Sean answers your Marvel questions!

0:30 Brett Heier

What are your top three favorite marvel cinematic universe characters? What are your top three marvel comics characters?Also, have you seen sorry for your loss? It’s Elisabeth Olsen’s show and it’s really good.

3:03 Woo S! Kim

No matter what the results are and what the fallout of “Avengers: End Game” the Marvel Cinematic Universe will be very different regardless of who lives and who dies.  Even without Fantastic Four and X-Men potentially coming home the MCU by the end of this year hopefully; the MCU isn’t going to look the same nor is it going to feel the same as the universe that began in 2008. Lastly, I think coincidentally this is the best time for Marvel’s First Family and Mutants to be introduced to further the point that the MCU that hardcore geeks and casual audiences knew after Thanos won’t entirely remain, what say you, Sean?

6:54 Woo S! Kim

I mentioned on an earlier Q&A a few weeks back how Marvel is reintroducing the Fantastic Four in a comics standpoint, could Marvel Television and or FOX quietly ending/wrapping up “The Gifted” and “Legion” just be both companies readying themselves for the merger because to be fair much like the Netflix series and the Hulu, they take place in the MCU but adjacently and from what I hear these FOX Marvel shows are kind the same when it comes to X-Men so whether the merger goes through or not creatively these FOX Marvel shows could conceivably go a couple more seasons, what are your thoughts Sean?

9:20 Woo S! Kim

Sean may you please take a moment and explain what the differences are between IMAX with laser and IMAX without laser?

12:45 Mookie Johnson

In your opinion, did the Avengers Superbowl trailer end with Cap grabbing his old shield, the new shield referenced in Homecoming, or a new shield forged in Wakanda since they have plenty of vibranium to remake his shield?

14:40 Derek Beebe

Did you see Glass, and if so, what did you think of it?  Particularly the third act.    (He said vaguely, to avoid spoiling anyone).

14:48 Derek Beebe

When the Disney/Fox deal is finally a done deal, will you and Paul grace us with an episode about Fant-Four-Stick?

16:53 Derek Beebe

What did you think the FOX TV movies of Generation X (1996) and Nick Fury (1998)? 

17:27 Derek Beebe

Are you watching The Gifted?  I'm afraid it never grabbed me and I dropped it after the first season.

18:05 Robert Reineke

Sean, would you care to play Vegas oddsmaker? Please provide a percentage chance of winning for the following Oscar contenders. Avengers: Infinity War to win Best Visual Effects. Black Panther to win Best Production Design. Black Panther to win Best Sound Editing. Black Panther to win Best Sound Mixing. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse to win Best Animated Feature. Black Panther to win Best Original Score. All the Stars from Black Panther to win Best Original Score. Black Panther to win Best Costume Design. And, Black Panther to win Best Picture.

32:07 Alex Ward

This is a tricky one, but aside from what we've already seen, what are five moments you think are most likely to happen in Endgame? Professor Hulk, Cap dying, etc. (And feel free to tiptoe around things you're more knowledgeable about due to leaks)

38:54 Alex Ward

Are you a fan of Yorgos Lanthimos at all? If so, do you think there's any place for him in the MCU? Maybe a super awkward Fantastic Four movie?

39:22 Alex

What do you think of  the recent casting of Harry Lloyd as Charles Xavier for the last season of Legion? Do  you think its kind of strange to have two  live-action versions of the same iconic  character for television and film existing concurrently with each  other? Last time  I can recall this being a thing was the case with Smallvile and Superman Returns where Brandon Routh was playing the Last Son Of Krypton on film at the same time Tom Welling was playing a different version on television.  Its kind of odd to  me. especially considering both the third season of Legion and Dark Phoenix come out this year in June. prior to this news, I was under the  impression there was an X -embargo(similar to the Bat-embargo) which prohibited the use of A-list X-men characters like Wolverine for the television show but now with the casting of the third live-action Professor X before even the MCU has had the chance to  touch the character I wonder what happened behind-the-scenes.

41:12 Nolan Wilde

Hi Sean. I’d been considering this and the TV spot may have confirmed it but I’m not sure the World knows the whole story of the snap. The events of Infinity War happened very quickly and it didn’t seem the Avengers informed anyone what was happening.
Do you think there will be consequences as this is partly why the Sokovia accords were brought in and if the World finds out that the Avengers chose to act alone maybe it’s possible they have been outcast?

44:22 Mookie Johnson

If the Doctor Strange movie with Nightmare does well, do you think that creates an opportunity for Blade to return to the big screen?

45:11 David Rosen

Hey Sean and Friends, hope all is well! Do you think that End Game will set up any of the Disney+ limited series? Do you think the movie will make it clear that some of the characters’ stories will continue on? Also on the subject of the limited series, I believe I read just today (Tuesday) that Chris Evans might be getting a chance to sit in the director’s chair for one or several limited series episodes. My first guess was that it would most likely be for the Sam and Bucky series. Perhaps maybe this is what was meant by one of the Russo bros when he “We haven’t seen the last of Chris Evans.” What do you think about this news/rumor and what do you director Chris Evans could bring to an episode of the “Sam and Bucky Show” that maybe other directors couldn’t?

