Sean answers your Marvel questions!

0:23 Hector Giovanni Navarrete

Hey Sean I was just barely listening to your Shanlian on Batman guest appearance episode in which y’all discuss the 10 year anniversary of TDK. First of all that episode was great! TDK has a special place in my heart because it’s the film that made me fall in love with “geek”/pop culture! After that film and in anticipation of TDKR is where I found MMM and you, amongst other podcast about similar topics. So I wasn’t around for the build up to TDK and wasn’t a part of the ARG for that film. So that episode was a great chronicle of events leading up to that film, thank you! My questions are:

1. Why do you think no other Superhero/Comic book film has not done an ARG similar to TDK? I know TDKR did one but it doesn’t sound like it was on the level it was for TDK. 

06:51 Hector Giovanni Navarrete
2. I know you mention in that episode that no other ARG was as big or as detailed as TDK’s. While I agree it’s one of the most popular ones out there, the only one that, to me, can truly rival that one is the 1st Cloverfield movies’ ARG. I wasn’t really following this stuff at that time, but it seems like that one was also as big and detailed. It seems that this film’s ARG wasn’t as popular/well known as TDK’s. I know that the Cloverfield fan group is a “cult” fandom (not in a bad way, just in regards to size). I love the Cloverfield franchise, was let down by Cloverfield Paradox but the first 2 were great! What’s your opinion on them? I think you’ve mentioned before that you liked the 1st one directed by Matt Reeves.

08:03 Hector Giovanni Navarrete
3. Lastly I feel like Nolan was also starting a type of trend in superhero cinema of having a villain prologue before jumping into the crux of the stories (examples: TDK & TDKR). I know some superhero films have done a sort of prologue of sorts, although not necessarily of villains per say more like about main characters/parents (examples Ant-Man & The Wasp, ASM 1). Although Civil War did have a good short one about Winter Soldier and Tony’s parents. Do you like when there are prologues to movies, more specifically to superhero movies, and why do you think they can be effective? Also do you like when they are integral to the story or just sort of add some context to the bigger story? Would you like more films in the genre to do more prologues?

10:30 Derek Beebe

What do you think was the best year of multiple Marvel movie releases?  I think it's 2018; Black Panther, Infinity War, and Ant-Man Wasp were all excellent!  

11:47 Derek Beebe
What year do you think had the biggest quality gap between movies?  My pick is 2016.  I really loved Civil War, but I thought Doctor Strange was merely good.

12:32 Derek Beebe

What are the best Marvel movies to get in 4K?

13:45 Derek Beebe

I've been reading the Abnett/Lanning run of cosmic comics from Annihilation to Conquest to War of Kings to the Thanos Imperative.  What was your favorite storyline of these?

15:12 Phillip Castro

Hey Sean, great job on the content as always! I apologize if this has already been touched on but I wanted to ask your thoughts on whether or not you can see Ghost possibly playing a significant role in Endgame beyond rescuing Scott from the Quantum Realm?

16:23 Alex

Why do you think Video game related movies don't work as movies as well as comic book/novel adaptations? And can you ever see a good and successful  video game movie ever being made? 

20:17 Woo S! Kim

I used to purchase the Marvel Collector Corps from Funko for my little sisters and they love them.  Although, I feel since Funko partnered with Amazon starting with the Deadpool 2 Collector Corps box the quality of the exclusive items has gone down, this is the main reason I don’t purchase them any longer, I believe in giving the people I love great gifts.  Do you still get the Marvel Collector Corps boxes and if you have, what are your thoughts on the boxes in the last six months or so?

22:35 Woo S! Kim

Sean is it true in one version of the Six-One-Six Marvel Universe that The Eternals were responsible for the creation of Mutants and would you like to be the explanation of how Mutants are in the MCU, why or why not?

24:17 Woo S! Kim

This is going to be a tough question, but I wanted your point of view, Sean.  Of the three MCU characters that have had trilogies Thor, Captain America, and Iron Man who do you think have had the most compelling transformative arcs that you have enjoyed the most and why, this includes things we’ve seen in team-ups.

25:27 Alex Ward

Do you think Black Widow will have a male or female villain? While I want the villain to be a woman so we can have more representation in the MCU, I also think she deserves to go up against a prestige mainstream villain like Taskmaster. What are some female villains you'd like to see in the Black Widow movie, or possibly gender-bent male villains?

27:10 Michael Louis Weaselboy

Hey Sean how do you think they will do Deadpool 3?? Ryan Reynolds said it would be very different, do you think they will incorporate the previous two into the MCU as is or make it a pocket universe? I know it might confuse the audience but we will see. Also when do you think they will release it?

