t blame him, if I wanted to go revive the Stark Trek film franchise, if he wanted too or anything else.  However, from how passionate his tone of voice was when he talked about being in and around Marvel Studios for two decades and I just get the sense that Feige feels his work with Marvel Studios is not done until he finally does get majority producing control over the X-Men characters and Marvel’s First Family and their characters, also dare I say bringing Spidery 110% home to Marvel, am I reading too much into this Sean or do you concur with me?

48:41 Tom DeMichele

Hey Sean, I noticed you didn’t comment on the supposed “retcon” that the Mind Stone amplified Loki’s hatred. I personally don’t think this information is a big deal, as it’s implied that the Scepter has a similar effect on the Avengers during their argument in the Hellicarrier lab. I’m glad you didn’t deem this worthy of an article, but just for the hell of it, what do you make of this info and the internet’s reaction to it?

54:12 Brett Heier

Hi Sean! In one of the new marvel encyclopedia books, they say that Loki’s scepter didn’t give Wanda and Pietro their powers, but it awakened something inside them. Do you think this is a way to retcon Wanda and Pietro’s backstory to make them mutants? Also, is Wanda a mutant in the comics? Or is she just a witch? Finally, do you think that Quicksilver will ever come back? As always, thanks for having two great podcasts, marvel and Star Wars.

56:55 Seth Goslin

Hi Sean! I was watching the new Captain Marvel footage and it got me thinking. It seems like we've spent time and speculation on why wouldn't Nick Fury have reached out to Captain Marvel before in the face of other threats to earth. This line of thinking says that Carol doesn't know what's happening on earth. But what if Nick has been reaching out to her, consulting with her and keeping her updated? He had very little time to respond to the events of infinity war but it seems like he would have time in at least some of the previous situations. Nick says that Carol is just the beginning. Maybe they've been mutually putting trust in the emerging heroes. Nick doesn't seem like the type to cry wolf anyway. What do you think about the idea that Carol has been in touch with the happenings on Earth?

59:15 Alex Ward

Hi Sean! I had to rescind some of my originally planned questions because I think I may have spoiled myself to the point that I may know too much now. The spoilers I stumbled across online could easily be fake, but I don't wanna risk it. However, these questions should be pretty safe and have nothing to do with whatever probably-fake spoilers I read:

1) Do you think Carol will actually use the name "Captain Marvel" in the movie? I know movies can be a bit tepid around superhero names sometimes, especially more general ones like "Captain Marvel."

1:01:06 Alex Ward

2) (I know I've brought this up before, but it was within the context of a comment rather than a direct question; feel free to skip this one if you want/need to!) I know fans like us are used to it, but do you think Marvel Studios will acknowledge the fact, either in the film or during press, that "Marvel" is both part of the title of the movie, and the name of the company itself? It must be at least somewhat intriguing to a general audience, almost as if Warner Bros put out a movie called "The Warner Brothers."

1:02:28 Alex Ward

3) Is there any chance Mar-Vell isn't in this movie at all?

1:03:43 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

Favorite Spider-Man moment (not necessarily a SM the character moment) in each SM film?

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