1:38 Mookie Johnson

In an Avengers rewatch, I noticed that Hawkeye missed a few times shortly after Loki took over his mind. He shot Fury in the chest when he had to know he had a vest on. Also, when shooting at Maria Hill,  I don't think he hit her or anyone around her. Do you think this is a sign that Hawkeye was resisting the mind stone?

4:15 Mookie Johnson

Given the intel Black Widow and Hawkeye had on the other Avengers, do you think Fury always wanted them to be Avengers or did he just plan for them to be recruiting agents?

5:47 Mookie Johnson

In Captian America: Winter Soldier, do you think the attempt on Fury's life should have killed him as a story choice? I personally prefer what they did in the movie, but a Fury death would have given Maria Hill more to do from that point forward.

8:16 Michael Chavez

Hey Sean! It's so cool to hear everyone doing their own Endgame prep by rewatching all the MCU movies and I am no different. I was watching Age of Ultron and like some, I've come to appreciate it a little more with each viewing given the grand scope of the Infinity Saga. Watching the Vision scene brought up a question I wanted to ask. When Wanda says that she looked inside Vision and saw Annihilation, it was assumed it was Vision if Ultron transferred himself fully. What if she wasn't sure what she saw? What if the destruction she saw was as a result of Thanos getting the mind stone? Vision's stone was the last one Thanos took, which directly led to the snap. This could be interpreted as Wanda being correct in that Vision would ultimately lead to annihilation, but not from Ultron. Thoughts or am I just reaching?

11:15 Alex

Sean, arguably the biggest cinematic event in history will  be out in theaters  but I want to ask you would you be personally disappointed if no one ends up dying?

17:09 Alex Klein

I know we are all waiting with bated breath for the reunion of Cap and Steve, but are there any other scenes are you are hoping will be in the movie that may tie up loose threads from prior movies?

20:03 Tim Callahan

Hey Sean .... Probably can't answer this question this week, but I wanted it in your head. My wife is very pregnant. Not going to the bathroom for 3 hours is a tall order. Hoping for next weeks Q&A (I will ask again) you can think of a non-spoilery way to say this is a good time to go. Something like "when Cap & Black Widow go to Starbucks" or "Iron Man reunites with Pepper".  I'm sure those without pregnant wives would also appreciate the answer.

22:53 brentacPrime

Do you think that Endgame will set up any of the Disney plus shows we have now been officially told about?

24:40 Jeremy Watson

Hey Sean and fellow Patrons. There is plenty of speculation that this is the endgame for Cap. Do you think we will finally hear him say those two words he was so close to saying at the end of Age of Ultron....”Avengers A...”? Thanks and enjoy these last few days!

26:54 Alex

Do you think Reed and Sue should  already have children when the first MCU FF film comes out or would you prefer that to be a gradual thing that’s built up to? 

28:21 Alex

Do you think it’s possible  Feige will retool the Doom film the Fox has been developing into a 8-episode Disney Plus series and have Noah Hawley be the showrunner? And would you prefer either a tv show or a movie?

30:13 Giuseppe Vicaretti

Hey Sean and fellow Patrons. If you could choose one infinity stone to guard as your own, the way Vision does, or Doctor Strange does, which one would you choose to guard, if you had the option to choose?

33:40 Garrett Atwell

Simple question; who do you think is the strongest avenger? Personally, I think with Stormbreaker Thor is, but without probably captain marvel.

34:20 Alex

Sean, what're your thoughts on the new Hellboy’s failure? I’m sure you know already that the movie has a 15% Rotten Tomatoes score, and a ‘C’ on Cinemascore and had a really abysmal opening weekend of only 12 million- opening third behind Shazam and a comedy.  And if you have seen it, what’s your thoughts on the movie itself?

