Sean answers your Marvel questions!

0:23 Angel L Ashby

Hey Sean, so judging by the footage and Nat's hair, we can (probably) discern a bit of a time line. Blonde, right after Infinity War. Red and blonde tips probably about a year later based on hair growth. So some of what is left of our team ends up shooting off into space on the Benatar. One, do you think they are heading out to find Thanos, and do you think that's possibly an act one losing battle? And two, why would Tony and Nebula not be there, unless maybe it is doctored footage? Thanks!! Can't wait to listen!

2:48 Alex

Do you think Far From Home will be the first Spider-Man film to join the billion dollar club thanks in part to it being the first Post-Endgame MCU film? I think it's safe to assume that the events of Endgame will have some impact on Far From Home.

4:13 Alex Ward

Hi Sean! Hope you and the other Patrons secured your tickets smoothly! I just saw Jordan Peele's US, so I've got a couple questions: 1) Did you see Us yet? If so, what did you think? 2) Do you think Jordan Peele would ever consider joining the MCU as a director, or does he strike you more as the type to do his own thing? 3) If you could put Peele on an MCU property, what would it be? I think he'd be perfect for X-Men because of the ways he tackles heavy social issues in the guise of creative but well-crafted science fiction/fantasy without sacrificing the strength or importance of either aspect.

9:22 Alex

Knowing that you have a very low opinion on Fan4stic, would you ever have at least have the slightest curiosity to see Trank's original Fan4stic cut before Fox hijacked the film?

9:34 Alex

New Mutants was featured on a Dolby Vision release slate.  So does this mean its now a foregone conclusion that Josh Boone's New Mutants film, which as far as we know still hasn't even done any re-shoots as of yet, will be released in theaters?

12:20 Robert Klauser

What's up, everyone? Hope everyone that wanted them got tickets to opening night for Endgame. How many times are you gonna see the movie on opening weekend? Also are you getting the Road to Endgame artbook coming out the Tuesday before the movie or just waiting for the actual Endgame book?

14:46 Alex

If New Mutants does indeed  get a  theatrical release can you see it being profitable or does the movie kind of spell complete bomb and would you rather Disney just dump it on a streaming service like Hulu instead of spending money on re-shoots and more marketing?

16:51 Toni Peluso

Hello Sean, 2 questions. 1) With the presales tickets being crazy, do you think Avengers Endgame has a chance to break $300M opening weekend (domestic)? This is something that never has been done before. 2) I know it's really early, but do you think Marvel will have a big presence at SDCC? I know the edict is to try to withdraw from CC and have D23 take its place. But I was just wondering if, with the passing of Stan Lee, no real announcements regarding their upcoming slate and maybe as a thank you to whatever crazy numbers Endgame ends up doing, do you think they will go all in at SDCC? Or do you think they will hold off and make their big announcements at D23?

20:13 Alex

Do you think Marvel will put the X-Men and Fantastic Four in Avengers films and if they do should they include the teams in full or do you think there should be one individual member from each group should appear? 

21:25 Derek Beebe

Hey Sean, if you could change one thing about some of the MCU movies, what would it be?  I'm particularly interested in what you would change for Iron Man 2, Dark World, and Age of Ultron.

25:38 Derek Beebe

Have you heard any news about the return of Ghost, possibly in the Black Widow movie?  I still love your idea of Nat mentoring Ghost in the present day.

26:35 Derek Beebe

What do you think the opening scene of Endgame will be?  I'm guessing something quiet and somber, like the Statue of Liberty shot and a montage of devastation.  What do you think the final image will be?

29:18 Garrett Atwell

In your opinion, what hero(s) should die in endgame from a story perspective? I personally say cap and Bucky would be good or even cap ending up with Peggy via time travel some how or something. Thor dying would be super tragic since everyone else in his family have died as well.

31:45 David Rosen

Hey Sean and Friends, I hope everyone is having a great week so far and was able to get the tickets they wanted for End Game. I just want to say how great it was in the Discord this week hearing everyone’s experiences getting tickets, so thanks everyone for sharing.  I'm really looking forward to everyone sharing their experiences from seeing the actual movie. Sean, in thinking about Vision’s equation in CA: Civil War, that the Avengers’ very strength invites challenge, do you think that by the time End Game is over, it will address the fact that The Avengers victory over Thanos will likely make their name known throughout the galaxy? Do you see it as a good thing to be known throughout the galaxy or does this put the earth at risk of inviting bigger, badder threats? How long do you think it will be before we see the next big cosmic threat?

35:12 Paul Shearman

Hey Sean and patrons, hope everyone’s blood pressure has returned to normal after the Great Ticket Scramble of 2019!! Sean, I had fun listening to your quest to get tickets on the Daily Bugle, I knew you got them in the end but it was tense listening! 

I was in a team meeting when I got my first notification for tickets being on UK release, but I was in a poor 4G location, so my adrenaline kicked in immediately! Fortunately, I was leading the meeting, and as it was with my own team members, I was able to pull rank and turned it into a team building session of them watching me jump online (up on the big screen we were using!) to secure my tickets!  We didn’t have the crashes on ticket sites here in the UK that it sounds like you had in the US, but there were slow moments that got me worried! 

