Sean answers your Marvel questions!

0:22 Gerrit

Hi Sean. I’m not to educated on Thanos’s history in the comics. So is the double bladed sword we’ve seen him with a known weapon from his past?  Or is this something new you and other comic readers familiar with him are seeing the first time?  Thanks.

1:45 Gerrit

Hi Sean. Are you able to tell us when the LA premier is for Endgame and if you’re attending?  Also, when is the social media embargo and full review embargo lifted?  

2:15 William Ford-Conway

Hey Sean, revisiting some of the MCU recently and I just finished my rewatch of Age of Ultron. I have always been one of the big defenders of the movie and honestly it keeps crawling up the list as one of my favorites, but one specific thing I noticed on this rewatch is how enhanced much of its story is now that the MCU has been further explored. There are many thematic, story and character choices that feel way more potent now that the Endgame is in sight. I could go on forever with examples, but one quick one was Thor's story (while a bit inelegantly handled) feels more important than ever. His vision warns of a future where his "godly powers" will bring about the end of his loved ones and even his people. Now this doesn't turn out literally, but eventually we do see Thor gain even more Godly powers while also facing the loss of his people, all while confronting his own guilt and responsibility for it. This made me think about how unprecedented Marvel's Franchise storytelling is that even though while all of this is not planned and there is some retroactive context and yes there's a level of us fans reading into it, it still doesnt negate that the story's previous entries have been enriched with more movies. I would say its due to Feige and team still helming the ship, whereas other franchises without that direction feel aimless at worst (early DCEU) or disconnected at best (Star Wars in my opinion). What is your take on some of this retroactive enrichment and are there any favorite examples for you?

10:41 Derek Beebe

Hey Sean, who do you think gets the final kill shot on Thanos in Endgame? Do you have any theories on why Doctor Strange saw it was Iron Man who would defeat Thanos?

13:50 Alex

I’m disappointed in Feige’s comments regarding how long it will take for the Children Of Atom get their own film. Is there even the slightest chance Feige is lying or just misleading us or do you feel he’s 100% sincere in his comments. It doesn’t make sense to me why the Mutants are now going to be playing second fiddle in terms of a priority than a C-list nobody like Shang-Chi. 

34:15 Alex

In light of Feige’s comments on how long it will take to tackle the Fox characters, is there still the slightest possibility that Disney can let Fox make new spinoff X-Men films until Marvel is ready to make main X-Men films set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

27:14 Giuseppe Vicaretti

Hey Sean, new Patron of your show and loving it so far. My question for you is what is you Favorite Marvel Movie? Not necessarily in the MCU but part of Marvel Studios.

29:45 Gerrit

Does Thanos have any other children who could appear in Endgame?  Or were they all killed in Infinity War? 

31:08 Robert Klauser

If possible, can you give quick speculations of when or where in the MCU timeline the Avengers would travel to in order to retrieve each stone if that was to be the plan for Endgame? This question is also open to anyone who’s listening on the Discord also. Thanks everyone.

43:56 Alex

What's your thoughts Alexandra Shipp's comments expressing frustration that Storm hasn't had a solo film yet?  In those same comments she also said she didn't want to share the screen-time with T'Challa.  Do you think Shipp is justified in her remarks? 

36:50 Keith Hevey

Hi Sean, the anticipation is so high right now for Endgame. In your opinion, what would be the most emotional finale the Russo’s could pull off that closes the Infinity Saga, yet also pushes us forward into phase 4? I was thinking of a funeral scene for the final fallen, as everyone in the Universe attends, capped by a moment of the new core Avengers discussing what is next as a final tease for the next big bad is very lightly tease as a final stinger. Keep up the amazing work, you continue to be one of my favorite follows!!

40:05 Keith Hevey

What odds do you give for another Thor movie post Endgame, and perhaps a story of the rebirth of Asgard in Norway?

42:01 Keith Hevey

Over under that Thor returns to Norway to collect the shards of Mjolnir to re-use in some way or another? Perhaps to be re-forged?

43:01 brentacPrime

Was anything said at the Endgame press conference about when Far From Home takes place? I assume not but was curious if it came up.

43:25 brentacPrime

You’ve gotten to meet a lot of the stars of the MCU. Have you ever been star struck?

45:58 David Rosen

Hey Sean and Everyone, Hope everyone is having a great week. While watching the recently released clip from End Game, and hearing that title music start to swell at the end, I started thinking about what it would be like to sit in on the scoring session for a Marvel movie, or any big movie for that matter, and watch it come to life with the addition of the final score. I’m a big movie score guy, so to watch this process happen would be the thrill of a lifetime. From inception to picture lock, if you were allowed to be a part of, or even just a fly on the wall for, one phase of production of a Marvel movie, what would you choose?

50:41 Woo S! Kim

Are you of the same belief that I am Sean that one of the reasons perhaps not the main reason why Marvel Studios waited so long to let “Avengers: End Game” tickets go on sale is because  if “Avengers: Endgame” tickets went on sale casual cinema goers would think “why would I go see ‘Captain Marvel’ when Avengers tickets just went on sale and Captain Marvel will be in that movie?”  I am sure delayed release of tickets was not just because “Captain Marvel” was near One Billion Dollars worldwide but to me, this had to be a factor in delaying the tickets for “Avengers: Endgame” what say you, Sean?

