Previous Episode: Daily Bugle - July 29, 2020
Next Episode: Open Q&A - July 2020

0:20 Mookie Johnson

I was just thinking about how different it would be if this pandemic had come last year from a Marvel Studios perspective. We are all obviously excited about Black Widow, but I think it's fair to say we are not anticipating it as much as we were Endgame last year. The pandemic would have delayed Endgame if this had happened last year at the same time. I'm curious what your thoughts are on how the delays would have affected arguably the most anticipated theatrical release in history for both us super fans and the general public. By extension, do you still believe it would still have broken the record when it finally did release?

5:19 Juice

Having WandaVision coming soon, is there a certain way you'd like to see the Show start? I kind of want to see it Start in the Black and White aspect that I called out a while back. Do you have any ideas for how it might start, or is it just a matter of wait and see for you?

6:33 Brett Heier

Do you think that Marvel Studios will keep Ms. Marvel inhuman? And if so could this introduce the inhuman race and by extension Daisy? Perhaps as a mentor or teacher?

10:01 Jim Scroggs

Since AC/DC was a part of the Iron Man soundtrack and Tony’s character, What bands/artists would you assign to other Avengers or characters in the MCU?

11:51 Bryan 

Can you give an overview of who/what the Thunderbolts are? I know it’s not a guarantee that it’s coming but with the potential inclusion of Zemo, is it a “bad guys disguised as good” like SHIELD was?

15:29 Bryan

Do you think the approach of the Disney+ shows will be essential viewing for a story perspective? Or can fans just keep seeing only movies to stay caught up from a big picture?

19:24 Michael Weaselboy

Do you think they could possibly make Flash, Norman Osborn's son??? Sure that would be a big change but you could make it fit in this universe.

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