So my question relates to your quest! Did you have that moment any time when you thought ‘wow, I actually may not get ANY tickets for opening night!’

Hope all the patrons were able to get tickets for all the showings they wanted, and I’m now muting Endgame from my twitter feed, as I’ve seen enough footage now and I don’t want anything else spoiled!

39:07 Michael Weaselboy

Hey Sean how is your week going?? I got my tickets for Endgame already, I cant wait to sit in that theater on Thursday night. Anyways my question is, do you think the Marvel movies will have some kind of Stan lee picture in the background from now on?? To replace the Stan cameos. I think its what they did in the Netflix shows and Deadpool. Thoughts??

40:02 Mark Brian

Hello, Sean...thank you for your continuing efforts.  The amount of content is amazing!  I was wondering if you think we'll ever see the Squadron Supreme (or Squadron Sinister) in the MCU.  I've always enjoyed them, but I think that since the characters were so clearly based on the Justice League, perhaps they may be a little too on the nose to bring to live action.

41:39 Rodrigo Valverde III

Hey there, Sean. I’m not normally a Hot Toys buyer because of how expensive they are, but I finally gave in and bought my first one which was the Infinity War Captain America (my favorite MCU character), and no lie, I’m probably going to have to buy the Endgame Captain America as well. Hot Toys also released promo images of their Endgame Thanos figure with a fully unscathed infinity gauntlet. So my questions are: Are you a Hot Toys collector? And do you think Thanos will have a fully powered infinity gauntlet in Endgame, or do you think it was just included for the figure? 

Thanks for all the great content!


Would you  want  the prior Deadpool  films to be made retroactively canon in the MCU? For me personally I think it wouldn't make any sense since Mutants are already a thing known by the public but in the first Deadpool there was a Shield and there  was  a reference to Black Widow and Hawkeye in Deadpool 2.  So in theory those films could be made to be MCU canon.

49:27 Robert Santiago

In the new special look trailer, Tony shakes caps hand(so it looks) but looking closer at the costume, it doesn't look like caps outfit. Who do you think that could be and also, doesn't it look like when thanos appears, he's coming thru the bifrost?! What do you think? New trailer is amazing and I can't wait for April 25th!

51:08 Seth Goslin

These films are wonderful and making good films is hard, so highest respect to the filmmakers...That said, there are occasionally some lovable warts in the films for me. In the Civil War airport fight, there's a super awkward cut to Natasha as Scott and Steve are throwing the "Water Truck" at Rhodey. Ant-man has delightful cut when Darren Cross is introducing "this company's founder and my mentor...Hank Pym". Most of the the scene is shot with the camera slightly below Cross but for a second the camera angle is from above him. This results in him looking tiny for a moment, like a forced-perspective kind of thing. This always makes my family laugh based on the movie being about shrinking things. Any lovable warts that stick out to you?

54:07 Jeremy Watson

Hey Sean and fellow patrons! In preparation for AE I am re-watching as many MCU movies as I can, starting with Phase 1. After watching The Incredible Hulk, why do you think Marvel did away with Banner monitoring his heart rate? Also, do you think we will ever see Abomination  again. I can't believe we are almost 20 days away! Thanks and have a great week!

57:33 Toni Peluso

Hi Sean, one more question. Since the Russo's have said there is misleading footage in the trailers/tv spots/special look, any thoughts or hopes and to what might be a complete fake-out?

59:14 David Rosen

In the most recent episode of the Marvel Unlimited book club, you mentioned that while you understood the reasons for it, you thought it was unfortunate that we probably wouldn’t get a chance to see some of the abuse that Bruce Banner experienced as a kid at the hands of his father. But it made me think, we’ve speculated here, and I think the Russo’s have also mentioned, that Tony’s BARF machine would/could come into play at some point in End Game, and I believe one of the places you’ve speculated that it could be used would be to help merge Bruce’s personality with the Hulk. When BARF was initially introduced in Civil War, we saw it being used to replay some of Tony’s past memories, so if it is used on Bruce, do you think we could actually see it used to access and show some of Bruce’s past memories that we haven’t seen with this incarnation of the Hulk?

1:01:47 Chris Cascio

Howdy everyone glad to be back. So after all the Black Widow news that came out today do you have any reading recommendations for people who haven't read any black widow comics?

1:02:56 Mookie Johnson

After watching an MCU movie, have you ever gone back and looked at spoiler reports and fan theories just to see how accurate any of them might have been?

1:04:08 Mookie Johnson

What is your head Canon answer as to where the Abomination and the leader have been since Incredible Hulk?

1:05:42 Carole

I was just watching Infinity War...again!  How do the Avengers communicate so easily with each other?  IronMan with SpiderMan, even after SM removes his mask?  Thor with Rocket and Eitri from outside the mine and the spacecraft?  It made me chuckle to see the flawless, seamless communication they have!

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