40:47 Derek Beebe

Hey Sean, why are the ratings for Agents of SHIELD so abysmal?  The pilot did amazing numbers and everything dropped precipitously from there.  Why aren’t more MCU fans wanting a weekly installment of their favorite franchise?  I’ve never missed an episode, though I will admit the show did not turn out to be what I had originally hoped for with costumed superheroes and villains guest-starring every week.

50:45 Woo S! Kim

Sean, do you consider Stan Lee’s photos showing up in the Marvel Netflix’s shows as cameos or Easter Eggs, I am more inclined to call them Easter Eggs, along this subject now that Mr. Lieber is dead would you like after “Avengers: Endgame” Mr. Lieber’s photo to pop up in all Marvel media going forward not just in Marvel Television and or MCU related properties but in video games and comics as well, why or why not?

54:40 Woo S! Kim

You touched on this subject about two weeks ago on “The Daily Bugle” has your opening weekend viewing schedule been set or are you still attempting to work out the kinks in your schedule Sean?  Related to this, what format are you going to see first IMAX, IMAX 3-D, Dolby and how many times?

57:00 Michael Weaselboy

Hey Sean you might have answered this already at one point but how different would the MCU be right now if Edward Norton and Terrance Howard were never recast?? I know one side effect is Norton would not have done as much indie movies as he does now, maybe Terrance Howard would not be in Empire as well. Thoughts??

1:01:14 Jak Sherlock

Hey Sean, I was watching Age of Ultron and realised Thor, Steve, Natasha and Tony all see their fears realised or memories that haunt them when they are manipulated by Scarlett Witch. However, we never get to see what Banner was seeing during his rampage. What do you think he was seeing or do you think Scarlett Witch only tapped into his rage?

Thanks as always!

1:03:38 Jeremy Watson

Do you think Scott Lang survived the snap because he was in the Quantum Realm or that he was just part of the half that survived? Maybe the Quantum Realm isn’t affected by stones? Thanks

1:04:58 Adam

Hey Sean. New to being a patreon and first time writing in. I have a couple of questions. First I don’t know if you have already talked about this or thought about it but what are the chances of ultron showing up in endgame? Personally I would love it and think it would be really shocking if he did. We never did see what happened with him. Maybe he is in the mind stone. Second question do you know if it has been announced how many post credit scenes we are getting? Thanks for all your doing and cannot wait for the next episode and endgame #whateverittakes

1:10:18 Chris Cascio

Hi y'all. I was wanting to a simple behind the scenes question about how to review new upcoming movies and the planning process of from notes(how do you even take notes while watching) to podcast and about how much time that normally takes.

1:23:59 Zachary Kleinsasser

Hey Sean!! Hope all is well in your world! I was so happy to hear that the Marvel Disney+ Series will probably release one episode a week rather then a binge format! Between my wife, who has no interest in anything Marvel, and my 2 young children, I never have time to sit and watch an entire series all at once.  By the time I am able to finish a binge series season and discuss it, everyone has moved on.  I am very excited that I can, potentially, be in the conversations as they are happening.  Do you think you and Paul will do podcasts dedicated to each episode every week? I know you guys have pretty full schedules, but I would love to watch an episode and then hear your guy's thoughts the next day.  Thanks for everything you do!

1:27:59 Alex Ward

Hi Sean! This is just a meta question about spoiler culture in general--I have NOT seen the spoilers from Monday night. In light of the massive apparent leak from Endgame, do you believe in "controlled leaks", meaning Disney/Marvel Studios purposely leak stuff to the press or the internet-at-large to gauge audience interest or to build hype? If so, what are some examples of studios doing this in the past?

1:31:00 Alex

What do you make of Feige's comments regarding the Disney-Fox deal from that recent Variety article saying: "Imagine if Donald Duck was at another studio. Imagine if Goofy or Moana were someplace else and you didn’t have access to them even though they are yours.”  What does that particular quote tell you about  Feige's feelings on  not having access to all the Marvel characters? I must admit I was a bit stunned that he phrased it that way. Particularly when he said when the character licensed  by other characters are truly his. 

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