Sean answers your Marvel questions! 

0:27 Jordan Bentley

Hey Sean! I'm new to this level of Patreon, so this may have been asked already. Do you think we will continue to get more team-up movies (i.e. Thor Ragnarok) in the future? Who would you like to see team-up in the MCU?

3:46 brentacPrime

Have you seen Titans yet on DC Universe? I’m curious as to your thoughts on it.

4:29 Woo S! Kim

There is going to be a lot of hypotheticals in this question, but please bare with me, let’s say Adam McKay does do a Silver Surfer film and the film does do very well critically and financially.  Since Mr. McKay seems to be a True Believer, do you think he would be good at what James Gunn’s job would have been if Gunn had not been terminated overseeing the Marvel Cosmic side of things going forward? Also, if Adam McKay is not interesting in overseeing the cosmic side of the MCU, in your view is Peyton Reed a good choice for that job, whether or not he continues working for Marvel Studios directing another Ant-Man/Wasp film, why or why not?

6:13 Woo S! Kim

Hey Sean, we haven’t discussed your collectables on the Q&A for quite a while, is your main collectables pritory still an Iron Man or Star Lord helmet, have you added a few collectables since the last time I asked, about four months ago, speaking of which in your reactions to both versions of the “Spider-Man: Far From Home Teaser Trailers, are you sitting in a Captain Marvel gaming chair, sir?

10:37 Woo S! Kim

My apologies if you are planning to discuss this with our liege “The King of Cranes” and Mr. Hermann on the podcast soon, I want Tom Holland’s Spidey to stick around as long as possible just to see Bag Man in the MCU, and what were your general thoughts of Bag Man in the comics and in the PlayStation 4 game?

11:15 Derek Beebe

Are there any official rumors about a Thor/Guardians team up movie or was that just supposition?

12:45 Derek Beebe

Is the Damage Control tv series officially dead?

13:57 Alex

Now that Disney is buying Fox what  do you think would’ve happen to the MCU if it was the other way around and Disney was the one that was being purchased by Fox? Would Fox try to integrate the MCU characters into the Fox timeline via inter-dimensional  travel or do you simply think Fox would largely  take the “if it ain’t broke don’t fix” route with the MCU and leave it as it is simply for the fact the MCU is way more successful than Fox’s X-Men franchise. Due to that fact do you think Fox would willingly abandon its current X-Men franchise in favor of letting Feige take over the reigns to X-Men and Fantastic Four and rebooting them into the MCU like we all expect will happen when Disney’s purchase of Fox is complete? Or do you think they would let Simon Kinberg or Lauren Schuler Donner take over the Marvel universe and push Feige to the side and reboot the MCU to fit with the continuity of Fox?

15:52 Alex

I saw a tweet from Film Critic Hulk that  pointed out that Disney buying Fox was a monopoly in the making, and people would lose their jobs. I’m sure you’ve been asked some variation of this question before but what stuck out me to about this particular  twitter  thread was that even filmmakers like Phil Lord and Colin Trevorrow chimed in.

I have  to admit as much I dig the idea of Fantastic Four and X-Men coming into the MCU it’s not lost on me that it’s going to cost a lot of jobs in order for that to happen and I’m not so sure Marvel is that dedicated to making R-rated Marvel films. As much as I adore the MCU I did sort of like that Fox was giving us an alternative  to the PG-13 Marvel movies with boundary pushing  R-rated movies like Logan and Deadpool that could go places that Disney Marvel wouldn’t go.

So my question to you is if you had your druthers would  you prefer Fox sold to someone else like an Apple(which have reservations about making R-rated films like Disney does)but in turn made a deal with Marvel similar to the Marvel/Sony deal — that way we can  have the X-Men and Fantastic Four in the MCU  without having to go through a questionable, potentially industry shrinking merger? Also, like Sony, that deal wouldn’t preclude Fox from continuing to make edgy R-rated spinoff  movies with other characters as well as  prevent Disney from owning too much or do you think Fox being sold entirely to Disney  was a good idea and that Disney is the best possible company Fox could sell to?

31:59 Alex

If  Kevin Feige  were asked about the  Bryan Singer allegations how do you think he would respond? To be more specific imagine if Mr. Feige was asked a question related to the recent allegations that was framed in this manner: “Kevin, what’s your thoughts on the Bryan Singer allegations?” How would you expect him to respond to such a question? Would you be disappointed if Feige dodged the question instead of a solid answer?

34:42 Kerry Vanderberg

Hi Sean, I hope you are doing well. I have more of a DC question, but it’s rooted in the MCU. One of the things I really love about the MCU is how the films build on each other, and how Fiege really has built this unique shared universe, but still somehow allows individual directors to have their own vision and unique voice with their films. In comparison, the DCEU - while it seems like it is on a better track due mainly to Aquaman’s success - according to Toby Emmerich’s recent comments, it seems like WB is de-emphasizing the shared universe aspect of their DC films. It’s obviously not going away, but when he says that they take one film at a time and are getting back to being director-driven, to me that sounds like they are going back to the Chris Nolan Batman era. So I’m very torn when it comes to the DCEU. On the one hand, I want the directors to have their creative freedom, but I also want the DCEU as a shared universe to function as a single universe. While I don’t want the DCEU to be a carbon copy of the MCU, I want the shared universe to function as well as the MCU does, and not just connected on paper, like how the MCU and Marvel TV are connected in name only. I want to believe in Walter Hamada’s vision, and I hope that he can be the “Kevin Feige” for the DCEU, and I am excited for the films to come, but Toby Emmerich’s recent comments give me major pause and some concern. Maybe I just don’t trust him based on past interviews, and have not completely forgiven him for how Zack Snyder was treated over JL. What are your thoughts on this, particularly Emmerich’s recent comments and whether or not you think the DCEU can/will be a shared universe in all ways, or just in name only?

