Sean answers your Marvel questions!

01:32 Woo S! Kim

After seeing what has happened on Marvel Television series’ this past year and I didn’t believe you fully for years, Sean.  Whether it be on Superhero News, on this podcast when it was called “Making Mine Marvel” or when you rebranded the podcast to its current name that the Marvel TV universe wasn’t fully connected with the MCU proper universe, I concede your point, you were correct and I was incorrect perhaps this may change after the Disney/FOX perhaps it will, possibly it may not.  My question is there are so many names for humans with powers in Marvel right now and there will be a famous name that Disney will be able to use in the very near future, I am currently starting Season Two of “The Runawayz” what would you call the characters that have powers on that series?  Going back to my earlier statement could one call them Mutants because my geek mind is remembering that there are some Mutants  that get their powers not through natural genetic mutation, would you be alright with Marvel TV using the name Mutants, even though certain characters will never reference the or team up with the X-Men? Or would you prefer Marvel TV using the term that Captain Rogers used in “Avengers: Age of Ultron”  “Enhanced.”  Me personally there are so many different types of humans with powers in Marvel, and there is going to be even more in two years in the MCU, unless they are identified as an Inhuman etc. I just call a human with powers, a “Hybrid Human.” I may have gotten that name from a Marvel comic, I can’t recall.   What are your thoughts, Sean?

5:38 Woo S! Kim

I remember before “Avengers Infinity War” you did not like the idea of the Iron Spider armour from the source material being brought over into the MCU reason being because you said the color scheme from the comics Iron Spider looked too similar from Iron Man’s Red and Gold armour, being that Feige and his team differentiated the MCU version from the comics, do you like the Iron Spider Armor in “Avengers: Infinity War?” Also, do you think the Iron Spider armor is a nanotech attachment I just say that because of how the armor connected with Spidey above Earth’s atmosphere and how Spidey’s armor looks almost exactly like Iron Man’s Nanotech Armor, especially how their helmets come on and off in “Avengers: Infinity War”    Lastly, I would prefer in future Avengers films, if Tom Holland’s Spidey is going to stick around for the long haul, that he use some version of The Iron Spider armor, what say you, Sean?

08:28 Woo S! Kim

Selfishly after seeing the “Captain Marvel” Special Look on January 7th, after seeing Captain Danvers in the tavern with Nick Fury, I want Thor to survive the Battle with Thanos so we can see a drinking contest between Captain Danvers v. Thor in a future Avengers film, I think Captain Danvers has a good chance of out drinking Thor, what are your thoughts Sean?

09:22 Paul Shearman

Hey Sean and patrons hope you’re all well this week. So, Spider-Man Far From Home trailer - wow! I won’t post spoilers in case people haven’t seen it yet, but I loved it. The stand out question for me, of course, is - pre or post snap?
Im sure you’ll be covering the whole trailer (this would be very weird if you didn’t!) and I’m looking forward to catching your video reaction later on (one bit in particular at the end I’m sure will be really fun to watch your reaction!).
Thanks for your time Sean, and enjoy the rest of your week everyone!

13:43 Zachary Kleinsasser

Hey Sean and fellow patrons! Hope everyone is having a great week. I had a thought during your Spider-Man rant on the January 11th Daily Bugle. If Marvel is in talks to purchase Spider-Man and bring him back home, what happens to the ‘Into the Spiderverse’ Franchise. I loved that movie and it propelled Miles’s and Peter’s Spidermen to the top of my favorite lists. I would hate to see the potential for what that universe could be go away. What are your thoughts on this? Thanks for all that you do!

17:22 Alex Ward

Hi Sean and patrons! Great talking with many of you in Discord yet again this week! I was wondering, do you think Marvel Studios will treat X-Men like the Guardians in terms of having their own team-movie series from the get-go, or will they more likely set them up as their own sub-franchise like the Avengers, where we see separate movies first (maybe, in this case, Wolverine, Storm, Brotherhood of Mutants, etc.) come together for an event "X-Men" movie? Or are the characters too interdependent on each other to standalone, at least through Marvel Studios' perspective? I can't help but think Marvel Studios has bigger plans for X-Men than many of us expect!

