Sean answers your Marvel questions!

0:21 Derek Beebe

I was wondering whether you think the box office grosses of Ralph Breaks the Internet (456m), Bumblebee (414m), and Spider-Verse (325m) were successful enough?

4:53 Derek Beebe
Knowing what you know so far, do you think Endgame is going to be a better movie than Infinity War?  I realize we know next to nothing but I just expect this one to feel "smaller" since it will probably only feature the original seven for most of its run time.  Also, will Thanos even have his army with him this time around, now that he's retired? 

8:39 Derek Beebe

Your analysis of the performance of Last Jedi and Solo on the Fandalorians podcast was very interesting.  What box office do you expect for Ep 9?

13:10 Derek Beebe

Venom did 856 million.  Dot dot dot.  Dot dot dot.  Why?

15:12 Derek Beebe

I'm really looking forward to the three 2019 Marvel movies, but the line up after that just does not sound as interesting to me.  I'll love any Marvel movie but I'm afraid the luster will be gone starting with 2020.  What do you think about the potential financial success or failure of this new era?

19:43 Derek Beebe

Whatever happened to the all female Marvel movie there was a brief talk of?  I think that would be a great idea.  You can do a magical premise that sidelines all the men, maybe have Enchantress as the main villain?  Also, who would you fan-cast as Enchantress?

21:59 Spencer Toycen

Hey there, Sean! Just wanted to say thanks for the podcast and starting a Discord! Hopping on there has become a highlight of my day, so thanks for that. Anyway, with the rumors of Young Avengers in early development, do you see that lineup looking more like The Champions? Sam Alexander Nova, Kamala Kahn and Amadeus Cho were stand outs for me and I think that would make for a great entry in the MCU. Your thoughts, Sean?

23:56 Alex Ward

Assuming Cap dies or retires in Endgame (which, at this point, is still no more than mere speculation), do you think we'll ever see a "Who will wield the shield?"-type storyline? I can't help but think that'll be the concept of the Falcon/Bucky series, since they've both been Captain America at some point. Maybe Steve Rogers is Top Cop like he was in the 2010 Heroic Age, teaming up with Nick Fury to give Falcon and Bucky missions to test their mettle. Or something like that. Either way, I have a feeling they're still going to be mining from the Ed Brubaker stuff. Also, were you a fan of the Bucky-Cap suit? And do you think we'll ever see it in the MCU?

26:13 Alex Ward

Is there any chance Mysterio's illusion-creating powers are actually mystical, or do you think the whole thing is a sham? I think it'd be cool to have a magic-based villain for Spidey; in the comics there's a huge variety in the types of villains he fights, and in my opinion tech-based stuff--especially stolen Stark tech--is on the verge of getting stale in the MCU.

28:49 Tom DeMichele

Sean, “The Good Place” is a frequent topic here and on the Discord, with you even suggesting an ideal scenario in which series creator Mike Schur directs Marvel Studios’ “Fantastic Four.” Just for fun, if you had to cast the actors from “The Good Place” as Marvel characters new to the MCU, who would you cast?

31:13 Alex Ward

Just one more, if Marvel Studios' FF is a huge hit, what are some possible spin offs they could try? A Thing movie, or maybe just Illuminati with Reed as sort of the protagonist? I know solo FF series in the past haven't lasted long, but the MCU seems to have a lot of success with characters whose solo series don't tend to last very long, like Ant-Man or Doctor Strange.

33:11 Woo S! Kim

After watching “Avengers: Infinity War” again recently, I have a couple questions for you, Sean.  Markus and Mcfeely and The Russo Brothers say on the Blu-ray commentary after Thanos activates The Decimation he is transported to Soul World, why would The Infinity Stones take his mind there, whether or not that is actually the spirit of his daughter why would he be transported there, do you believe?  Also, in my thinking after The Decimation Thanos cannot repair the Gauntlet with the Time Stone, or any of the other stones, my feeling is if Thanos was able to heal the wound on his chest, he would have repaired the Gauntlet, I understand as do you, why he would not heal the wound on his arm, that is his badge of honour, but to me, if he could have repaired the Infinity Gauntlet, he would have I would like to point out in “Avengers: End Game” if I am proven wrong it’s not a big deal, what is your point of view Sean?  

38:12 Woo S! Kim

Something I found interesting Ariela Barer who portrays Gert Yorkes on Marvel TV’s “Runaways” said an interview and I’m paraphrasing but generally she was shocked to be considered for anything Marvel live action related because she thought you’d have to win a Golden Globe or an Emmy before getting a Marvel project.  I have heard from people older than me that in the 1970’s the franchise to be considered and a lot of performers wanted to be in was a James Bond film, thanks to Robert Downey Jr and Samuel L. Jackson has Marvel Studios and as a result some of Marvel Television become that new franchise brass ring of “you know you are doing something right, when Marvel is interested in you.”  What are your thoughts, Sean?

