1:58 Giuseppe Vicaretti

Hello Sean, and fellow Patrons. With this week being the official release of Avengers Endgame, my question for you is do you think Marvel or even DC could pull off something like this again? A Cinematic Saga that shakes us as this Saga has? Or do you think this is one of those once in a lifetime experiences?

6:01 Zach D Alston

I know that many of the snapped characters will be coming back, with Spiderman, Black Panther, and Strange having sequels in the future.  Is there some way to bring back some of the heroes without completely undoing the snap?  I don't like the idea that the snap just didn't happen.

6:42 Alex

Sean, describe your emotions  when watching the  ending to  not just Endgame but  to  the eleven year history of the MCU.  Was it the most emotional  experience you had at the cinema? Did you cry? 

8:19 Jessica Loutfi

Hey Sean. Hope you had an amazing time at the premiere on Monday night. Just wondering what the after party was like? Thanks for everything! Jessica

9:48 Tom DeMichele

Hey Sean hope you had a blast at the premiere. Not including Endgame, what have been some of your favorite crowd reactions in the MCU? One of mine is Red Skull in Infinity War, in which our theater roared and one guy was so shocked he actually stood up. Thanks for everything and have a blast at Thursday opening!

12:47 Keith Barber

Hi Sean, new to the Patreon. Love the show. Wondering after seeing Endgame at the premiere, how many times do you anticipate rewatching it? I’ve used all 3 of my A-List slots. I can’t wait. Thanks for all the work you do for the podcast.

14:17 David Rosen

Hey Sean, I hope you enjoyed the premiere, but honestly, how could you not? I’m sure it would have been very easy to get lost in all the pomp and circumstance, so first just let me say thank you for posting some of those picture you took in the Discord. I had a blast watching the red carpet premiere along with some of the other Patrons in the Discord Watchparty channel, but seeing pictures of what I was watching on TV made it feel like we had someone in the inside. Thank you for taking the time to think of and include your Patrons in your experience when I’m sure it would have been very easy to get lost in the moment trying to take it all in. 

My question is did you feel like you needed the time during the credits and after the movie to process what you’d just seen, like a lot of people did after Infinity War? Also, did watching the movie feel like it took 3 hours, or do we have another expertly paced movie that you just watch and end up forgetting about the time?

19:23 Robert Klauser

No question today Sean. Just wanted to say thanks for heading up this community and helping us all get to this moment. Like you said in the Daily Bugle there are some people here that don’t get a chance to talk about this stuff anywhere else and for me personally I’m glad I have a place to go and people I can talk to about the MCU where quality of the shows and the community is second to none. Looking forward to talking with everyone about the Endgame this weekend.

20:31 Brandon McCollum

What do you think the odds are that Charlie Cox returns as Daredevil in any future MCU movie or tv series? 

26:20 Alex Ward

Hi Sean! How does it feel to be on the other side? Just wondering, and without getting into specifics, did any Patreon or Discord questions or discussion points come to mind at all during the movie? Do you think these conversations enhanced your viewing experience at all, or did you try to forget everything as to not have any preconceived notions during this initial viewing?

29:35 Matt Stuart

Did Endgame feel like it was 3 hours long while you were watching, or did the time seem to pass more quickly?  Thanks!

30:18 Michael Weaselboy

Hey Sean I have a twofer this time 1.) related to a question I asked last time "What nickname do you think Tony Stark would have given Hugh Jackmans Wolverine?" and 2.) What was your least favorite theater experience when watching a Marvel movie??

36:06 Alex Klein

Did you get to meet anyone at the premier?!

38:14 Alex Klein

This may be the last thing we hear before end game. If we are listening to this or a bugle right as we pull into the movie theater lot, what would your final words of wisdom be you’d impart on us now that you’ve seen the movie?

41:05 Woo S! Kim

I am going to tread lightly because I don’t want you to even give a hint of spoilers for “Avengers: Endgame” I know Sean you will not, but you know I mean, I respect that you are open minded about the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but having seen “Avengers: Endgame” not counting Guardians of The Galaxy, Fantastic Four, and X-Men because those are team films but not necessarily team-up films do you believe anything will come close to matching “Avengers: Endgame” in terms overall film quality, I realize this is not a fair question but it is one that has been bugging me since the night of April 22nd when I saw such positive buzz on Twitter.

44:05 Woo S! Kim

Sean, I have been attempting to find this answer on the internet and really finding no definite answers.  Is there a definitive list why semi definitive list of what devices will have Disney+ at launch, I am seeing a lot mixed messages?

45:07 Woo S! Kim

This may be a moot point with the return of X-Men to Marvel in two years or so in cinemas anyway.  On the other hand, I keep my ear to the geek Street and to be frank the only negative press I saw on “Inhumans” the TV show from show business industry critics, was that they found the show either dull, put together half hearted, and or uninspiring not to say Feige would even want to do an MCU Inhumans film, but has there been enough time between the TV series to now, where doing an Inhumans MCU film, wouldn't be an awful idea why or why not?

47:29 Jeremy Watson

Sean, no question this week! Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the Endgame series this year and that I look forward to hearing the discussions after this weekend! Have a great weekend everybody!

48:09 Jim Scroggs

What are your thoughts on Bat Flips and the Universal DH in baseball?

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