21:11 Spencer Toycen

Hey there, Sean! Just a quick question regarding the Kree-Skrull War and possible MCU storylines. Is there any room for Rick Jones in the MCU? He’s been a sidekick to everyone, most notably sharing atoms with Mar-Vell, but there’s zero chance he’ll show up in couple months.

Thanks for the podcast and all the hard work!

23:42 Alex Ward

What do you think is implied by the construction scene in the Far From Home trailer, and what do you hope it means?

27:46 Alex

So Sean, it just dawned on me  that there could be some problems with bringing the X-Men and Fantastic Four instead the same world. Particularly since the X-Men are traditionally hated and disliked while the FF are traditionally beloved. I get that there is difference between being a mutant like Charles Xavier and a mutate like Reed Richards but  would people in real life really even care to make that distinction?  Why would the public fear and detest Mutants like Scott Summers and Jean Grey while at the same time revere Mutates who are arguably freakier than a lot of Mutants like Mr. Fantastic — who can stretch? And especially The Thing who’s literally the most freakish of them all? Why are the FF not even commonly mistaken for Mutants when there’s already an overlap between them and the Mutants? These are serious logic questions that Feige and his team have to address in order to make the integration of these characters they’re getting from Fox believable. 

32:40 Alex

if Peyton Reed were to be offered a choice between directing the first ever MCU Fantastic Four or directing the third installment of Ant-Man which do you imagine  he'd choose over the other? I'm sure you know as well I do  that Peyton has always expressed interest in directing FF and he was even tapped to direct the movie as far as the earl 2000's before  he left over creative differences. Reed in a recent Colider Q&A for Ant-Man & The Wasp pointed out that Feige was there as an assistant developing the movie so Feige is aware of Reed's interest in the property therefore making him a very strong candidate to direct FF.  It would be interesting for things to come full circle and he ends up directing the film but my problem is I'm no fan of Reed(the director, not the stretchy guy)  and would much rather have an independent new director who brings something new to the table like Ryan Coogler, Jon Watts,  Chloé Zhao and Cate Shortland. Sure the Russo's started out making Captain America films before helming  two big Avengers films but that should be the exception to the rule and I'd still much prefer a different director take over director duties for  the FF.

37:42 David Rosen

Hey Sean and Friends! Another week, another MCU trailer. It looks like Sony/Marvel tried to do their best in terms of not giving away when this movie takes place, including photo-shopping Peter's passport to remove all the years,  including when it was issued as it seems Peter is picking up it up from a Passport office and that would give it away (although I wonder if he didn't need one to go Germany in Civil War). However, I was wondering if Nick Fury's clothes might also give away something, as he's back in his black outfit, which we haven't seen him wear since CA: Winter Soldier. Since he was still wearing street clothes in the Infinity Way post-credits scene, is the fact that he's back in black a clue that this takes place after Avengers, End Game?

40:47 Alex Ward

One major Avenger we haven't seen onscreen yet is She-Hulk, but I suspect this partially has to do with the Universal deal, and partially to do with her somewhat-sexist superhero name. Do you think it's possible that if Bruce dies in Endgame or gets "cured," that the next Hulk will be Jennifer Walters (perhaps dropping the "She-")?

42:07 Brett Heier

Hey Sean! I just watched the Spiderman Far From Home trailer, I thought it looked amazing. In one scene Nick Fury and someone else are shooting at the Earth elemental. The other person looked similar to Maria Hill. Do you agree or think that is someone else. Another thing, when Mysterio shows up his powers seem very real, I know he's a special effects master but his powers looked similar to Dr. Strange's. Also, do you think maybe the elementals are just projections by Mysterio so he can look like a hero? Finally, there has been a lot of talk about there being a Sif show. Personally, I would love to see that. I know you would rather have her in a Valkerye show, but what are your thoughts about sif's possible show and her absence from Thor Ragnarok. As always, thanks for having an awesome podcast!