48:23 David Rosen

Hey Sean, You did a great job with the shot by shot breakdown of the End Game superbowl spot! You talked a lot about the imagine, but didn’t really say anything about the voiceover from Cap. What does his line, “Some people move on. But not us.” tell you about his/the team’s mentality in this movie? What do you think “moving on” is referring to? The fact that hat they lost the battle with Thanos? That their loved ones are gone? That they’re in a “new world”? Something else? Do you see this line as proof that the Avengers are likely going to be the aggressors in this movie?

50:48 David Rosen

I think I had a little bit of a different interpretation about the shot of Liberty Island and all the boats around it, than I think you did. What I gathered was that with half the population (and perhaps more from collateral damage) gone, society in New York likely broke down and is in a state of anarchy and chaos and a number of people decided to “move” to Liberty Island and take refuge there, away from some of the chaos that might be occurring in the city. What do you think about this? Is that shot meant to suggest more than just what we are shown, that perhaps society is in a state of complete disarray, or just that a large number of boats, without captains, managed to float and get stuck at the island?

53:02 Jeremy Eden

A couple Christmases ago, my brother got me a copy of Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which I really enjoyed.  It was a fun mashup of two universes I've always loved.  We've seen some other strange universe crossovers in comic books before (JLA/Power Rangers, X-Men/Star Trek, DC/Looney Tunes, etc.)  Apart from a straight up MCU/DC crossover, which bizarre universe mashup (either real or one you make up) would you like to see make its way into the MCU, keeping in mind that nobody is REALLY asking for these to happen?

54:38 David Rosen

So I realized after rewatching the first End Game trailer that the Avengers compound seems to be lying right flush on a large body of water. As far as I know, aside from maybe a few lakes and the Hudson River, upstate New York doesn’t really have any large bodies of water. I went back to watch the “training” scene in Antman, where they show the overhead exterior shot of the compound, and it didn’t seem like the compound was sitting on any large body of water, and actually also looked entirely different from the one in the End Game trailer. I know that sometimes designs change between movies, but this seemed like a pretty big change. Ever since the first trailer premiered, one of the thoughts I had regarding Scott was that after getting out of the quantum realm, being in San Francisco, he would have had to then make a cross country drive in his van to the Avengers compound, perhaps even knot fully knowing where it is. But a west coast compound that is public knowledge might alleviate this problem. Do you think this might actually be a different Avengers compound that we’re being shown in the trailer, perhaps one on the West Coast, setting up a West Coast Avengers?

57:33 Seth Goslin

Sean, with the upcoming Black Widow film taking place before Avengers, would you like it to take place before she joined SHIELD or after? Would you prefer it to expand on an event previously referenced like Budapest or when Clint spared her or her encounter with the Winter Soldier, or would you like it to be outside of any previous references?

59:37 David Rosen

Hey Sean, I just saw the article you posted about the failed pilot order for a Marvel Television all female TV series.   This was the first I heard about this, but did you hear about this previously? Do you think this was the attempt at doing something with an all female cast that we've kept hearing and speculating about? If not, what do you think this non-order means, if anything, for future prospects of getting any kind of all female production?

1:03:24 Alex

In addition to confirming once again that subsequent Deadpool films will retain the R-rating Bob Iger pointed out that other Disney  films may potentially  carry the R-rating in the future.  This tidbit of information got my little noggin thinking: do you think Marvel will eventually do a R-rated film besides The-Merc-With-The-Mouth or do you think they’ll only strictly do PG-13 films with Deadpool being the lone exception to the rule? And keep up the good work,  man. You’re doing a darn fine job.

1:09:19 Michael Louis Weaselboy

Hey Sean I was just wondering who do you think will be the villain for Spiderman 3? And when do you think it will be released?

1:12:18 Alex

We know that Star Wars exists in the MCU as a fictional property within the universe but how does nobody ever point out Nick Fury’s uncanny resemblance to Mace Windu— who like Fury is played by Samuel motherf’ing Jackson? Does that mean only the original trilogy and sequel trilogy exist and the prequels never got made in the MCU  or do you think like our world the Star Wars prequels do in fact exist and maybe Mace Windu is just played by a different actor in the MCU?  Forgive me if you’ve received this type of question before but it just dawned on me.

1:14:03 Daniel Davila

Hey Sean I know I’m right on the deadline for this so I’ll keep it short and sweet.  Do you think the living tribunal, eternity, galactus, etc. can be major players in the mcu?  Do you think they translate well to the big screen?  Love your show thanks again!

1:15:53 Brian White

Hi Sean. I would like you to expand your thoughts and comments on the idea of a Young Avengers or Champions movie. As any of us long time comic readers know, the movies have taken their liberties even while giving homage to the original material and this has mostly been successful. But so far we've seen titles and characters that came from the comics even if they were presented uniquely. Your comments about how MCU Peter Parker and Shuri can form the Young Avengers or Champions , both being characters that have never been part of either suggests to me that the MCU can create original characters and teams. In Iron Man 3, Tony gifted his sidekick Harley Keener with a lot of tech. He could show up in his own version of Iron Man armor and join up too - maybe he's the Sam Alexander you've been foreseeing. Do you foresee the MCU originating characters? No doubt the comics will copy them if it does. Thanks!

1:18:39 Christoffer

Can you recommend some books about Marvel – the MCU in particular – and comic book history in general?

1:20:18 Alex

Avengers: Endgame spoiler question

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