Previous Episode: MU Book Club - June 2020
Next Episode: Off-Topic July 2020

0:18 Brett Heier

Do you think we will start getting full MCU Disney+ trailers soon? Disney doesn't seem to be really investing in comic-con @ home so when do you think they will start the marketing campaign like they did with The Mandalorian

5:36 Brett Heier

How likely is it that Captain Marvel shows up in Gotg 3 or in a future installment with a different version of the team?

7:36 Steven

This is a long shot, but with a Black Widow trailer on the way, could it possibly be connected to NBA players and their families getting to see Black Widow on VOD; and taking that a step further, could Disney be getting prepared to release Black Widow on VOD to the general public (except we would need to pay of course) at the same time to avoid piracy and spoilers?

13:45 Brett Heier

It feels like forever ago but the last two mcu installments had special editions released in theaters, do you think that will keep going, especially when Marvel Studios needs time to continue production on other projects?

17:50 Mike Fields

I would love to see Taika play a character in the MCU as himself.. i think he is great as Korg, and loved his goofy take in Jojo Rabbit. Any thoughts on a comic character this would fit well for?

19:44 Yanni Dendrinos

hey sean, i loved your F4 fan casting but was hoping you’d cover your shortlist for Dr. Doom. hearing Giancarlo Esposito wants to do something in the MCU, do you think he’d make a good Doom? or do you think he’d be a better Norman Osbourne?

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