Sean answers your Marvel questions!

0:23 Brandon Coleman

Does the news that Gwyneth Paltrow is retiring from the MCU give further reason to believe that Tony is either dead or “retired” at the end of Endgame? Also, of course knowing that there’s no news so sad but, how do you personally see the FF and X-Men being brought in/explained in (the X-gene) to the MCU?

6:35 David Rosen

Hey Sean and Fellow Patrons, hope all is well and everyone is having a great week. Sean, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind recapping what is was like when you got invited to your first Marvel Studios premiere. How were you “discovered”? Who was it that reached out to you? Were you invited to attend that first premiere, or did you have to apply as a member of the press? Is there any one or few things that you did at that time that you think made people at Marvel take notice? And also in a more general sense, with so many people out there with blogs, podcasts, websites, Youtube channels, etc., how does the industry make the distinction of who “counts” as press, versus who might be just a regular Joe that happens to have a website or youtube channel with some followers? Is there a magic number for views, website hits, or some sort of fan circle fame that one must acquire to be invited to premieres as press? I know there are a number of Patrons here who have their own things going on, and I don’t mean to sound demeaning to them, but I’m just curious about your own experience, and also perhaps your answers could help them garner a wider following and recognition; if that’s something they desire. Thanks, Sean!

25:53 Alex

What do you think of the trolls review bombing Captain Marvel and why do you think this movie is attracting so negative attention from those type of people? Are they really that butthurt over what Brie Larson has said about inclusion. It’s really sad & pathetic.

31:08 Woo S! Kim

If you were to name up to six Marvel characters that other people love, but you just never saw the appeal of (teams included and they count as one.)  What would they be and why?

33:16 Woo S! Kim

Now this is a just a general question about comics in general not even necessarily Marvel, but before the 1980’s historians could call back to the Golden, Silver, and Bronze age of comics.  With so many reboots, merging of worlds, and retcons. Will we ever have define ages of comics any longer? I don’t think there will be because comics like pro wrestling and like many different forms of entertainment have become corporate, I am neither here or nor there about that.  However, what are your feelings that really after The Bronze Age, there has not been a defined era comics since or one that people universally for the most part agree on?

36:36 Robert Reineke

Hi Sean. With the merger of Disney and Fox reportedly imminent, is there a future for one of the great Hollywood studios in Fox? The future slate for Fox looks pretty barren, at least partly in response to uncertainty about what the buyout means, and Fox doesn't look particularly poised for a strong year. I can see the Deadpool, and Hercule Poirot series play out. Does Disney let Fox hold on to Avatar? Does Disney need another studio developing and producing blockbusters? What are your thoughts on the current and future state of Fox?

46:20 Woo S! Kim

What are your thoughts on the trailer for the second season of "Cloak & Dagger?"I really liked the first season, what did you think of the first season did you ever get a chance to finish the season?

47:10 Conor Kelly

Hi Sean,my first time with a question for the Q&A. Love what you’re doing,keep it up!
If the mcu continues in the future as successfully as it has for the last 10 years,presumably at some point older/established characters like Tony and Cap will need to be retired/killed off as they can’t continue indefinitely. At what point though do you think the Disney accountants step in and look for a reboot of the characters if they think they can make more money from them over newer more unknown characters and if so do they restart the whole mcu universe to draw in a new generation of kids,if you know what I mean!!

52:26 Kerry Vanderberg

Hi Sean, I hope you are having a good week so far!

The Dark Knight Trilogy made me a Christopher Nolan fan, so that I will go see just about any movie that he makes (Inception is my favorite non-Batman Nolan film). After they have finished their time in the MCU, will the Russo brothers be reaching that level for you? What about for general audiences? I know they are producers on the SyFy show Deadly Class and saw some positive buzz about it on my Twitter feed, but have not watched it yet (since I don’t have cable, I’m waiting for when it might drop on Netflix or Amazon prime). Have you watched that show at all? If so, what do you think? Will you continue to follow the Russo’s work similar to how you became a fan of Nolan? Are there any other MCU directors that have/will get to Nolan’s level for you, whom you’ll continue following their work after their time in the MCU is finished?

56:37 Robert Reineke

As a thought experiment, I note that while the MCU has clearly been the most successful franchise financially of the 2010s, it's rare that franchises maintain that dominance for more than a decade before something else takes the crown. Not that I expect the MCU to suddenly become unsuccessful post-Endgame, but do you see anything on the horizon that will challenge the MCU for dominance? Dune? A Chinese crossover? Musicals? Disney animation? DC? Video games inspired films? Afro-futurism? Cyber-punk? Other?

1:02:49 David Rosen

I was recently thinking about marketing campaigns and what it would be like to try and market a movie without using the standard type of trailer, and it made me think of some of the clever things that Deadpool did, like the Bob Ross bit for example, to give you a sense of the movie, without giving anything away.