47:24 Michael Louis Weaselboy

Hey Sean I how is your week going?? I hope it is well. So I just watched the Spiderman Far From Home Trailer I loved seeing Mysterio for that brief second and the action looks cool as well. One think I am wondering about tho is what is Vultures role in it?? We know Michael Keaton is in the movie but do you think he has a brief cameo or maybe just a bit part? Thoughts??

49:12 Alex

What are the chances of Nick Fury actually be the Chameleon in disguise who's in cahoots with Mysterio?

51:01 Xavier Arqueros

Hi Sean and fellow Patrons. So I'm going to L.A. in early May and I want to see Avengers Endgame in the best movie theatre possible. I would love a Dolby Cinema or a great IMAX screen. Thanks Sean, keep the good work.

53:51 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

Hey Sean and fellow Patrons! So with Nick Fury appearing at the end of IW and potentially coming back in AE, starring in CM, as well as being in SM FFH, and that rumor that said he was either going to be in a D+ series or lead one; do you believe he is going to have an important role in the MCU moving forward past AE and into Phase 4 (if that’s what it’s called)? If so, how do you think he will be used? I’m glad that he is coming back after a long absence after AoU!

55:58 Derek Beebe

Hi Sean, this is my first time Qing for your A, so I apologize if this has already been done. What do you think of the current Marvel cartoons?  (Avengers, Spider-Man, GOTG)  Are you watching them on the reg? I just read an article rumoring they're about to cancel all the series for the Disney Plus switch.  Do you know anything about that?

57:25 Derek Beebe

What did you think of the last generation of Marvel cartoons?  (Avengers EMH, Spectacular Spiderman, Wolverine and X-Men, Iron Man Armored Adventures)  I was particularly enamored with AEMH and SSPM!

57:29 Derek Beebe

What's your opinion of the 90s Spider-Man and X-Men series?  Those were my introduction to the comics and they hold a special place in my heart, though both had terrible final seasons.

58:46 Derek Beebe

Why would Peter know who Nick Fury is in Far From Home?  Isn't he a secret spy?  (you answered this in Discord but I figure it makes for good radio)

1:00:17 Derek Beebe

What's your opinion on when Far From Home takes place?

1:00:30 Derek Beebe

If Mysterio is an American character, what's his excuse for showing up when these monsters attack in Europe?

1:00:57 Alex

What do you think about my idea  of when the MCU X-Men happens  the they have the X-Men  get in the colorful comic-accurate costumes and MCU Wolverine laments the fact that they wear such flashy costumes only for MCU Scott to respond with,"What would you prefer black1 leather spandex?" See what I did there?

1:01:29 Alex

How would you handle the FF's celebrity status in the MCU if they might potentially will appearing in the MCU as modern day heroes  after the Avengers and Spider-Man have shown to be big superhero celebrities already?

1:03:25 Alex

When discussing the prospect of ending the era of the MCU that started in 2008 with ''Iron Man" Feige cited The Star Trek Next Generation series finale ''All Good Things..'' as a reference for how to wrap up a series.  Though obviously the MCU will continue past Endgame have you for curiosity's sake checked out that episode of Trek and I realize I'm asking you this question not knowing whether or not you're a Star Trek fan.  When Feige  mentioned that episode he pointed out that episode wasn't about death  but about the finality it brought to the characters --namely Picard in which he pointed out that character started playing poker with the rest of crew which should've done earlier.  While obviously that doesn't mean nobody will die  since Fiege was merely using that as  an example to illustrate his point but I gotta say it makes me wonder can Marvel get away with not really killing anybody in Endgame?

1:10:16 Moonie Hassan

Hey Sean, so I was having a discussion about what the FFH indicates to the end of Endgame, if what Feige said was true about FFH picking up minutes right after Endgame, then doesn't the tone from the FFH trailer seem a bit off? You would think it would be a bit more somber or down, unless the hero's that were dusted return without any memory of what happened in Infinity War, thoughts?

1:15:11 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

In regards to the D+ series, would the actor reprising their roles to play these characters have had to have signed new deals/contracts in order to do so? I am assuming they did have to. If so, is that a good sign that these actors/actresses like playing these characters in the MCU?

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