29:45 Jordan Bentley

Hey Sean! Assuming that we lose certain Avengers in Endgame, be it to retirement or deaths, do you think we will get characters like Riri who will pick up the mantle, or will they just let those characters rest for a while?

33:03 Alex

Who’s  your top choices for Johnny Storm? I like the idea of Lucas Hedges(who’s the same age as Tom Holland) or  Dacre Montgomery who I liked a lot in Stranger Things season 2. And out of these two suggestions that I have given  which actor out of these two do you think would suit the role more over the other?

34:39 Alex

I know he’s recently been rumored for the Caped Crusader but do you think Richard Madden would be a good fit for everybody’s favorite Elastic genius Dr. Reed Richards?  I think Madden is a good actor based off what I’ve seen of him in the Netflix The Bodyguard and I feel Mr. Madden has a strong resemblance to the original Jack Kirby rendition of Reed from the comics.

35:44 Alex

Sean,  you are quite familiar with my paranoia/worry about certain markets like China blocking the deal but now I have a  big  concern that Brazil might potentially be the roadblock that might prevent the deal from becoming a reality. Apparently Iger recently  had a meeting with Brazilian regulators in order to explain the value of the deal and it ended without any agreement being reached. How do you see this playing out, Sean?  The fact that Iger has to go over to Brazil to meet with regulators tells me that Brazil might be the hardest market to acquire approval in.

39:23 Alex

Do you think the X-Men  coming into the MCU could potentially impede the creativity of the MCU? What  I mean creativity is I’m talking about Marvel’s willingness to make big brands out of properties that were previously considered obscure or not bankable. It’s obvious that if Marvel had X-Men from the start then stuff like Guardians Of The Galaxy would not happen.  Sean, can you eventually see a point in which Marvel will eventually stop making movies about lesser known characters and be strictly be in the Mutant-business or do you still foresee Marvel still making movies around more obscure properties like Eternals and Guardians Of The Galaxy.  I must admit as much as I like the idea of the merry Mutants coming home I still have a worry that Marvel could end up relying on them too much like Warners relied on Batman and Superman until now. 

43:02 Alex Ward

We have not seen many villains make major comebacks in the MCU aside from Loki, Thanos, and maybe one or two more that I'm totally blanking on for some reason. That being said, what existing villains would you like to see come back in a big way? I think Red Skull would be a great character to make a full comeback (yes he cameo'd in Infinity War but that doesn't count), maybe in the Falcon/Bucky series or if the Cap movies continue.

Similarly, when villains do return, there has to be a twist of some sort, or maybe just some kind of change from their first appearance. For example, Loki had the backing of the Chitauri. What do you think will be different about the Avengers' rematch with Thanos? Do you think maybe there's another villain?

49:24 Alex Ward

Do you think the WB streaming service will absorb the DCU service?

54:43 Jerry Kowalski

I managed to get my Disney/Marvel Studios 1st 10yrs AIW hat, and just received the Iron Man one, do u know if there will be others? Also if & when Marvel does do their version of The X-Men, why don't they sit on Wolverine a bit, and focus on the core/og members such as Jean,Iceman,maybe Beast, Prof.X and of course Scott, and finally give scott his due and perhaps push him to the forefront of the new X series?

57:49 Mookie Johnson

Is it plausible the Infinity war shot with the heros running to the camera that wasn't in the movie was actually footage from Avengers: Endgame or was it just shot for the trailer?

59:24 Mookie Johnson

I love the Red Skull's appearance in Infinity War, but it makes no sense to me. Ever since I first saw it, it has felt forced. Why would it send him to the soul stone?  Even if I accept the explanation at face value, it means the Space stone  decided he was unworthy and then sent him to the Soul Stone as punishment.... So I guess the Space stone was thinking if he spends time with the soul stone he'd grow past his greed and lust for power. What are your thoughts on this?

1:04:25 Alex

Jeph Loeb recently commented on the pending Disney/Fox acquisition  and expressed enthusiasm  over the prospects of Marvel having the Merry Mutants and The First Family all under one roof and it got me thinking what effects can you see the Disney merger having on the the future seasons of the  remaining non-netflix,  Marvel shows  produced by the television division like  Agents Of Shield and the Runaways. Could we possibly see mutants in those shows and all future non-Netflix Marvel shows eventually or do you think the mutants will only be relegated to only Marvel Studio's productions like the movies and the Disney Streaming Service shows?

1:08:56 Alex Ward

Avengers: Endgame Spoiler question

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