What would you do if you were the head of marketing for Disney, and Kevin Feige and the Russos came to you and said, “We want every audience member to have the same experience and know next to nothing about Avengers Endgame. We know that we need to have marketing for the movie, but we really don’t want to show any footage until as late as possible, if at all.” Perhaps taking a cue from Deadpool’s marketing, though without the comedic aspect obviously, what Endgame “adjacent” things would you do to market the movie? For example, I was thinking that a series of newscasts talking about the state of the world, or clips from talk shows of people discussing what exactly happened in the first place to make half the world disappear and/or whether the Avengers are to blame would be good ways to clue people in as to the state of events. What would you do if you had to market this movie and weren’t allowed to use any footage?

1:08:28 Michael Louis Weaselboy

Hey Sean how is your week going?? I hope its good. I am sad that we wont see anymore Marvel shows on Netflix and when they announced that Punisher and Jessica Jones are cancelled as well, I was expecting it but still sad to finally see it. You have spoken that unless a miracle happens we will likely never see those actors in their roles again. I do think that is a shame I loved Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock/Daredevil and Jon Bernthal as The Punisher. That being said do you think in a few years Marvel studios will use the characters and give them their own movies?? I would love to see a Daredevil movie where he actually interacts with the avengers. I bet Marvel Studios would recast everybody tho just to get a fresh start, which is really sad to think about. Anyways my question is where do you think Daredevil season 4 was going? I assume Bullseye would be the main villain this time fully Bullseye. Do you think they could have introduced Mister Fear?? What other things could happen??

1:12:50 David Rosen

Since Age of Ultron, Tony has been designing, building, and paying for everything for the Avengers, not to mention providing them with a home base. As you’ve talked about a lot, if he survives Endgame, a real retirement for Tony would have to mean that he fully and completely steps away from being involved with the Avengers so that he can fully devote himself to building a family with Pepper. So if Tony does actually retire, 1) do you think he also stops providing them with new tech/money, and if so, who becomes their new supplier? Wakanda? Shield? Another hero/inventor completely? and 2) Without Tony’s money, do the Avengers end up back as a subgroup of SHIELD?

I realize the easiest thing to say might be that as long as he isn’t actively fighting with them, he can still offer his money and his expertise/tech, but that’s essentially what he was doing in Captain America: Civil War as an active-duty, non-combatant. So wouldn’t him continuing to be involved in anyway be a slippery slope to him eventually rejoining the team at some point down the line? Or is this actually the point (for the MCU, not for Tony)? Does retirement mean a full and complete severing from the Avengers, or is there any wiggle room in there for him to still be minimally involved?

1:18:42 Derek Beebe

I have an Endgame theory.  We know Thanos has retired to his farm to live a peaceful live guarding the Gems from being used again.  But surely he wants a security system in place to prevent any unwelcome visitors?  I'm thinking this planet is completely surrounded by the remains of his army, forcing the Avengers to infiltrate and ultimately shoot their way past an alien fleet in order to get to him.

1:20:03 Derek Beebe

I was listening to an older episode where you speculate about a mystery second villain in Endgame.  Given the lack of any casting announcement at this point, I can only assume we can dismiss this idea now.  But if there is a secret second, who do you think it could be?

1:22:03 Derek Beebe

I assume Kang the Conqueror is under Marvel's direct ownership, despite his alter ego Rama Tut's first appearance in Fantastic Four.  Would you like to see Kang as the Big Bad of the inevitable Avengers 4?

1:24:55 Derek Beebe

I hope this isn't too personal, but I was wondering what your job is in the industry, and what projects have you worked on?

1:28:23 David Rosen

If any of the Netflix shows do come back on Hulu in their current iterations, do you think the shows would keep their edgy content in that we would see the same amount of explicit language, violence, and/or sexual content that the shows have become accustomed to including? Or do you think including those things have become one of the hallmarks of those series? As Hulu is soon to be majority owned by Disney, would they cut down on all that stuff? Personally, I’ve always felt that the amount of violence and sexual content, which I’ve felt was a little gratuitous anyway, could be dialed back a bit without losing anything from the show. In fact, I think dialing all that back a little might make it easier for the current versions of the characters to eventually cross over into the movies, however unlikely that may be. What are your thoughts, Sean?

1:31:21 Ben

Hey Sean! Something that irks me is when some DC fans claim that there is a “Marvel bias”, and DC should get equal respect/trust from fans, general audiences, critics, and press. My question is, why should they? Marvel Studios has earned their current status by releasing consistent, quality, content and creating a storytelling format that changed Hollywood. And it’s not like Marvel never had any skeptics, there were plenty of people who didn’t think this experiment would work in the beginning. It reminds me of sports fans who complain that the refs are always out to get them. Maybe your team just isn’t good enough. By the way, I’m a huge DC fan who is looking forward to many of their upcoming projects. Anyway, do you think people have a leg to stand on when talking about a “Marvel bias”?

1:36:16 Brett Heier

Two of my favorite characters in the X-men are Blink and Emma Frost. I hope that they make Emma Frost better and they use Blink more. Thoughts?  

1:36:59 Brett Heier

In Infinity War, Wong says that the stones control the different elements in the universe, so does this mean that if, for example, the time stone was destroyed, then all time would stop, because that element was destroyed. Same with reality, would reality just be destroyed? I might be missing something here. Anyway, thanks for having an awesome podcast!

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