Sean answers your Marvel questions!

0:23 Woo S! Kim

Based on the Oscars “Black Panther” did win and how many of the cast and crew have praised Ryan Coogler, if Marvel Studios keeps the same production staff and crew for the second Black Panther film as they did for the first one, how likely do you think the second Black Panther will do in terms of getting nominated, I know it’s very early to say and I know that is very rare for sequels to get nominated for Best Picture but what are your thoughts on Black Panther 2 getting the same kind of awards buzz the second time around?

3:17 Woo S! Kim

I have heard rumors that Disney Plus may have Marvel Studios shows as a companion piece to tell the backstories of Magneto, Professor Xavier, Victor Von Doom, and Wolverine.  What do you think of this idea, I’m indecisive about this idea, I’m not even sure I want MCU Wolverine’s backstory to be played by the same performer we will see on the big screen.  Related to this, if these shows were to take place do you think it’s a good way to introduce these characters before they appear in MCU films why or why not, Sean?

5:32 Woo S! Kim

I have a bit of a conundrum Sean being a kid of the 1990’s and both “X-Men: The Animated Series” and “Spider-Man: The Animated Series” were both much “Must See TV” for me as a kid on Saturday mornings on the FOX Network, which did you prefer and why?  I can’t pick.

7:11 Phillip Castro

Hey Sean, hope you’re doing well lately! If you had to select a M.V.A. (Most Valuable Avenger) from each of the first three Avengers movies, who do you think you’d choose? Feel free to base M.V.A. performance on whatever aspects you’d like. Thank you and looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this!

16:27 Jeremy Eden

Over this past weekend, I was somehow reminded of the time that DC was developing a Green Lantern movie starring Jack Black, with the intent of making it a comedic take on the character and universe.

If the MCU didn't exist and we had no choice but to accept a straight comedy take on the universe, who would you "like" to see cast in some of the roles?

To be considered a comedic actor, the performer must come directly from stand-up, sketch, improv, or sitcoms.  Since I'm not sure how vast your knowledge of comedic actors is, I will allow you to choose any performer, living or dead, and you can pick them directly from any specific time period.  In other words, if you wanted to take inspiration from a classic SNL sketch, you could cast 1975 John Belushi as the Hulk.

You can cast as many MCU Avengers/Guardians as you can pick.  You don't have to cast every role.

18:43 Maya

Hey Sean! You may have answered this way back when, but do you have any predictions on who created Rocket? I was watching a New Rockstars video that resurfaced James Gunn’s old tweet saying “Believe it or not if you’re really really smart it’s [Rocket’s creator] hidden somewhere in Vol.2”. I would love to hear your theories if you have any.

20:40 Alex

What  2020 Marvel movies are you most excited for Eternals or Black Widow?  For me,  Eternals excites me  so much  more since like Guardians it feels like uncharted territory the MCU hasn't explored before and that will always excite more than revisiting an old character we've seen before in the movies in a prequel(if the rumors are to believed).

23:01 Derek Beebe

Hey Sean, what are your favorite comic book based video games?  Aside from the PS4 Spider-Man game nothing recent springs to mind, but I loved the X-Men Legends / Marvel Alliance series back in the day.  So many deep cuts as Paul would say.

27:08 Derek Beebe

Are you familiar with the modern day X-Men comics?  I've only dabbled.  Nothing holds up to Claremont for me, though I also feel a great nostalgia for the 90s Lobdell era which I grew up on.  And Joss Whedon's brief run was great.

28:19 Derek Beebe

What do you think of Brian Bendis?  While I remember loving his New Avengers run, whenever I read anything by him now it just sounds like the same character speaking over and again in a highly unrealistic fashion, which the internet has even termed as Bendis-Speak. 

29:18 Alex

You've probably been asked some variation of this question before but do you think there should be a best comic book picture category for the Oscars similar to the  best animated picture categories  or do you think that's simply to patronizing and there should have a comic book movie be a contender for best picture  just as much as   the  non-superhero  independent films?  And do  feel the same way about animated movies as well. And  do you think Into The Spider-Verse should've been a best picture contender instead of just a contender for the animated picture category.

34:07 Michael Louis Weaselboy

You might have answered this one at one point but, I was just wondering what is the science of Iron Man?? I know it isn't possible like it is in the movies but how would he be able to fly and do all of the stuff he does in the movies. One thing I have always wondered about is if he gets thrown around inside the suit surely he would break something especially on hard metal, it doesn't look like any padding is in his suits. Also how would the real world react to Tony Stark becoming Iron Man?? What kind of metal would he use?? And would an arc reactor be possible in real life?? Would the government go after him and his suits like what happened on Iron Man 2?? Thoughts??

41:30 David Rosen

From the few official descriptions we have of Avengers Endgame, it sounds like reality is going to be something that gets played with a lot in the film, and like Back to The Future Part II, the real plot will revolve around trying to fix something that gets broke, a la reality, timelines, etc. Do you think in the movie, the heroes could end up “beating” Thanos and reversing the snap relatively early on in the movie, only to discover that something ends up being not quite right and whatever crazy antics they used to fix their problem actually screwed things up even more and they end up spending the rest of the movie trying to undo what they did? How much Thanos do you think we’ll actually see in the film? Do you think there’s a chance that he won’t really be “main” villain, but they it could actually be something more abstract like time and/or reality itself?

44:01 David Rosen

The last time we saw both The Grandmaster and The Collector, they were both in precarious situations, having lost their power, their possessions, and for both, potentially their lives. Let’s say for argument’s sake, that the Collector survived Thanos and the Grandmaster survived those Sakarans, how would you feel about seeing them in their own Disney+ limited series trying to regain what they previously lost together? If you’re a Walking Dead fan, I would kind of liken it to The Governor’s story arc having been in charge of a community, lost it all, and then seeking to regain it by any mean necessary. Except here, we would have two very wacky, eccentric, and totally different brothers traveling the cosmos, looking for ways to get back on top. They could visit all the various corners of the Marvel Cosmic Universe that we probably wouldn’t get a chance to see in the movies. I know it’s hard to say no to a Benecio del Toro and Jeff Goldblum mini-series, but how would you feel about this idea and is there anything you would add to make this a more interesting story? What parts of the cosmic side of things would you bring into this series to continue building up the MCU?

47:33 David Rosen

Since the MCU started, every character that has been introduced in its own franchise has made its way into an Avengers movie. Do you think starting in phase 4 and moving forward, we’ll get any new characters with their own movie that won’t eventually join the Avengers? With the way things are moving forward, do you think the movies will continue to be dedicated to introducing characters in their own movie first before eventually putting them on some kind of team, whether it’s the Avengers or X-men (after the deal closes) or can any newly introduced characters simply exist in their own established world inside the MCU without joining a team? I really don’t anything about him yet, but could Shang Chi be the first character in the MCU to exist on his own inside the MCU? Does he have a history with the Avengers that could one day lead him to join the team?

51:05 Alex

What  X-Men character other than Wolverine do you think will be able to hold their own solo film series or a Disney Plus show?

52:39 Mookie Johnson

Based on what you've seen in the MCU (not counting Captain Marvel), who would you rate as top 3 in order for land speed and then for air speed if there were races?

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