41:07 Kerry Vanderberg

One of the things that Marvel Studios has somehow managed to avoid is the “Hollywood ego” from affecting their films. One of the things about the film industry is when big egos from producers, studio execs, directors, etc stop cool and creative things from happening. I know this kind of thing happens often in Hollywood, but it does not seem to have been a problem at Marvel Studios. Is it because Fiege is a pretty humble guy as you’ve talked about before, because his vision is all about putting the story and characters first, or something else? Seriously, I can’t help but wonder if there is a big “check in your ego here” sign at the front of the Marvel Studio offices. Why do you think the MCU has managed to avoid the Hollywood ego from affecting the quality and production of their films?

44:45 Kerry Vanderberg

Assuming that only Cap dies in Avengers:Endgame, which characters would be the most socially awkward and fun to watch at Tony and Pepper’s wedding? I can’t wait to see how Wong handles himself, either talking casually with people or if he gets himself out on the dance floor when a Beyonce song comes on. Likewise, Rocket, Drax, and Nebula seem like they would not know how to handle themselves, so it would be fun to watch.

46:59 Brett Heier

Hey Sean, do you think that Maria Rambou will get her powers in Captain Marvel? Or maybe a post credits scene or something in the sequel. Also, how does Maria Rambou get her powers in the comics? Another question, with the recent rumor that there will be a young avengers movie, how do you think they will introduce Wiccan, Speed, Hulkling, Hawkeye, Patriot, and Stature? Finally, who is your favorite The Good Place character? Mine is bad Janet. Thanks for having an awesome podcast!

50:10 Seth Goslin

Sean, I know you've been disappointed with the treatment of Maria Hill in the films. Do you think that it would require the death of Nick Fury in order for her to stand out and deepen as a character? If not, what else would help?

51:20 Seth Goslin

I was really excited for the presence of Nick Fury in the last few Captain Marvel trailers. I think we will be introduced to a lot of new characters and it's nice to have the anchor of a known character relate to. I was puzzled by my equal and opposite reaction to Nick Fury in the Spider-Man trailer. My instant reaction was...ooh...maybe there will be too much Nick Fury in 2019. Is it just me?

52:23 Seth Goslin

Do you think we would ever get Bill Foster/Goliath as a current hero? If so, do you think it would come in the Ant-Man franchise or is there another headliner that you could see him supporting?

53:23 Mookie Johnson

As we all know, Marvel's original plans to have Guardians 3 in 2020 has changed. Presumably, there was some larger  narrative advances towards the next big thing planned for Guardians 3. Do you thing those get shifted to Eternals, eliminated,  or stay with Guardians but just reveal later than originally planned?

56:36 Jeremy Watson

Hey Sean, do you think that we will get a new Endgame trailer this weekend during the Super Bowl? If so, do you have any guesses as to what we would see? Thanks

59:06 Christoffer

Hello! Been a patrion since the middle of december and I’m really enjoying your content. Especially the Daily Bugle – it’s amazing to have something Marvel related to listen to on my way to work. I live in Sweden, so I always wake up to a new episode on workdays except Mondays. Glad to keep paying for it, and I I wish I could tell 11 year old me that everyone can get a daily superhero news radio show in the future. But I won’t get more into how podcasts are changing the world, instead I’ll get to my very first Q&A question.

Since the cancellation of the Netflix shows, I’ve never heard any podcasts or youtubers – including yours – talk about how the decision to acquire Millerworld might’ve impacted Netflix’s decision. It seems like they might build a whole sueperhero universe based on those comic books. Also, none of the podcasts/youtubers I watch or listen to have mentioned the Umbrella Academy in this context, i.e. what that might lead to in terms of potential spin-offs/franchise building. The discussion seems to be all about the future streaming service rivalry, and not the actual content plans Netflix have to get into the superhero business. What are your thoughts? Could these two Netflix properties have influenced their decision?

1:04:40 brentacPrime

Another DC question. What do you think about the rumor birds of prey (and the really long title) will be rated R?

1:11:39 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

So this is more of a technical television question. I’ve always wondered this. Whenever a big, popular, high budget tv show is being filmed, how does the directing job actually work? Especially on a show that has so many locations, actors, and sets in different places. Does the director literally travel to wherever they are supposed to film for their particular scenes for their particular episode that they’ve been tasked to direct? Like are the directors actually present for the entirety of their own episode(s)? I hope I made sense. Examples I have in mind are shows like Game of Thrones, Westworld, The Mandalorian, and the potentially the upcoming D+ MCU shows.

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