40:19 Brian White

Hi Sean. You recently discussed your hopes for a Vision and Scarlet Witch Disney Plus show to be influenced by Tom King's recent limited series. First of all I want to explain I really enjoyed it too and love that Viv Vision is a member of the Champions. However, I have an enduring dislike of how Vision has been portrayed for years. Vision is a synthezoid, a synthetic human. He's not supposed to be a robot or an AI. His body and mind are synthetic but they are supposed to mimic being human. Waaaay back when John Byrne took over the first West Coast Avengers series, Vision was disassembled, I forget why. But he had been more and more demonstrating his growth as a person. He was rebuilt but since the traumatic event he's never been the same. I submit that he's brain damaged still. His decision to delete his emotions because he did not have the memory capacity and was misperceiving the world makes no sense. His brain is not digital storage, it's a synthetic human brain. As writers change, consistency is lost. I wish a writer had picked up on this rather than continue to treat Vision and Viv like robots. I'd like your thoughts and once I figure our the Discord maybe we can discuss it there. Thanks!

44:49 Robert Reineke

Hi Sean. I'm sure that you'll have plenty to say about Black Panther garnering a Best Picture nomination at the Academy Awards. Let me add for those pooh poohing it as just another superhero film, how many Afro-futurism blockbusters can you name? Keeping to the Academy Awards, any particular pleasant surprises not involving Black Panther and Into the Spider-Verse? Any other disappointments? Anything that makes you curious?

50:14 Woo S! Kim

Sean, please indulge me, but you have "The Avengers" and "Avengers: Age of Ultron" in 4k, correct?  I am thinking of getting both in 4k even though I already have both films in 1080p Blu-ray you said to me a couple of months back that the physical discs of both films, in 4k do not have Dolby Vision or Dolby ATMOS and the physical versions don't have any new special features.  Is all that I have stated correct and if this is accurate should I just purchase the digital copies on VUDU, at this point the best versions of 4k films are on digital and or on VUDU.  I just have the physical copies in case my internet goes down, thanks Sean.

52:18 Alex

Besides Black Panther and Infinity War what  MCU movies do you think  deserved the best picture nomination? For me it’s Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 — which I know is an unconventional & unpopular choice since most people would probably point to Winter Solider but Guardians was such a discovery and my favorite Marvel film until Vol. 2 came along and surpassed it in my book. Vol.2 is an underappreciated gem of the MCU and deeper than most people give it credit for. I absolutely adored it and thought it was one of the best movies of 2017. I bawled like a baby at many moments especially at Yondu’s death.  It’s a masterpiece in my opinion. I can acknowledge that Winter Solider objectively is a way better movie but it didn’t have the heart of the Vol. 2 and that’s totally fine since their very different movies by design but for myself I connected more with Guardians Vol. 2.

59:18 Alex

Is Dark Phoenix and New Mutants  dead on arrival? It really feels like nobody is excited about it. I was talking with a couple of of buddies of mine about which was their most anticipated superhero movies and they named almost every comic book film released this year besides the two aforementioned ones. When I asked why they didn’t included Dark Phoenix they said the trailers didn’t grab them. Granted this is anecdotal but this coupled with various negative reports I’ve seen about the movies poor test screenings leads me to believe that no matter what Fox does, even if they put out one really awesome  trailer  it will do little to change the fact that most people are now waiting for the MCU X-Men so this franchise is essentially living off borrowed time.  I can’t help but feel a little sad  that this franchise that kicked off the modern wave of the superhero genre post-Batman and Robin in the early 2000’s  last installment is one of the least superhero anticipated movies in recent memory. Most seem apathetic and just don’t care. 

1:06:16 Michael Louis Weaselboy

Hey Sean I was just wondering who would you cast as Norman Osborn in the MCU?? And how exactly do you think they will feature him in the franchise?? Should he mainly be in the Spider man films?? Or could he be in the team up films?? I know Marvel doesn't own him technically but I hope that changes soon. I'm sure he can be the Lex Luthor of the MCU. Would you make him the main villain for the third film?? Thoughts??

1:10:07 Ben

Hey Sean! I was looking at Captain Marvel’s IMDB and saw that Carol’s brother is named Steve. Do you think her dad could be a Cap fan and named his son after Steve Rogers? This could also explain Carol’s desire to join the military, maybe to impress her dad, and the somewhat similar design to her costume. And this could give the two Caps an instant connection in Endgame.

1:11:44 Ben

Speaking of Captain Marvel, do you think Carol will show up in the next Endgame trailer?

1:14:05 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

Do you think with BP being nominated for a Best Picture Oscar and possibly winning, we have to wait on that, is it more likely for AE to get a Best Picture nomination? I know you mentioned that each Superhero/comic book movie has build off each other to get us to this first time historic achievement. Also you mentioned how you would have loved to have seen IW get an Adapted Screenplay and Best Picture nomination as a 10 year story arc. Do you think the Academy is potentially waiting to see the "culmination" of the whole arc in AE? I mean I know maybe "waiting" is the wrong word. But you know what I mean?

1:18:55 Maya

Hi Sean! I am a new patron, but I've been a long time listener of the podcast. You may have discussed this in past Q&As but what are your theories behind how Vision will play a role in AE? I read a theory that Vision is essentially living in the Mind Stone and influencing Thanos' every move. I also read a theory that Shuri was able to download his mind before her encounter with Corvis Glave and will probably bring back a new Vision (assuming she went underground and isn't dead from the snap). Do any of these sound reasonable or do you think there is another way? I am also pretty certain that Shuri is not dead. How do you think she will play a role in AE? I think it would DOPE to see her and Spiderman team up or her and Tony putting their minds together to figure out how to leverage the quantum realm.

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