53:06 Woo S! Kim

I have been thinking about asking you this question since “Captain America: Civil War” how different do you think the outcome of “Avengers: Infinity War” would have been, if The Avengers were not split up, I realize why Feige approved the spilt up, but do you think if everyone was on the same page, including the newbie heroes, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Black Panther etc., do you think The Decemation would have ever happened or even with The Avengers all on the same page, Thanos still would have accomplished his mission, what say you Sean?

54:42 Woo S! Kim

This may be the most personal question I may ask of you Sean.  I mentioned this on the Discord but I would like to ask you this now.  I may be in the minority here but searching out IMAX tickets on April the 2nd was very fun for me.  I haven’t had many fun, happy, and or pleasant moments since moving to Las Vegas a year ago. So, to have something that did not involve my personal issues and was just about me having something fun to do, was very refreshing.  It did not even matter or bother me that I couldn’t use my A-List voucher for an IMAX screening opening night because of the AMC service going down for most of Tuesday which I knew might happen so I went to a casino that has a Cinemark Cinema and I am going to see “Avengers: Endgame” in Cinemark XD instead.  My point to all of this, was my experience on April 2nd what you have been referring too about enjoying the anticipation of “Avengers: End Game?”

57:03 Alex

Is there still a chance we at least get the first utterance of the word 'mutant' ADR'd into Far From Home? Or do you expect  Feige to have restraint since Far From Home is still a Sony movie and he can't allow too much world-building to the future of the wider MCU since Sony doesn't have complete access to Spider-Man like they do with X-Men & Fantastic Four now?

59:59 Patrick

When the X-Men join the MCU do you think it will be with a team movie off the bat or will they start with individual movies (maybe a Wolverine movie, then someone like Storm, etc) first then build up to a team up Avengers type X-Men movie?  What would you prefer?

1:01:48 Michael Weaselboy

Hey Sean I was just wondering when the X-Men are introduced into the MCU do you think they will do some kind of dimension merging for the mutants to appear?? I know you can say something like "Oh they were here the whole time" but that doesnt make sense to me. What do you think they will do??

1:05:15 David Rosen

I just finished listening to your discussion with Paul about casting Angelina Jolie in Eternals. If she signs on to play a character that will have a prominent recurring role, like a Sersi, instead of a possible one-off, do you she would be considered a bigger "get" than what Robert Redford or Kate Blanchett were for there MCU roles?

1:07:49 Cory Kostiuk

Hey Sean hope all is well. With the potential of Deadpool coming over to the MCU do you think it's possible for Vannessa to come back since it would be a different timeline?

1:08:26 David Rosen

For as well as Captain Marvel has done so far, making over $1B at the box office, I have seen, and am still seeing, conversations on social media about whether that movie is “skippable” and people asking if they can go straight into Avengers End Game and still understand what’s going on with Carol. I’ve seen more answers than I care to acknowledge saying that her movie isn’t that important, and it’s probably fine to go straight into End Game because the events in her movie probably won’t feature heavily into the plot. Personally, I feel this is pretty naïve, especially since people also thought that Antman and Wasp was “skippable”, but here we are now, all talking about how the quantum realm is going to play a significant role in End Game. It’s hard for me to imagine that Marvel Studios would make any movie, especially Captain Marvel with all the filling in of MCU history it does, in addition to its cosmic-ness, a “throw away movie” if it wasn’t going to somehow play into the events of End Game. So, what elements from Captain Marvel, aside from Carol herself, do you think could come into play in End Game? Also, if there ARE elements from the film that factor into End Game heavily, do you think Captain Marvel could get another post-End Game bump at the Box Office since it’s likely to still be in theaters for another few weeks, and more people realize it wasn’t a “skippable” or “throw-away movie” after all?

1:17:00 Alex Ward

Do you think there is a chance we will see no new characters in Endgame? If we do, who do you think this film might introduce?

1:20:01 Alex Klein

I asked this question to you on twitter but figured it would be better suited on here. I know you stated no spoilers so I will keep it brief. I'm not sure if any of you have read the Marvel's Avengers Infinity War Cosmic Quest Vol 2 Aftermath but it is a licensed book from the movies. The jist of the story is Jane Foster, Eric Selvig, Darcy and some new recruits are trying to figure out what happened after the snap. That is the book that referred to the Snap as the Decimation. That was covered in may news sites, this "Decimation" but for some reason people are leaving out a section at the end of the book that talks about the soul stone and what is contained in the stone. Again, you can read the book for the full answer in case of spoilers, but my question is this.  I have spoken with people at multiple news sites like IGN and not a single person has cared about this news. The book specifically states some big things and is based on the movie so why is no one talking about this? Why does it seem like I am the only one who has noticed this, is there some sort of secret embargo that they are not allowed to talk about it for it being a real thing? Obviously I'd love your input on it but I know we are trying to avoid spoilers.

1:24:07 Alex

Sean, do you think it’s an inevitable that Sony will be bought out  the same way Fox ultimately was? And who do you think will end up buying Fox? I’m thinking it’s Apple considering they need content for that streaming service they just announced.


1:30:50 Brett Heier

This question pertains to the clip released on Monday. What do you think Black Widow was referring to when she said “He used the stones again”?

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