Sean answers your Marvel questions!

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9:09 Woo S! Kim
Hey Sean, something that I wanted to run by you, I was watching “Ghostbusters II” on New Year's Eve and I remembered something director Ivan Reitman said about the origins for the premise of that film, is that The Ghostbusters saved New York City and the aftermath is NYC wants nothing to do with them, any longer and The Ghostbusters have little to no success adjusting to life after saving the city.  My point to this, I thought in Phase II, in “Iron Man 3,” “Thor: The Dark World” and certainly in “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” there was this vibe of “All right, we saved Earth, now what?” Do you concur? Do you think that theme will be expanded more after “Avengers: End Game regardless of who survives that film, also do you think the potential resentment of The Avengers from the people of Earth if they remember “The Decimation” is going to be more gasoline on the fire of hatred when Mutants and potentially Inhumans are introduced in the MCU proper going forward and some people will share Helmut Zemo's views on “Enhanced Individuals?” Or is that too similar to The Accords?  Thanks Sean.

14:06 Woo S! Kim
You have said this many times, that you don’t think “Avengers: End Game” will feature the First Family of Marvel and or Mutants, and you prefer they aren’t in there, to each his own on that one.  My question is, from what we True Believers know there isn’t going to be an Avengers film for awhile after “Avengers: End Game” where would you introduced the First Family of Marvel and or Mutants, if not in “Avengers: End Game?”

17:03 Brett Heier
Hey Sean! I’m the comic books, Thanos is a recurring villain, do you think this could happen in the movies? Also, are you gonna talk about runaways? I just finished season 2 and it was AWESOME! Do you think Nico is using power from the dark dimension? As always, thanks for having an awesome podcast!

21:15 Brett Heier
Another thing, lots of people think that Bobbi Morse’s cancelled spin-off will be revived by Disney Plus. Would you like to see this happen? What do you think of Bobbi Morse as a character? Does she have anywhere else to go in the MCU? I loved Adrianne Palicki’s performance and I hope she comes back. 

22:44 Cory Kostiuk
Hey Sean Happy New year to you and your family. Who's the most powerful creature in all of comics?

23:23 Michael bradley
Happy new year Sean! Looking back at the lead up to IW , what is one theory you thought wouldn't happen that did.  And one theory you spot on. 

27:03 Michael bradley
Also leading up to End Game. How about having a place where everyone could put there 1 theory they think will happen. It would have to be secure so no one could see them until after the movie opens. Then they could be a special episode to see who guessed right. Thanks again.

27:51 Alex
Happy New Year Sean!! My question is how would  you react to MCU Reed Richards turning evil and becoming the ‘Maker’  like he did in the Ultimate comics? And how likely do you think Marvel will go that route?

29:22 Alex Ward
Hey Sean, happy new year to you and all the patrons! Since we're about to be inundated with excitement around Captain Marvel, Avengers Endgame, and Spider-Man Far from Home, I was hoping maybe you wouldn't mind answering a couple quick non-MCU questions?

Since it's been back in the spotlight around its 1-year anniversary, I've always wondered what you made of The Last Jedi; I know this question might be opening a can of worms due to the passion on both sides of the fandom, but I'd love to hear your thoughts. Personally, I loved it, but I can understand the criticisms.

32:08 Alex Ward

Have you tried DC Universe yet? I recently got it and I'm happy to finally have easy access to DC comics, but I'm disappointed at the limited offering and with the comic-reading interface. And if you do have the app, have you checked out Titans yet? I found it to be, for better and for worse, sort of like a CW show dialed up to 11.

32:53  Alex Ward
Do you think Goose the cat is gonna be a Flerken in the movie? Or is that maybe too zany for the tone they're going for?

34:02 Mookie Johnson
If you had to guess, what do you think in the Avengers:Endgame trailer is there just to throw us nerds off a bit?

36:12 David Rosen
Hey Everyone and Happy New Year! Here’s to a bigger and better year for Marvel and Marvel Studios News in 2019! So when the x-men eventually come to the mcu, depending on how they chose to explain there absence from the MCU so far, would you be in favor of adding small little retcons here and there to make it seem like maybe they weren’t as absent as we thought. For example, let’s say they go down the road of there being a very small group of mutants that just kept themselves and/or their powers well hidden from the public. If Wolverine happens to be apart of that group, or even just as someone who kept himself hidden on his own, would you be ok with a flashback from his point of view of say a time during WW2, when he fought alongside Steve Rogers? Or maybe part of Erskine’s backstory involves fleeing from a Nazi Germany program that involved experimenting on mutants, and instead of hurting people, he used him expertise in the US to eventually develop the super soldier serum (which maybe also has roots with a mutant with healing powers). I know you’re not too much of a fan of making everything connected in the MCU, but if not used for major plot points, would you be ok with using the mutants’ backstory to color in some of the MCU’s minor history we’ve already been introduced to? It appears they might be doing with the Skrulls, so why couldn't they also do it sparingly with mutants?

39:17 David Rosen
Regarding the discussion involving why Nick Fury didn’t reach out to Carol during the events of Avengers, what if the reason is because creating the Avengers was actually her idea in the first place? For argument’s sake, let’s say before she goes back off into space at the end of her movie, she tells him that she feels it is necessary for earth to not rely solely on her and instead, “assemble” it’s own Star Force-like super team (minus their possible betrayal) who can help save the world from another space invasion one day (as this would likely occur after Carol defeats the Kree invasion in her movie). In Avengers, Fury talked about how “there was an idea,” but never really says where that idea came from. So how would it make you feel to possibly learn in Captain Marvel that the idea for the Avengers actually came from Carol herself? If it comes to pass, it would also give her some claim to eventually lead them in Avengers: Endgame. Personally, I would really to hear Carol telling Fury that he needs “to bring together a group of remarkable people to see if they can become something more, and to work together to fight the battles” that SHIELD can’t. (maybe the “something more” and “work together” in this context also alludes to a failure by Star Force to do so). Personally I would love all of that. What about you?

43:39 Hector Giovanni Navarrete
Hi Sean! Do you think the great critical reception of Spider-Man Into the Spiderverse can negatively affect the reception of Spider-Man FFH when that is released?

45:10 Alex Ward
Okay, I do have two more! Similar to David Rosen's question, I was wondering about the in-universe concept of the Avengers, particular as it concerns the name itself. Do you think Endgame is when the Avengers will finally earn their name, as they're actually going to be avenging Earth on a grand scale? What do you think made Nick Fury decide on titling the idea "the Avengers initiative"? Do you think Fury himself had some sort of vengeance in mind, perhaps in response to something that will be revealed in Captain Marvel? Maybe after Captain Marvel, Fury knows the Earth is screwed no matter what, and it's going to take some remarkable people not to save it, but to avenge it. Otherwise, I'm also happy with the idea that "The Avengers" is moreso a "band name" of sorts, in that it just sounds cool.

47:18  Alex Ward
I think you may have covered this way back when, but why do you think Thanos spared the original Avengers? We know he knew Tony Stark, and it's safe to assume that he therefore knows about all of the Avengers. Did he intentionally spare the others (Cap, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Hulk, Thor) as a sort of "reward," like did for Iron Man, or was it just his own bad luck that the OG Avengers all survived the snap?

48:28 Hector Giovanni Navarrete
Barring wanting to see Steve and Tony's eventual encounter in AE, post CW; which other encounter/conversation are you most looking forward to in AE?

51:09 Alex Ward
This might be a really obvious question, but who was Captain America talking about when he told Secretary Ross that Earth just lost its best defender in Infinity War?

52:07 Mark Leak
Hello, Sean...Happy New Year!  I have a few questions, and I apologize in advance for being long winded.

I think most people expect Black Panther 2 to land on the February 12, 2021 slot, and I understand why, given what the first film just did in February (not to mention being able to tie it into Black History Month).  But do you think the May 7th slot is a possibility?  As you yourself have said, the May slot is usually reserved for Marvel Studios’ biggest film of the year.  Given the financial and cultural success of the first film, I think the Black Panther franchise has earned that distinction in any year that there isn’t an Avengers film.

55:51 Mark Leak
Additionally, what films do you think Marvel will release in the previously announced 2021 and 2022 slots?  Truthfully, I’m still among those who hope that Marvel Studios will go to four films per year (one per quarter) even with the Disney Plus series as a new option.  If Marvel just did sequels to Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange, Guardians, Ant-Man & The Wasp and the Avengers, that would take up the six announced 2021/22 slots, without including Shang-Chi or any other potential new franchise.  Even with the added option of doing limited series on Disney Plus, there are just too many characters that Marvel has on its roster (and more that they will be gaining access to once the Fox deal is complete) to remain at three films per year, while also giving timely sequels to current franchises and introducing newer ones, in my opinion.

1:03:10  Mark Leak
Lastly, one of the things I’m most looking forward to in Captain Marvel is the reimagining of Maria Rambeau.  Her daughter Monica has been one of my personal favorites since I first saw her in an Avengers comic back in the 80s (yes, I’m old).  I believe I recall you saying you were hoping DeWanda Wise would be available for the role.  Is she still your choice, or do you have any other actresses in mind for Monica?  DeWanda is definitely on my list, but Nicole Beharie (Sleepy Hollow), has always been my first choice.  Teyonah Paris (Survivor’s Remorse) and Sonequa Martin-Green (Star Trek: Discovery) are also on my list.

Thanks for your time, and please keep up the marvelous work (pun intended)!

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